Worlds can be games, AI applications,
general apps, coding challenges,
maths demos, physics demos, quizzes,
chat applications,
virtual worlds, museum tours, and more.
2D graphics Worlds.
3D graphics Worlds.
Text-only Worlds.
Write and clone and modify and share and host and search Worlds.
Minds calling other Minds enables the construction of hybrid multi-author AI systems.
Worlds can
save data to the server
when the user is logged in.
Games can use this to build a "human scoreboard" of humans that have played them.
Websockets support
for all Worlds.
This allows real-time communication between users running your World.
Write your own multi-user Web games.
Allow real-time chat
between users of your World.
See the list of
Multi-user Worlds
showing users who are online right now
in these Worlds.
As a teacher, you register a class of students.
Then student work is hidden from all other students.
But you as the teacher can see it, run it and also edit it.
You can run it safely.
Buggy student code cannot damage your machine or your account.