Code viewer for Mind: A* Chase Mind (clone by Mu...

// Cloned by Musthaq Ahmed on 8 Nov 2022 from Mind "A* Chase Mind" by Chen Zhenshuo 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
 * =======================================================================================================================
 * The framework setup.
 * =======================================================================================================================
AB.mind.newRun = function () {


let initRoles = false;

AB.mind.getAction = function (world) {
    let { agent, enemy } = world.roles;

    if (!initRoles) {
        roles.agent = new Agent(pos.agent, world, CONFIG.heuristic);
        roles.enemy = new Enemy(pos.enemy, world);
        agent = roles.agent;
        enemy = roles.enemy;
        initRoles = true;

    // Enemy does not move on this step.
    if (AB.step % CONFIG.roundCount !== 0) {
        return { 
            agent: agent.getAction(world),
            enemy: MOVE.stay
    } else {
        return {
            agent: agent.getAction(world),
            enemy: enemy.getAction(world)

 * =======================================================================================================================
 * Roles
 * =======================================================================================================================
const ACTION_COUNT = 5;

const MOVE = {
    stay: 0,
    left: 1,
    right: 2,
    up: 3,
    down: 4

class Role {

    //! The current position.
    _pos = { x: null, y: null };

    //! Whether the role is trapped in a mud block.
    _trapped = false;

    //! Whether the previous move failed because of a wall.
    _blocked = false;

    //! The previous destination the role tries to move to.
    _prevTryPos = null;

    //! The move strategy chain.
    _strategies = [new Random()];

    //! The default action selector.
    _selector = defaultSeletor(1);

    constructor(pos, world) {
        this._pos = pos;

     * Get the role's position.
    get pos() {
        return this._pos;

     * Get the terrain of the role's position.
    get terrain() {
        return terrain(this._pos);

     * Check whether the role is stuck.
    stuck(world) {
        return occupied(dest(this._pos, MOVE.left), world) !== OCCUPIED.false
            && occupied(dest(this._pos, MOVE.right), world) !== OCCUPIED.false
            && occupied(dest(this._pos, MOVE.up), world) !== OCCUPIED.false
            && occupied(dest(this._pos, MOVE.down), world) !== OCCUPIED.false;

     * Move once.
    move(world) {
        const action = this.getAction(world);
        const newPos = dest(this._pos, action);
        this.#tryToMove(newPos, world);

     * Get the action with the highest level of recommendation.
     * @note Subclasses can implement their own choosing logic.
    getAction(world) {
        let lvlMatrix = new Array(this._strategies.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < this._strategies.length; i++) {
            lvlMatrix[i] = this._strategies[i].getActionLvls(world);

        return this._selector.highest(lvlMatrix);

     * Try to move to the destination.
    #tryToMove(pos, world) {
        this._prevTryPos = pos;
        this._blocked = false;

        if (this.pos.x !== pos.x || this.pos.y !== pos.y) {
            if (this._trapped) {
                // Lost this turn because of being trapped. 
                this._trapped = false;

            const whyOccupied = occupied(pos, world);
            if (whyOccupied !== OCCUPIED.false) {
                // Blocked by a wall.
                this._blocked = whyOccupied === OCCUPIED.wall;

            this._pos = pos;

            // Trapped in mud.
            this._trapped = terrain(pos) === TERRAIN.mud;

 * Get the destination after a move.
function dest({ x, y }, action) {
    switch (action) {
        case MOVE.left: {
            return { x: x - 1, y };
        case MOVE.right: {
            return { x: x + 1, y };
        case MOVE.up: {
            return { x, y: y + 1 };
        case MOVE.down: {
            return { x, y: y - 1 };
        default: {
            return { x, y };

 * Get the next action from the source to the destination.
function actionTo(src, dest) {
    const checkX = (src, dest) => {
        if (src < dest) {
            return MOVE.right;
        } else if (src > dest) {
            return MOVE.left;
        } else {
            return MOVE.stay;

    const checkY = (src, dest) => {
        if (src < dest) {
            return MOVE.up;
        } else if (src > dest) {
            return MOVE.down;
        } else {
            return MOVE.stay;

    const actX = checkX(src.x, dest.x);
    const actY = checkY(src.y, dest.y);
    if (actX === MOVE.stay) {
        return actY;
    } else if (actY === MOVE.stay) {
        return actX;
    } else {
        return randomPick(actX, actY);

 * A role that can record the terrain of each position it moves to.
class RoleWithTerrainMemo extends Role {

    constructor(pos, world) {
        super(pos, world);

        this._terrains = new TerrainMemo(this, { height: CONFIG.gridSize,  width: CONFIG.gridSize });

     * Update terrains before getting an action.
    getAction(world) {
        return super.getAction(world);

     * Get the terrain record.
    terrain(pos) {
        if (this._terrains.valid(pos)) {
            return this._terrains.get(pos);
        } else {
            return undefined;

     * Update the terrain record.
    #updateTerrain() {
        const memo = this._terrains;

        // Update the current position.
        memo.set(this.pos, this.terrain);

        if (this._blocked) {
            // If blocked, then the previous destination is wall.
            memo.set(this._prevTryPos, TERRAIN.wall);

class Agent extends RoleWithTerrainMemo {

    constructor(pos, world) {
        super(pos, world);

        this.#moveAway = new MoveAway(this, { height: CONFIG.gridSize,  width: CONFIG.gridSize });
        this._strategies = [new Random(), this.#moveAway, this._terrains];
        this._selector = new ActionSelector([1, 0, 0])

    getAction(world) {
        this._selector.weights = [1, Math.random() * 0.4, Math.random() * 0.4];
        return super.getAction(world);

class Enemy extends RoleWithTerrainMemo {

    constructor(pos, world, heuristic) {
        super(pos, world);

        this.#aStar = new AStar(this, this._terrains, heuristic);
        this.#moveClose = new MoveClose(this, { height: CONFIG.gridSize,  width: CONFIG.gridSize });
        this._strategies = [new Random(), this.#aStar, this.#moveClose, this._terrains];
        this._selector = new ActionSelector([0.1, 1, 0.2, 0.1])

     * Get the current A* path to the agent.
    get path() {
        let path = this.#aStar.path;
        if (!path) {
            return null;

        // Delete the previous beginning position.
        const next = path[path.length - 2];
        if (next.x === this.pos.x && next.y === this.pos.y) {
            path.splice(path.length - 1, 1);

        return path;

 * =======================================================================================================================
 * Strategies.
 * =======================================================================================================================

const MAX_ACT_LVL = 10;

 * The interface of move strategy.
class Strategy {

     * Get an array containing the level of recommendation for every action.
     * @pure
     * @note Subclasses should implement their move logic.
     * @warning The level of recommendation is between 0 and 10.
    getActionLvls(world) {

function emptyActionLvls() {
    return new Array(ACTION_COUNT).fill(0);

 * Get the action with the highest level of recommendation according to the specific weights.
class ActionSelector {

    constructor(weights) {
        this.#weights = weights;

    set weights(val) {
        this.#weights = val;

    highest(lvlMatrix) {
        let sum = emptyActionLvls();
        for (let w = 0; w < this.#weights.length; w++) {
            mergeActionLvls(sum, lvlMatrix[w], this.#weights[w]);

        // If two or more actions have the same level, get a random one.
        let best = 0;
        let possible = [best];
        for (let i = 0; i < ACTION_COUNT; i++) {
            if (sum[i] === sum[best]) {
            } else if (sum[i] > sum[best]) {
                possible = [i];
                best = i;

        return possible[randomInt(0, possible.length - 1)];

 * Get a default action seletor with all weights are 1.
function defaultSeletor(weightCount) {
    const weights = new Array(weightCount).fill(1);
    return new ActionSelector(weights);

 * Merge two action recommendation arrays.
function mergeActionLvls(sum, newlvls, weight) {
    for (let i = 0; i < ACTION_COUNT; i++) {
        sum[i] += newlvls[i] * weight;

 * Get an action randomly.
class Random {

    getActionLvls(world) {
        let lvls = new Array(ACTION_COUNT).fill(MAX_ACT_LVL);
        lvls[MOVE.stay] = 0;
        return lvls;

 * Get an action to move away to the target.
class MoveAway {
    #target = null;

    constructor(role) {
        this.#self = role;

    getActionLvls(world) {
        if (!this.#target) {
            this.#target = opponent(this.#self, world);

        let lvls = emptyActionLvls();
        const target = this.#target.pos;
        const { x, y } = this.#self.pos;
        if (target.x <= x) {
            lvls[MOVE.right] = MAX_ACT_LVL;
        } else if (target.x >= x) {
            lvls[MOVE.left] = MAX_ACT_LVL;

        if (target.y <= y) {
            lvls[MOVE.up] = MAX_ACT_LVL;
        } else if (target.y >= y) {
            lvls[MOVE.down] = MAX_ACT_LVL;

        return lvls;

 * Get an action to move closer to the target.
class MoveClose {
    #target = null;

    constructor(role) {
        this.#self = role;

    getActionLvls(world) {
        if (!this.#target) {
            this.#target = opponent(this.#self, world);

        let lvls = emptyActionLvls();
        const target = this.#target.pos;
        const { x, y } = this.#self.pos;
        if (target.x < x) {
            lvls[MOVE.left] = MAX_ACT_LVL;
        } else if (target.x > x) {
            lvls[MOVE.right] = MAX_ACT_LVL;

        if (target.y < y) {
            lvls[MOVE.down] = MAX_ACT_LVL;
        } else if (target.y > y) {
            lvls[MOVE.up] = MAX_ACT_LVL;

        return lvls;

class TerrainMemo {

    static #RANGE = 5;

    constructor(role, { width, height }) {
        this.#size = { width, height };
        this.#self = role;

        // The tarrains of all positions are unknown.
        this.#memo = new Array(width);
        for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            this.#memo[x] = new Array(height);
            for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                this.#memo[x][y] = TERRAIN.unknown

    getActionLvls(world) {
        let lvls = emptyActionLvls();
        for (let i = 0; i < ACTION_COUNT; i++) {
            const newPos = dest(this.#self.pos, i);
            if (this.valid(newPos) && !this.wall(newPos)) {
                lvls[i] = MAX_ACT_LVL - this.#wallDensity(i) * 0.5;

        lvls[MOVE.stay] = 0;
        return lvls;

    set({ x, y }, type) {
        this.#memo[x][y] = type;

    get({ x, y }) {
        return this.#memo[x][y];

    wall({ x, y }) {
        return this.#memo[x][y] === TERRAIN.wall;

    valid({ x, y }) {
        const validRow = 0 <= y && y < this.#size.height;
        const validCol = 0 <= x && x < this.#size.width;
        return validRow && validCol;

    get width() {
        return this.#size.width;

    get height() {
        return this.#size.height;

    get size() {
        return this.#size;

    #wallDensity(action) {
        const range = TerrainMemo.#RANGE;
        let x = 0, y = 0;
        let endX = 0, endY = 0;
        const pos = this.#self.pos;
        switch (action) {
            case MOVE.left: {
                x = pos.x - range > 0 ? pos.x - range : 0;
                endX = pos.x;
                y = pos.y - range > 0 ? pos.y - range : 0;
                endY = pos.y + range < this.height ? pos.y + range : this.height;
            case MOVE.right: {
                x = pos.x;
                endX = pos.x + range < this.width ? pos.x + range : this.width;
                y = pos.y - range > 0 ? pos.y - range : 0;
                endY = pos.y + range < this.height ? pos.y + range : this.height;
            case MOVE.up: {
                x = pos.x - range > 0 ? pos.x - range : 0;
                endX = pos.x + range < this.width ? pos.x + range : this.width;
                y = pos.y;
                endY = pos.y + range < this.height ? pos.y + range : this.height;
            case MOVE.down: {
                x = pos.x - range > 0 ? pos.x - range : 0;
                endX = pos.x + range < this.width ? pos.x + range : this.width;
                y = pos.y - range > 0 ? pos.y - range : 0;
                endY = pos.y;
            default: {
                return MAX_ACT_LVL;

        let total = 1, wall = 1;
        if (x === 0 || endX === this.width
            || y === 0 || endY === this.height) {
            total += range * 2;
            wall += range * 2;

        for (; x !== endX; x++) {
            for (; y !== endY; y++) {
                if (this.wall({ x, y })) {

        return Math.round((wall / total) * MAX_ACT_LVL);

 * =======================================================================================================================
 * A*
 * =======================================================================================================================
class Spot {
    #neighbors = [];
    previous = null;

    #g = 0;
    #h = 0;
    #f = 0;

    constructor(pos, terrains) {
        this.#pos = pos;
        this.#terrains = terrains;

    addNeighbors(grid) {
        const memo = this.#terrains;
        const neighbors = this.#neighbors;

        const { x, y } = this.#pos;
        if (memo.valid({ x: x, y: y - 1 })) {
            neighbors.push(grid[x][y - 1]);
        if (memo.valid({ x: x, y: y + 1 })) {
            neighbors.push(grid[x][y + 1]);
        if (memo.valid({ x: x - 1, y: y })) {
            neighbors.push(grid[x - 1][y]);
        if (memo.valid({ x: x + 1, y: y })) {
            neighbors.push(grid[x + 1][y]);

    get neighbors() {
        const memo = this.#terrains;
        const neighbors = this.#neighbors;

        // Delete the neighbor which has been known as a wall.
        for (let i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
            if (memo.wall(neighbors[i])) {
                neighbors.splice(i, 1);

        return neighbors;

    get pos() {
        return this.#pos;

    get y() {
        return this.#pos.y;

    get x() {
        return this.#pos.x;

    get g() {
        return this.#g;

    set g(val) {
        this.#g = val;
        this.#f = this.g + this.h;

    get h() {
        return this.#h;

    set h(val) {
        this.#h = val;
        this.#f = this.g + this.h;

    get f() {
        return this.#f;

    clear() {
        this.#g = 0;
        this.#h = 0;
        this.#f = 0;
        this.previous = null;

 * A* pathfinding.
class AStar {

    #heuristic = (src, dest) => 0;
    static #line;
    static #points;

    constructor(role, terrains, heuristic) {
        this.#self = role;
        if (heuristic) {
            this.#heuristic = heuristic;

        this.#terrains = terrains;
        const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } );
        const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
        AStar.#points = new Float32Array(CONFIG.gridSize * CONFIG.gridSize * 3 )
        geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(AStar.#points, 3));
        geometry.setDrawRange( 0, 0 );
        AStar.#line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material );
        ABWorld.scene.add( AStar.#line );

    getActionLvls(world) {
        if (!this.#target) {
            this.#target = opponent(this.#self, world);

        let lvls = emptyActionLvls();
        const src = this.#self.pos;
        const dest = this.#target.pos;
        let openSet = [];
        let closedSet = [];

        while (openSet.length > 0) {
            const pos = AStar.#nextPos(openSet);
            if (AStar.#isEnd(pos, dest)) {

                // Find a valid path.
                this.#path = AStar.#trackPath(pos);
                const next = this.#path[this.#path.length - 2];
                lvls[actionTo(src, next)] = MAX_ACT_LVL;



            // The neighbors having unknown terrains will be regarded as blank blocks.
            const neighbors = pos.neighbors;
            for (let i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
                const neighbor = neighbors[i];
                if (!closedSet.includes(neighbor)) {
                    // Consider the move cost of the neighbor when calculating `g`.
                    const newG = pos.g + cost(this.#terrains.get(neighbor.pos));
                                    + this.#heuristic(neighbor, pos);

                    let newPath = false;
                    if (openSet.includes(neighbor)) {
                        if (newG < neighbor.g) {
                            neighbor.g = newG;
                            newPath = true;
                    } else {
                        neighbor.g = newG;
                        newPath = true;

                    if (newPath) {
                        neighbor.h = this.#heuristic(neighbor, dest);
                        neighbor.previous = pos;

        return lvls;

    get path() {
        return this.#path;

     * Create a new terrain record.
    #initPathGrid({ width, height }) {
        // The tarrains of all positions are unknown.
        this.#pathGrid = new Array(width);
        for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            this.#pathGrid[x] = new Array(height);
            for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                this.#pathGrid[x][y] = new Spot({ x, y }, this.#terrains);

        for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {

     * Clear the previous search data.
    #clearPathGrid() {
        this.#path = null;
        for (let x = 0; x < this.#pathGrid.length; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < this.#pathGrid[x].length; y++) {
                if (this.#pathGrid[x][y]) {

    static #nextPos(openSet) {
        let next = 0;
        for (let i = 1; i < openSet.length; i++) {
            if (openSet[i].f < openSet[next].f) {
                next = i;

        const pos = openSet[next];
        openSet.splice(next, 1);
        return pos;

     * Check if a position is the destination.
    static #isEnd(pos, dest) {
        const { x: endX, y: endY } = dest;
        return pos.x === endX && pos.y === endY;

     * Get the entire path ending with a position.
    static #trackPath(spot) {
        const points = AStar.#line.geometry.attributes.position.array;
        let i = 0;
        let count = 0;
        let path = [];
        let curr = spot;
        while (curr.previous) {
            points[i++] = (curr.previous.x * CONFIG.squareSize) - (maxPos / 2);
            points[i++] = 0
            points[i++] = (curr.previous.y * CONFIG.squareSize) - (maxPos / 2);
            curr = curr.previous;
        AStar.#line.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
        AStar.#line.geometry.setDrawRange(0, count);
        return path;