Drag the background!
Starter Worlds

The "Starter Worlds" are designed to show you how to write your own Worlds for each of the different APIs.

Clone them and edit them to make changes. Many of them have a section of code called a "tweaker's box" at the top. These are simple lines of code, such as the names of files, that can be changed by anyone without needing to be a programmer. Go and try it:

  1. Pick a World.
  2. Clone it.
  3. Edit the clone.
  4. Change things in the "tweaker's box" and run it again to see what happens.
Starter Worlds for API: Three (AB) (r3)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (AB) (r3) Yes Three.js Yes 1485 Worlds Starter Worlds
Touch World
457 runs ♦ 1 like
By Starter user  
Created: 6 Jan 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
How to override default touch handling. Mobile: Touch drag moves agent, touch pinch zooms camera...
Blank Three.js World
1514 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 20 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
A simple starter World. An Array of spheres. Painted with textures. Random motion.
One Cube World (...
1114 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 11 Apr 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Simple starter World (Three.js version). Built-in camera control.
Model World
856 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 8 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of how to insert 3d models into World. Mind-controlled agent, actively-pursuing enemy. Skybox.
User-controlled ...
927 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 12 Feb 2017
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
3d model World. User controlled on desktop. Keyboard arrows to move. Switch to "Move with" camer...
1117 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 27 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Use keyboard to draw blocks like in MineCraft. Use arrow keys and PgUp, PgDn to draw. Can save w...
Password Websock...
67 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 14 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Password version of "Websockets boxes"
Complex World
8222 runs ♦ 5 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Oct 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
World with a Mind-controlled agent, actively-pursuing enemy, random maze, skybox, music.
Castle World
786 runs ♦ 4 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 11 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of how to insert 3d model into World. Mind-controlled agent, actively-pursuing enemy. Splas...
Websockets boxes
804 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 29 Feb 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Websockets in 3D World. Click to change the boxes on the other user's machine, while the...
Simple World
1652 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Oct 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Simple World with a Mind-controlled agent, randomly-moving enemy, paint blocks with texture.
Zombie Death Baby
771 runs ♦ 1 like
By Starter user  
Created: 11 Jun 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
How to make a fun touch game for mobile. Touch drag and tap objects. Mouse drag and click object...
Starter Worlds for API: Physics (AB) (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Physics (AB) (r2) Yes Three.js, Ammo Yes 5 Worlds Starter Worlds
Ammo for AB
106 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 19 Apr 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Ammo world for AB API
Starter Worlds for API: P5 (AB) (r3)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (AB) (r3) Yes P5 Yes 71 Worlds Starter Worlds
P5 Mouse tracker
326 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 4 Jul 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of P5 World integrated with AB framework. Desktop: Draw ellipse wherever the mouse hover...
Starter Worlds for API: ML5 (AB) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
ML5 (AB) (r1) Yes P5, ML5 Yes 34 Worlds Starter Worlds
Recognise any image
275 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 10 Jun 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Try to recognise any image with ML5 and MobileNet. Enter any image URL at runtime.
Starter Worlds for API: Canvas (AB) (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Canvas (AB) (r2) Yes None Yes 8 Worlds Starter Worlds
canvas 2d
356 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 4 Oct 2017
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Minimal starter World for "Canvas" API (no graphics library). Program using getContext("2d"). Pa...
canvas webgl
522 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 17 Sep 2017
Modified: 13 Nov 2023
Minimal starter World for "Canvas" API (no graphics library). Program using getContext("webgl")....
Starter Worlds for API: Three (r3)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (r3) Yes Three.js No 32 Worlds Starter Worlds
Plain Three.js World
34 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 18 Apr 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Porting a Three.js World unchanged.
3D for Kids World
58 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 18 Apr 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Porting a Three.js World (almost) unchanged from "3D Game Programming for Kids"
Starter Worlds for API: Three (Module) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (Module) (r1) Yes Three.js No 136 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Physics (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Physics (r2) Yes Three.js, Ammo No 5 Worlds Starter Worlds
Ammo physics demo
126 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 19 Apr 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Port of "ammo / instancing" from Three.js examples
Ammo physics mod...
103 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 19 Apr 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Highly modified version of "ammo / instancing" from Three.js examples
Starter Worlds for API: P5 (r3)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (r3) Yes P5 No 570 Worlds Starter Worlds
One Cube World (P5)
1891 runs ♦ 1 like
By Starter user  
Created: 10 Nov 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Simple starter World (P5 version). No camera control. So cube rotates to show 3D.
P5 Particle System
201 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 4 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Port of P5 site's "Particle System" example with almost no change. P5 plain API. No AB framework...
P5 chase World
187 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 4 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of World with Mind on P5 plain API. No AB framework. Have to call Mind yourself. Mind mo...
P5 translate ver...
16 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 21 Sep 2023
Modified: 21 Sep 2023
World to examine P5 "translate"
Starter Worlds for API: ML5 (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
ML5 (r1) Yes P5, ML5 No 10 Worlds Starter Worlds
ML5 image recogn...
106 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 10 Jun 2021
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of image recognition using ML5 and MobileNet. Image URL is hardcoded.
Starter Worlds for API: Canvas (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Canvas (r2) Yes None No 10 Worlds Starter Worlds
Plain canvas web...
76 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of porting webgl World (almost) unchanged to AB using plain canvas API
Plain canvas web...
95 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Sep 2018
Modified: 13 Nov 2023
Example of porting webgl World (almost) unchanged to AB using plain canvas API
Starter Worlds for API: Webpage (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Webpage (r2) No None No 522 Worlds Starter Worlds
Test Websockets
219 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 14 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Test if Websocket server is up
Password Websock...
38 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 14 Nov 2022
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Password only Websocket world (web page version). Need to enter password. Only join with users w...
Websocket buttons
200 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 29 Feb 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Ancient Brain Websockets functionality. Run on multiple devices. Simple page uses button...
Flickr World
210 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 12 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of "Web page" API. Just use JS to make a web page. This page gets images from Flickr using ...
Websocket chat
886 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 29 Feb 2020
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Ancient Brain Websockets functionality. Run on multiple devices. Chat from one to the other.
Chat with GPT model
627 runs ♦ 3 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 18 Sep 2023
Modified: 3 Oct 2023
JavaScript page to chat with a GPT model. Calls OpenAI API. User needs to enter API key.
Starter Worlds for API: Webpage (Module) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Webpage (Module) (r1) No None No 24 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Three (AB) (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (AB) (r2) Yes Three.js Yes 556 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Three (AB) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (AB) (r1) Yes Three.js Yes 1271 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Physics (AB) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Physics (AB) (r1) Yes Three.js, Physijs Yes 184 Worlds Starter Worlds
Collision World
1393 runs ♦ 4 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 21 Sep 2017
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Physics API. Blocks fall under gravity and collide. Can modify gravity, friction, etc. S...
First Person Con...
212 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 21 Jun 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
First person view with mouse controls. Use WASD or Arrows to move, mouse to look around and spac...
Bouncy Balls
529 runs ♦ 3 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Oct 2017
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of Physics API. Balls bounce under gravity and collide in low friction world. Splash screen...
Infinite World G...
146 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 16 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Here is a code to get an infinite world that loop without object in it, and with the sun
Infinite World O...
97 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 16 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Here is a code to get an infinite world that loop without object in it, without the sun
Starter Worlds for API: P5 (AB) (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (AB) (r2) Yes P5 Yes 6 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: P5 (AB) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (AB) (r1) Yes P5 Yes 52 Worlds Starter Worlds
Scare the Fishes!
217 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 2 Aug 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Scare the fishes with your mouse ! If you click they will flee even further away. Includes twea...
The Game of Life
750 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 9 Jul 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
The famous Game of Life. Click on the screen to place the initial cells and then click start ! ...
Starter Worlds for API: Canvas (AB) (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Canvas (AB) (r1) Yes None Yes 67 Worlds Starter Worlds
178 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 10 Jul 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Cells is a game about cells trying to infect each other. It offers a playground for minds to com...
141 runs ♦ 1 like
By Enhanced  
Created: 10 Jul 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Cells is a game about cells trying to infect each other. It offers a playground for minds to com...
166 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Enhanced  
Created: 27 Jun 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
'Cells' is an animation that displays 4 team of cells trying to infect each other, until total d...
Starter Worlds for API: Three (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (r2) Yes Three.js No 33 Worlds Starter Worlds
Plain Three.js World
102 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of plain Three.js API. Porting a World unchanged. From github.com/mrdoob
3D for Kids Worl...
177 runs ♦ 0 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of plain Three.js API. Porting a World unchanged. From "3D Game Programming for Kids"
Starter Worlds for API: Three (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Three (r1) Yes Three.js No 2 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Physics (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Physics (r1) Yes Three.js, Physijs No 9 Worlds Starter Worlds
Purple Fruit Monster
203 runs ♦ 1 like
By Starter user  
Created: 1 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Example of porting physics World unchanged to AB using plain physics API. From "3D Game Programm...
Starter Worlds for API: P5 (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (r2) Yes P5 No 590 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: P5 (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (r1) Yes P5 No 3569 Worlds Starter Worlds
Tutorial 7.8
107 runs ♦ 1 like
By "Coding Train" p...  
Created: 5 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Objects and Images. On Ancient Brain you can upload your own images. Try it!
Tutorial 18.4
106 runs ♦ 0 likes
By "Coding Train" p...  
Created: 9 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Tutorial 18.7
411 runs ♦ 0 likes
By "Coding Train" p...  
Created: 9 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Tutorial 18.7 with full canvas, resized model, sound. Texture on box is image from another user.
Tutorial 7.8 variant
369 runs ♦ 0 likes
By "Coding Train" p...  
Created: 6 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Tutorial 7.8 with music and other uploaded images, including from other users. Click on the images.
Tutorial 2.1
548 runs ♦ 1 like
By "Coding Train" p...  
Created: 4 Sep 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Variables in p5.js (mouseX, mouseY)
Starter Worlds for API: Canvas (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Canvas (r1) Yes None No 7 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

Starter Worlds for API: Webpage (r1)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
Webpage (r1) No None No 88 Worlds None

No Starter Worlds found.

The background is a program, showing the JavaScript graphics used on this site.
The globes light up when you log in.

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Ancient Brain is looking for a partner to co-write a JavaScript coding book for schools, to be used worldwide. This would be a course for students in learning to code from scratch. The book and course will be integrated into the Ancient Brain site. This is an opportunity for someone looking to develop a course and textbook to partner with a site to promote it. Read more.