Step 1. Binary tree
This program (or "World") implements and searches a
binary search tree.
As we noted in the introduction, we are not explaining AI
theory here.
You will have to find that elsewhere.
This is a series of AI
How to use these pages
- Click video to play. Click World image to run.
- Maximise video to see text and code clearly.
- Click "Clone and Edit" to make your own copy of the World and edit it.
- Everything works in the browser. No install needed.
You need to Register and log in to edit.
- Use buttons (or back and forward arrow keys) to move through the course.
- Warning: If you click "Clone and Edit" again, you make a new World.
You do not return to the first World.
To return to that, just keep its tab open.
If you lose its tab, you can find the World again through your home page.