Code viewer for Mind: Cloned Checkers Mind

// Cloned by Teacher World samples on 10 Dec 2017 from Mind "Checkers Mind" by Adrien HARNAY 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// =================================================================================================
// Checkers Mind
// Adrien HARNAY 
// =================================================================================================

// World gives us a copy of the board as an argument
// If return illegal move, world ignores it and keps waiting for us to give it a move
// If return invalid nothing, we LOSE

function Mind() { 


// utils random

function randomFloatAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return ( A + ( Math.random() * (B-A) ) );

function randomIntAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return  ( Math.round ( randomFloatAtoB ( A, B ) ) );

// utils coordinate functions

function translate (pos) 
 return (pos - (MAXPOS / 2));

function isCorrectPos(pos) {
  return pos >= 0 && pos <= 7;

function getXFromI(i) {
  return i % gridsize;

function getZFromI(i) {
  return Math.floor(i / gridsize);

function getIFromXZ(x, z) {
  return z * gridsize + x;

// world move functions

function replaceEatenCell(playerColor, i, board) {
  board[i] = (board[i] === BLACK_CELL ? BLACK_PIECE : BLACK_CELL);

function getEatenCellI(startI, endI) {
  var startX = getXFromI(startI);
  var startZ = getZFromI(startI);
  var endX = getXFromI(endI);
  var endZ = getZFromI(endI);
  var zDiff = endZ - startZ;
  var xDiff = endX - startX;
  if (!(zDiff === 2 || zDiff == -2)) {
    return -1;
  return getIFromXZ(endX - xDiff / 2, endZ - zDiff / 2);

function canMove(playerColor, startI, endI, board) {
  var piece = board[startI];
  var destination = board[endI];
  var enemyColor = playerColor === WHITE_PIECE ? BLACK_PIECE : WHITE_PIECE;
  var startX = getXFromI(startI);
  var startZ = getZFromI(startI);
  var endX = getXFromI(endI);
  var endZ = getZFromI(endI);
  if (destination !== BLACK_CELL
  || !isCorrectPos(endX) || !isCorrectPos(endZ)
  || (piece === BLACK_PIECE && (playerColor !== BLACK_PIECE || startI >= endI))
  || (piece === WHITE_PIECE && (playerColor !== WHITE_PIECE || startI <= endI))) {
     return false;
   var zDiff1 = piece === BLACK_PIECE ? 1 : -1;
   var zDiff2 = piece === BLACK_PIECE ? 2 : -2;
   if (!(endZ === startZ + zDiff1 && (endX === startX + 1 || endX === startX - 1))
      && !(endZ === startZ + zDiff2 && (endX === startX + 2 || endX === startX - 2))) {
    return false;
   if (endZ === startZ + zDiff2
   && ((endX === startX + 2 && board[getIFromXZ(startX + 1, startZ + zDiff1)] !== enemyColor)
     || (endX === startX - 2 && board[getIFromXZ(startX - 1, startZ + zDiff1)] !== enemyColor))) {
       return false;
    return true;

function move(playerColor, startI, endI, board, force) {
  if (!force && !canMove(playerColor, startI, endI, board)) {
    return false;
  var eatenCellI = getEatenCellI(startI, endI);
  if (eatenCellI !== -1) {
    replaceEatenCell(playerColor, eatenCellI, board);
  var tmpCell = board[startI];  
  board[startI] = board[endI];
  board[endI] = tmpCell;
  return true;

// heuristics

function countPieces(board) {
  var count = {
    black: 0,
    white: 0,
  for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
    if (board[i] === BLACK_PIECE) {;
    } else if (board[i] === WHITE_PIECE) {
  return count;

function getHeuristic(board) {
  var count = countPieces(board);
  return count.white -;

// IA functions

function findNextPieceI(currI, board) {
  for (var i = currI + 1; i < board.length; i++) {
    if (board[i] === MIND_COLOR) {
      return i;
  return -2;

function findRandomInBestSolutions(moves) {
  if (moves.length === 1) {
    return moves[0];
  return moves[randomIntAtoB(0, moves.length - 1)];

function findBestMoveFromTab(moves) {
  if (!moves || !moves.length) {
    return null;
  var bestScore = moves[0].score;
  for (var i = 1; i < moves.length; i++) {
    if (moves[i].score > bestScore) {
      bestScore = moves[i].score;
  var bestMoves = moves.filter(function (move) {
    return move.score === bestScore;
  return findRandomInBestSolutions(bestMoves);

function tryMove(board, moves, startI, endI) {
  if (isCorrectPos(getXFromI(startI)) && isCorrectPos(getZFromI(startI))
    && isCorrectPos(getXFromI(endI)) && isCorrectPos(getZFromI(endI))
    && move(MIND_COLOR, startI, endI, board)) {
      startI: startI,
      endI: endI,
      score: getHeuristic(board),
    move(MIND_COLOR, endI, startI, board, true);

function findBestMoveForPiece(startI, board) {
  var moves = [];
  var startX = getXFromI(startI);
  var startZ = getZFromI(startI);
  var endZ = startZ - 1;
  var endX = startX + 1;
  var endI = getIFromXZ(endX, endZ);
  tryMove(board, moves, startI, endI);
  endX = startX - 1;
  endI = getIFromXZ(endX, endZ);
  tryMove(board, moves, startI, endI);
  endZ = startZ - 2;
  endX = startX + 2;
  endI = getIFromXZ(endX, endZ);
  tryMove(board, moves, startI, endI);
  endX = startX - 2;
  endI = getIFromXZ(endX, endZ);
  tryMove(board, moves, startI, endI);
  return findBestMoveFromTab(moves);

//--- public functions / interface / API ----------------------------------------------------------

	this.newRun = function()

	this.endRun = function()

	this.getAction = function ( COPY_BOARD )		// x is an array of [ ai, aj, ei, ej ]
    var currI = -1;
    var possibleMoves = [];
    var currBestMove;
    var bestMoveOfAll;
    while (currI !== -2) {
      currI = findNextPieceI(currI, COPY_BOARD);
      if (currI !== -2) {
        currBestMove = findBestMoveForPiece(currI, COPY_BOARD);
        if (currBestMove) {
    bestMoveOfAll = findBestMoveFromTab(possibleMoves);
    if (bestMoveOfAll) {
      return {
        startX: getXFromI(bestMoveOfAll.startI),
        startZ: getZFromI(bestMoveOfAll.startI),
        endX: getXFromI(bestMoveOfAll.endI),
        endZ: getZFromI(bestMoveOfAll.endI),
    } else {
      return -1;
