OK you are ready to code.
All Worlds are coded in
JavaScript (JS).
We use a JavaScript graphics "library" to make it easy to code the graphics.
You need to pick a library:
"P5" library
or the "Three.js" library.
library has pluses and minuses:
- It is easier to get into if you are a beginner coder.
- It has features
that may annoy non-beginners (global namespace taken up, timing loop controlled for you).
- It is harder to do advanced graphics.
- There are a number of P5 teaching courses on this site.
library has pluses and minuses:
- It is more intimidating for a beginner coder.
- It is well suited to non-beginners.
- It is designed for advanced graphics.
Almost all the advanced graphics Worlds on this site are Three.js.
- There is currently no Three.js teaching course here.
For beginners, we recommend P5.