Code viewer for Mind: AI VS AI Mode (clone by ju...

// Cloned by MENGTE ZHU on 29 Nov 2022 from Mind "AI VS AI Mode (clone by junhao zhao)" by junhao zhao 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Cloned by junhao zhao on 16 Nov 2022 from Mind "AI VS AI Mode" by Bernard O'Connor 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
 This mind is written for the following world:

 This mind puts that world in an AI vs AI mode, where this mind controls the action for two agents in the world.


function randomPickFromTwo ( a, b )
    if ( randomBoolean() )
        return a;
        return b;

function randomPickFromArray(array)

    //Credit, this single line of code is from stack overflow found here:
    return rand = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];


//The available behaviour states
const B_DAMAGE_HUNTING   = 0;
const B_HEALTH_HUNTING   = 1;
const B_FIGHTING         = 3;

//Fitness Levels
const F_VERY_HIGH = 20; // used for direction of top priority
const F_HIGH = 15;  //used for direction of second priority
const F_MEDIUM = 10; //used for direction of third priority
const F_LOW = 5; //used for direction of fourth priority
const F_VERY_LOW = 0; //used for direction of fifth priority
const F_VERY_VERY_LOW = -5; //used for previously travelled direction.
const F_LOWEST = -20; //used for a direction the ai wants to avoid (i.e if running away from the enemy)
const F_INVALID = -100; //This will mainly be used when the block next to the ai is a wall

function Mind() {

    function selectBehaviourState(AIMap)
        if(AIMap['health'] <= 25 && AIMap['trapped'] === false)
            return B_HEALTH_HUNTING;
        else if(AIMap['attackDamage'] <= 1 && AIMap['health'] > 25 && AIMap['trapped'] === false)
            return B_DAMAGE_HUNTING;
        else if (AIMap['attackDamage'] > 1 && AIMap['health'] > 25 && AIMap['opponentInRange'] === false)
            return B_OPPONENT_HUNTING;
        else if(AIMap['trapped'] === true || (AIMap['opponentInRange'] == true && AIMap['attackDamage'] > 1 && AIMap['health'] > 25))
            return B_FIGHTING;

    function setPriorities(b)

        var prioritiesMap = {
            'behaviour': b,
            'topPriority': null,
            'secondPriority': null,
            'thirdPriority': null,
            'fourthPriority': null,
            'fifthPriority': null,
            'avoidOpponent': null

        //set priorities
            case B_DAMAGE_HUNTING:
                prioritiesMap['topPriority'] = GRID_DAMAGE_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['secondPriority'] = GRID_HEALTH_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['thirdPriority'] = GRID_PORTAL;
                prioritiesMap['fourthPriority'] = GRID_BLANK;
                prioritiesMap['avoidOpponent'] = true;

            case B_HEALTH_HUNTING:
                prioritiesMap['topPriority'] = GRID_HEALTH_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['secondPriority'] = GRID_PORTAL;
                prioritiesMap['thirdPriority'] = GRID_BLANK;
                prioritiesMap['fourthPriority'] = GRID_DAMAGE_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['avoidOpponent'] = true;

            case B_OPPONENT_HUNTING:
                prioritiesMap['topPriority'] = GRID_OPPONENT_OCCUPIED;
                prioritiesMap['secondPriority'] = GRID_DAMAGE_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['thirdPriority'] = GRID_HEALTH_PICKUP;
                prioritiesMap['fourthPriority'] = GRID_PORTAL;
                prioritiesMap['fifthPriority'] = GRID_BLANK;
                prioritiesMap['avoidOpponent'] = false;
            //no need to set priorities for fighting, only option is to attack or not be in fighting behaviour state.
        return prioritiesMap;

    function checkBlockFitness(AIMap,i,j,p)
        var blockFitness;
        switch (AIMap['lineOfSight'][i][j])
            case p['topPriority']:
                blockFitness = F_VERY_HIGH;

            case p['secondPriority']:
                blockFitness = F_HIGH;

            case p['thirdPriority']:
                blockFitness = F_MEDIUM;

            case p['fourthPriority']:
                blockFitness = F_LOW;

            case p['fifthPriority']:
                blockFitness = F_VERY_LOW;

            case (GRID_OPPONENT_OCCUPIED && p['avoidOpponent'] === true):
                blockFitness = F_LOWEST;

            case GRID_WALL:
                blockFitness = F_INVALID;

        return blockFitness;

    //calculate single direction fitness
    function calculateSingleDirectionFitness(AIMap, iModifier, jModifier,p)
        var fitness = F_INVALID;
        var curBlockBeingCheckedFitness;
        var firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness;
        var secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness;
        var curI = AIMap['i'] + iModifier; //add the modifier first to look at square this AI is not occupying
        var curJ = AIMap['j'] + jModifier; //add the modifier first to look at square this AI is not occupying
        //first check if direction is valid
        if(AIMap['lineOfSight'][curI][curJ] == GRID_WALL)
            return fitness;

        while(AIMap['lineOfSight'][curI][curJ] != GRID_WALL && AIMap['lineOfSight'][curI][curJ] != GRID_OPPONENT_OCCUPIED ) //as far as the line of sight goes
            //if block == F_LOWEST then return F_LOWEST
            //else if block > fitness  then fitness == block

            //get cur block
            curBlockBeingCheckedFitness =  checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI, curJ, p);

            //get 1st side block
            if(iModifier != 0)//grab above and below blocks aswell
                //get 1st side block
                firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness =  checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI, curJ + 1, p);

                //get 2nd side block
                secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness =  checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI, curJ - 1, p);
            else //grab blocks to the left and right aswell
                //get 1st side block
                firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness = checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI + 1, curJ, p);

                //get 2nd side block
                secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness = checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI -1, curJ,p);

            //check cur block
            if(curBlockBeingCheckedFitness == F_LOWEST)
                return F_LOWEST;
            else if(curBlockBeingCheckedFitness > fitness)
                fitness = curBlockBeingCheckedFitness;

            //check 1st side block
            if(firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness == F_LOWEST)
                return F_LOWEST;
            else if(firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness> fitness)
                fitness = firstSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness;

            //check 2nd side block
            if(secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness == F_LOWEST)
                return F_LOWEST;
            else if(secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness > fitness)
                fitness = secondSideBlockBeingCheckedFitness;

            //increment modifiers for next iteration.
            curI += iModifier;
            curJ += jModifier;

        //check the last square (don't care about the side squares, because the last square is either a wall or the opponent)
        curBlockBeingCheckedFitness =  checkBlockFitness(AIMap, curI, curJ, p);
        if(curBlockBeingCheckedFitness == F_LOWEST)
            return F_LOWEST;
        else if(curBlockBeingCheckedFitness > fitness)
            fitness = curBlockBeingCheckedFitness;

        curI = AIMap['i'] + iModifier;
        curJ = AIMap['j'] + jModifier;
        if((fitness == F_LOW || fitness == F_VERY_LOW) && AIMap['oldI'] == curI && AIMap['oldJ'] == curJ)
            //lower the priority to very low if the direction the AI was last turn doesn't contain a medium or higher priority
            //this will encourage the AI to explore newer directions
            return F_VERY_VERY_LOW;

        return fitness;

    //calculate total direction fitness
    function calculateHighestMoveFitness(AIMap, b)
        var p = setPriorities(b);
        var action;

        var upFitness  = calculateSingleDirectionFitness(AIMap,0,-1, p);
        var downFitness = calculateSingleDirectionFitness(AIMap,0,1,p);
        var leftFitness = calculateSingleDirectionFitness(AIMap,-1, 0, p);
        var rightFitness = calculateSingleDirectionFitness(AIMap,1,0,p);

        var highestFitness = Math.max(upFitness, downFitness, leftFitness, rightFitness);
        if(highestFitness == F_LOWEST)
            return ACTION_STAYSTILL;
        var highestFitnessArray = [];

        if(upFitness == highestFitness)
        if(downFitness == highestFitness)
        if(leftFitness == highestFitness)
        if(rightFitness == highestFitness)

        action = randomPickFromArray(highestFitnessArray);

        return action;

    function pickAction(AIMap)
        var b = selectBehaviourState(AIMap);
        if(b == B_FIGHTING)
            return ACTION_ATTACK;
            return calculateHighestMoveFitness(AIMap,b);



//--- public functions / interface / API ----------------------------------------------------------

    this.newRun = function()

    this.endRun = function()

    this.getAction = function ( x )		// x is a map containing the agentMap and the enemyMap
        var agentMove = pickAction(x['agentMap']);
        var enemyMove = pickAction(x['enemyMap']);
        var a = {
            'agentAction': agentMove,
            'enemyAction': enemyMove

        return a;
