function Mind()
this.newRun = function() //org func
const ACTION_LEFT = 4;
const ACTION_RIGHT = 3;
const ACTION_UP = 2;
const ACTION_DOWN = 1;
const BLOCKPUNISH = 1;
var ei, ej, ai, aj;
AB.clockTick = 20; // Speed of run
AB.maxSteps = 1000 ; // Length of run
this.getAction = function ( x ) // x is an array of [ai, aj, ei, ej]
var ai = x[0];
var aj = x[1];
var ei = x[2];
var ej = x[3];
// if strictly move away, will get stuck at wall, so introduce randomness
if (ej < aj) return (AB.randomPick ( ACTION_UP, AB.randomPick(ACTION_RIGHT,ACTION_LEFT)));
if (ej > aj) return (AB.randomPick ( ACTION_DOWN, AB.randomPick(ACTION_RIGHT,ACTION_LEFT)));
if (ei < ai) return (AB.randomPick ( ACTION_RIGHT, AB.randomPick(ACTION_UP,ACTION_DOWN)));
if (ei > ai) return (AB.randomPick ( ACTION_LEFT, AB.randomPick(ACTION_UP,ACTION_DOWN)));
return ( AB.randomIntAtoB (0,3) );
this.endRun = function() // org func
if (AB.step == 1000) return (score);