// Cloned by Loai Lulu on 10 Nov 2024 from World "second stage sensing" by Loai Lulu
// Please leave this clone trail here.
let cols = 19;
let rows = 13;
let w, h;
let grid = [];
let intersections = []; // List of intersection cells
let cars = [];
let destinations = [];
let carColors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"];
let sensingResults = []; // Store sensing results here
function setup() {
createCanvas(900, 600);
w = width / cols;
h = height / rows;
// Initialize grid and walls
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
grid[i] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
grid[i][j] = new Spot(i, j);
// Mark walls at intervals
grid[i][j].wall = !(i % 3 === 0 || j % 3 === 0);
// Add black grids (bricks) at the corners
grid[0][0].wall = true; // Top-left corner
grid[0][rows - 1].wall = true; // Top-right corner
grid[cols - 1][0].wall = true; // Bottom-left corner
grid[cols - 1][rows - 1].wall = true; // Bottom-right corner
// Identify and save all intersections
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
if (!grid[i][j].wall && isIntersection(i, j)) {
intersections.push({ i, j }); // Save intersection coordinates
// Initialize cars and destinations with unique positions
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
let carPos = getRandomPosition();
let destPos = getRandomPosition(carPos);
cars.push({ pos: carPos, color: carColors[i], path: [] });
destinations.push({ pos: destPos, color: carColors[i] });
// Compute the path for each car using A* and store it
cars[i].path = [carPos, ...aStarSearch(carPos, destPos)];
console.log(`Path for car ${i + 1} (${carColors[i]}):`, cars[i].path);
// Perform consistent sensing for all cars before any moves are made
function draw() {
// Draw the grid
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
// Draw destinations as squares
for (let dest of destinations) {
rect(dest.pos.i * w, dest.pos.j * h, w, h);
// Draw cars as circles and show their paths
for (let car of cars) {
ellipse((car.pos.i + 0.5) * w, (car.pos.j + 0.5) * h, w * 0.6, h * 0.6);
// Draw path lines from car to destination
for (let p of car.path) {
vertex((p.i + 0.5) * w, (p.j + 0.5) * h);
// Spot object represents each cell in the grid
function Spot(i, j) {
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
this.wall = false;
this.show = function() {
if (this.wall) {
fill(0); // Black for walls
} else {
fill(255); // White for paths and intersections
rect(this.i * w, this.j * h, w, h);
// Check if a cell is an intersection by counting adjacent white cells
function isIntersection(i, j) {
let whiteNeighbors = 0;
// Check above
if (j > 0 && !grid[i][j - 1].wall) whiteNeighbors++;
// Check below
if (j < rows - 1 && !grid[i][j + 1].wall) whiteNeighbors++;
// Check left
if (i > 0 && !grid[i - 1][j].wall) whiteNeighbors++;
// Check right
if (i < cols - 1 && !grid[i + 1][j].wall) whiteNeighbors++;
// If more than two white neighbors, it's an intersection
return whiteNeighbors > 2;
// Get random position on a path cell, ensuring it doesn’t overlap with given position
function getRandomPosition(exclude = null) {
let pos;
do {
let i = int(random(cols));
let j = int(random(rows));
pos = { i, j };
} while (grid[pos.i][pos.j].wall || (exclude && pos.i === exclude.i && pos.j === exclude.j));
return pos;
// A* Search Algorithm
function aStarSearch(start, end) {
let openSet = [];
let closedSet = new Set();
openSet.push({ pos: start, path: [], g: 0, f: heuristic(start, end) });
while (openSet.length > 0) {
let current = openSet.reduce((a, b) => (a.f < b.f ? a : b));
openSet = openSet.filter(node => node !== current);
if (current.pos.i === end.i && current.pos.j === end.j) {
return current.path;
let neighbors = getNeighbors(current.pos);
for (let neighbor of neighbors) {
let key = `${neighbor.i},${neighbor.j}`;
if (closedSet.has(key) || grid[neighbor.i][neighbor.j].wall) continue;
let g = current.g + 1;
let f = g + heuristic(neighbor, end);
openSet.push({ pos: neighbor, path: [...current.path, neighbor], g, f });
return [];
// Manhattan distance heuristic
function heuristic(a, b) {
return abs(a.i - b.i) + abs(a.j - b.j);
// Get valid neighbors (no diagonal, only horizontal/vertical)
function getNeighbors(pos) {
let neighbors = [];
let { i, j } = pos;
if (i > 0) neighbors.push({ i: i - 1, j });
if (i < cols - 1) neighbors.push({ i: i + 1, j });
if (j > 0) neighbors.push({ i, j: j - 1 });
if (j < rows - 1) neighbors.push({ i, j: j + 1 });
return neighbors;
// Consistent sensing function for each car agent
function performSensing() {
let carPositions = cars.map(car => car.pos);
for (let i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
let car = cars[i];
let result = sensing(car, carPositions);
console.log(`Car ${i + 1} (${car.color}) Sensing Results:`);
console.log("Allowed Grids:", result.allowedGrids);
console.log("Blocked Grids:", result.blockedGrids);
console.log("Detected Cars:", result.detectedCars);
console.log("Nearby Intersections:", result.intersections);
// Sensing function with intersections
function sensing(car, carPositions) {
let allowedGrids = [];
let blockedGrids = [];
let detectedCars = [];
let intersectionsNearby = [];
let neighbors = getNeighbors(car.pos);
for (let neighbor of neighbors) {
let gridCell = grid[neighbor.i][neighbor.j];
let occupied = carPositions.some(pos => pos.i === neighbor.i && pos.j === neighbor.j);
if (gridCell.wall || occupied) {
if (occupied) {
let detectedCarIndex = carPositions.findIndex(pos => pos.i === neighbor.i && pos.j === neighbor.j);
detectedCars.push({ pos: neighbor, carColor: cars[detectedCarIndex].color });
} else {
if (isIntersection(neighbor.i, neighbor.j)) {
return { allowedGrids, blockedGrids, detectedCars, intersections: intersectionsNearby };