document.write ( `
<style id="css"> </style>
<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/intro_icon.png" align="left" height=23%/>
<h1> 1. Introduction </h1>
<p>So, you want to learn programming do you?</p>
<p>Would you like to be able to create a world of your own using just a laptop?</p></br>
<p>Or maybe a game like this one:</p></br></br>
<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/playthegame.png" width=40% align='right'/>
` + AB.launchWorld ( "0894689404", "Game" ) + `</br></br>
<p>You can learn to make a game like this in no time. Have a look at the code.</p>
<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/Game_Code_1.PNG" width=70% /> <br>
<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/Game_Code_2.PNG" width=70% />
<p>Now you might be thinking...</p>
<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/LOLGuy.png" width=30% />
<font size=100>LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL</font>
<p align="right">...there's no way I can do that!</p></br>
<p>Well, you are wrong. You can do this and much more once you learn programming. It opens up a world of possibilities. And that is what this whole course is about.</p>
<center><button class="btn success" onclick="location.href=''">Let's start the course!</button><center>
<nav id="nav"> </nav>
` );
$.getScript("/uploads/alexmurphy1996/navigation.js", function()
$.getScript("/uploads/alexmurphy1996/css.js", function()