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Random Worlds

Here are some random Worlds that have had more than 30 runs. Reload for more.

Enhanced Don't Move
161 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 12 Jun 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Try to dodge cubes as they fall to the ground, in this simple but efficient game
Binary tree (clo...
141 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Michael Walsh  
Created: 4 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Binary tree" by "Coding Train" project
A star (clone by...
92 runs ♦ 0 likes
By David Ghiurcan  
Created: 18 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "A star" by "Coding Train" project
GA (Finnegans Wa...
35 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Nithin Sai K J  
Created: 22 Nov 2023
Modified: 22 Nov 2023
Clone of "GA (Finnegans Wake)" by "Coding Train" project
Harry Potter: Pa...
310 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Sagnik Chakraborty  
Created: 30 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Intelligent enemy chasing agent
Better than James
33 runs ♦ 0 likes
By tom  
Created: 25 May 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
A box better than James
49 runs ♦ 0 likes
By tuitef2  
Created: 7 Mar 2019
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "2.6 " by tuitef2
Halloween A* + M...
197 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Deborah Djon  
Created: 4 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Halloween A*" by Deborah Djon
Breadth-first se...
36 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Deborah Djon  
Created: 12 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Breadth-first search " by "Coding Train" project
No Grid Enhanced...
77 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Mathias Bazin  
Created: 15 Jun 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
get rid of the grid
Breadth-first se...
53 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Toma  
Created: 11 Oct 2023
Modified: 11 Oct 2023
Clone of "Breadth-first search " by "Coding Train" project
Hound and Hare (...
263 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Paul R  
Created: 8 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
Breadth-first se...
57 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Daniel Peres  
Created: 17 Oct 2019
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Breadth-first search (Kevin Bacon)" by "Coding Train" project
Breadth-first se...
49 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Vrushali Golde  
Created: 14 Oct 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Breadth-first search " by "Coding Train" project
multiple floaty ...
40 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Dylan Bagnall  
Created: 20 Sep 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "One Cube World (P5)" by Dylan Bagnall
Football 2-Playe...
203 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Kline  
Created: 2 Dec 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
CA318 Practical Assignment: A two-player Football World with Ronaldo vs. Messi. Who will win the...
A Game of Prey a...
756 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Sanchit Akhauri  
Created: 20 Nov 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Implementation of A* algorithm to make the predator smarter
Breadth-first se...
121 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Michael Ryan  
Created: 14 Oct 2019
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Breadth-first search " by "Coding Train" project
Mighty Spread
332 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Gareth Hogan  
Created: 12 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
CA318 Project
a clone cube by ...
41 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Prashasta Jung  
Created: 22 Sep 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
My first clone
ca318 copy Compl...
31 runs ♦ 0 likes
By test3  
Created: 26 Oct 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
Complex World (c...
97 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Bob Chen  
Created: 28 Nov 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
A* no wall
84 runs ♦ 0 likes
By HaoIoCheong  
Created: 27 Oct 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "A star" by "Coding Train" project
CA686 Assignment...
375 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Harsha Shrihari ...  
Created: 11 Nov 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
21st Sep - First...
58 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Omoush  
Created: 21 Sep 2023
Modified: 21 Sep 2023
Clone of "One Cube World (P5)" by Starter user
Cube Catcher
865 runs ♦ 1 like
By Ali Raza  
Created: 16 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Wrong Way Motorw...
90 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Mark  
Created: 20 Aug 2023
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Wrong Way Motorway" by James Reilly
Complex World As...
97 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Preetham  
Created: 11 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Classic tom and jerry theme in complex world
Binary tree (clo...
65 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Thomas Mc Cann  
Created: 20 Oct 2019
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Binary tree" by "Coding Train" project
A star (clone by...
72 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Laura Campbell  
Created: 27 Oct 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "A star" by "Coding Train" project
Practical A* - R...
540 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Rajasi  
Created: 7 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Rajasi's A Star Complex World 1
Drop Bombs
68 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Alex Murphy  
Created: 25 Apr 2019
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Drop Bombs with for loop
Doodle & Charact...
349 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Gelmis Bartulis  
Created: 28 Jul 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Character recognition neural network" by "Coding Train" project
Resit - Practica...
194 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Eoin Mc Cormack  
Created: 11 Jun 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
One Cube World (...
31 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Vaidas Buzas  
Created: 27 Sep 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "One Cube World (P5)" by Starter user
Trapper - Upstre...
290 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Patrick Travers  
Created: 5 Nov 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Clone of "Complex World" by Starter user
A star (clone by...
31 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Himanshu Warekar  
Created: 21 Oct 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
eat the bean_jun...
338 runs ♦ 0 likes
By junhao zhao  
Created: 1 Dec 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
base ont "Pacman" by Enhanced

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