Code viewer for World: Test ML5 Works on AB
let canvas; 
let doodleClassifier;
let divMessage;

// Setup the page for the user input
function setup() {
  canvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
  // classify image
  doodleClassifier = ml5.imageClassifier('DoodleNet', modelReady);
  divMessage = createDiv("Model loaded, please doodle above and click 'Get Result' when finished");

// Checks if the model is ready
function modelReady() {
    console.log("Model ready");

// Waits for click from user confirming they are finished their artwork
function finishedDrawing() {
    doodleClassifier.classify(canvas, getResults);

// Checks model for results when doodle has been compared to images in the model
function getResults(error, results) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
       divMessage.html("Our guess is you drew a [" + results[0].label + "], our confidence is [" + nf(100*results[0].confidence, 2, 2) + "%]");

// Clears the doodle to let user try again, also reloads the doodle classifier
function clearDoodle() {
  doodleClassifier = ml5.imageClassifier('DoodleNet', modelReady);
  divMessage.html("Model loaded, please doodle above and click 'Get Result' when finished");

// Tracks the mouse while the button is clicked to draw user image
function draw() {
  if (mouseIsPressed) {
    line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);

// The HTML section
var thehtml;

// Imports ml5
thehtml = "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
            "<html>" +

            "<head>" +
            "<script src=''></script>" +
            "<meta charset='utf-8' />" +
            "</head> </html>";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 1 );

// 1 Doodle header 
thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 1. Doodle </h1> Top row: Doodle (left). <br> " +
" Draw your doodle in top LHS. <button onclick='clearDoodle();' class='normbutton' >Clear Doodle</button> <br> ";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 2 );
// Wait for user input to be finished before checking results
thehtml = "<button onclick='finishedDrawing();' class='normbutton' >Get Result</button> <br> ";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 3 );