Code viewer for World: Cloned One Cube World

// Cloned by AmyCullenBrennan on 9 May 2018 from World "One Cube World" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

const skycolor      = 0xccffff;				// sky color (a hexadecimal number) 

const objectsize    = 300;                  // size of object   
const startRadius	= objectsize * 2 ;		// distance from centre we start the camera at
const maxRadius 	= objectsize * 100 ;		// maximum distance from camera we render things  

function World() { 

  // the object is a cube: 
  var shape   		= new THREE.BoxGeometry ( objectsize, objectsize, objectsize );
  var theobject   	= new THREE.Mesh ( shape );

  this.newRun = function() 
    // start a 3D scene: 
    threeworld.init3d ( startRadius, maxRadius, skycolor ); 

    // add the object to the scene:
function randomAtoB ( A, B )    // function to return random number from A to B                  
    return ( A + ( Math.random() * (B-A) ) );       // Math.random() gives random real number from 0 to 1 

this.nextStep = function()
    theobject.position.x = theobject.position.x + randomAtoB ( -300, 300 );        