API: Webpage (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Webpage (r2) No None No 522 Worlds Starter Worlds

This API is for Worlds with no canvas. That is, the World is a web page with regular HTML elements.

This site is mostly about uploading JS (not HTML) to make a World which normally "runs" on a canvas element on a page. This API is different to the other APIs. It allows you make a World with no canvas.

This API has the following features:




Examples of Worlds that use this API:

Websocket chat
886 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 29 Feb 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Ancient Brain Websockets functionality. Run on multiple devices. Chat from one to the other.
Flickr World
210 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 12 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of "Web page" API. Just use JS to make a web page. This page gets images from Flickr using ...
Test Websockets
219 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 14 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Test if Websocket server is up
Password Websock...
38 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 14 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Password only Websocket world (web page version). Need to enter password. Only join with users w...
Websocket buttons
200 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 29 Feb 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Ancient Brain Websockets functionality. Run on multiple devices. Simple page uses button...
Chat with GPT model
627 runs ♦ 3 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 18 Sep 2023
Modified: 3 Oct 2023
JavaScript page to chat with a GPT model. Calls OpenAI API. User needs to enter API key.