Code viewer for Mind: Cloned Big Brain number 2

// Cloned by oishin on 18 Nov 2018 from Mind "Big Brain" by oishin 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
function Mind() 

	this.newRun = function(World)                  
	    //Description: This method is called in the beginning of each simulation, 
	    //it is the best place to set and reset the inner variables of this Mind object.
//const ACTION_LEFT                       = 0;               
//const ACTION_RIGHT                      = 1;
//const ACTION_UP                         = 2;             
//const ACTION_DOWN                       = 3;
//const ACTION_STAYSTILL                   = 4;

//grid blank = 0, grid wall = 1, gridmaze = 2
	this.getAction = function ( state )//there would have to be if statements here depending on 
	 this.pos1x = state[0];
	 this.pos1y = state[1];
	 this.pos2x = state[2];
	 this.pos2y = state[3];
	 //var object=new World();
	 if(this.compx == this.pos1x || this.compy == this.pos1y)
	     return Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
	 else if(this.pos2x > 9 && this.pos2y > 9) //18,18
	     if(this.pos1x != 2)
	         this.compx = this.pos1x;
	         return 0;
	     else if(this.pos1y != 2)
	         this.compy = this.pos1y;
	         return 3;
	 else if(this.pos2x > 9 && this.pos2y <= 9) //18,1
	     if(this.pos1x != 2)
	         this.compx = this.pos1x;
	         return 0;
	     else if(this.pos1y != 17)
	         this.compy = this.pos1y;
	         return 2;
	else if(this.pos2x <= 9 && this.pos2y > 9) //1,18
	     if(this.pos1x != 17)
	         this.compx = this.pos1x;
	         return 1;
	     else if(this.pos1y != 2)
	         this.compy = this.pos1y;
	         return 3;
	 else if(this.pos2x <= 9 && this.pos2y <= 9) //1,1
	     if(this.pos1x != 17)
	         this.compx = this.pos1x;
	         return 1;
	     else if(this.pos1y != 17)
	         this.compy = this.pos1y;
	         return 2;

	this.endRun = function()                 
	    //Description: This method is called in the end of each simulation.
