* @name Frequency Modulation
* @description <p>Frequency Modulation is a powerful form of synthesis.
* In its simplest form, FM involves two oscillators, referred
* to as the carrier and the modulator. As the modulator's waveform oscillates
* between some minimum and maximum amplitude value, that momentary value
* is added to ("modulates") the frequency of the carrier.</p>
* <p>The <b>carrier</b> is typically set to oscillate at an audible frequency
* that we perceive as a pitch—in this case, it is a sine wave oscilaltor at 220Hz,
* equivalent to an "A3" note. The carrier is connected to master output by default
* (this is the case for all p5.Oscillators).</p>
* <p>We will <code>disconnect</code> the <b>modulator</b> from master output,
* and instead connect to the frequency of the carrier:
* <code>carrier.freq(modulator)</code>. This adds the output amplitude of the
* modulator to the frequency of the carrier.</p>
* <p>
* <b>Modulation Depth</b> describes how much the carrier frequency will modulate.
* It is based on the amplitude of the modulator.
* The modulator produces a continuous stream of amplitude values that we will add
* to the carrier frequency. An amplitude of zero means silence, so the modulation will
* have no effect. An amplitude of 1.0 scales the range of output values
* between +1.0 and -1.0. That is the standard range for sound that gets sent to
* your speakers, but in FM we are instead sending the modulator's output to the carrier frequency,
* where we'd barely notice the +1Hz / -1Hz modulation.
* So we will typically increase the amplitude ("depth") of the modulator to numbers much higher than what
* we might send to our speakers.</p>
* <p><b>Modulation Frequency</b> is the speed of modulation. When the modulation frequency is lower
* than 20Hz, we stop hearing its frequency as pitch, and start to hear it as a beating rhythm.
* For example, try 7.5Hz at a depth of 20 to mimic the "vibrato" effect of an operatic vocalist.
* The term for this is Low Frequency Oscillator, or LFO. Modulators set to higher frequencies can
* also produce interesting effects, especially when the frequency has a harmonic relationship
* to the carrier signal. For example, listen to what happens when the modulator's frequency is
* half or twice that of the carrier. This is the basis for FM Synthesis, developed by John Chowning
* in the 1960s, which came to revolutionize synthesis in the 1980s and is often used to synthesize
* brass and bell-like sounds.
* <p>In this example,</p><p>
* - MouseX controls the modulation depth (the amplitude of the modulator) from -150 to 150.
* When the modulator's amplitude is set to 0 (in the middle), notice how the modulation
* has no effect. The greater (the absolute value of) the number, the greater the effect.
* If the modulator waveform is symetrical like a square <code>[]</code>, sine <code>~</code>
* or triangle <code>/\</code>, the negative amplitude will be the same as positive amplitude.
* But in this example, the modulator is an asymetrical sawtooth wave, shaped like this /.
* When we multiply it by a negative number, it goes backwards like this \. To best
* observe the difference, try lowering the frequency.
* </p>
* <p>- MouseY controls the frequency of the modulator from 0 to 112 Hz.
* Try comparing modulation frequencies below the audible range (which starts around 20hz),
* and above it, especially in a harmonic relationship to the carrier frequency (which is 220hz, so
* try half that, 1/3, 1/4 etc...).
* <p><em><span class="small">You will need to include the
* <a href="http://p5js.org/reference/#/libraries/p5.sound">p5.sound library</a>
* for this example to work in your own project.</em></span></p>
let carrier; // this is the oscillator we will hear
let modulator; // this oscillator will modulate the frequency of the carrier
let analyzer; // we'll use this visualize the waveform
// the carrier frequency pre-modulation
let carrierBaseFreq = 220;
// min/max ranges for modulator
let modMaxFreq = 112;
let modMinFreq = 0;
let modMaxDepth = 150;
let modMinDepth = -150;
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(800, 400);
carrier = new p5.Oscillator('sine');
carrier.amp(0); // set amplitude
carrier.freq(carrierBaseFreq); // set frequency
carrier.start(); // start oscillating
// try changing the type to 'square', 'sine' or 'triangle'
modulator = new p5.Oscillator('sawtooth');
// add the modulator's output to modulate the carrier's frequency
// create an FFT to analyze the audio
analyzer = new p5.FFT();
// fade carrier in/out on mouseover / touch start
function draw() {
// map mouseY to modulator freq between a maximum and minimum frequency
let modFreq = map(mouseY, height, 0, modMinFreq, modMaxFreq);
// change the amplitude of the modulator
// negative amp reverses the sawtooth waveform, and sounds percussive
let modDepth = map(mouseX, 0, width, modMinDepth, modMaxDepth);
// analyze the waveform
waveform = analyzer.waveform();
// draw the shape of the waveform
for (let i = 0; i < waveform.length; i++) {
let x = map(i, 0, waveform.length, 0, width);
let y = map(waveform[i], -1, 1, -height / 2, height / 2);
vertex(x, y + height / 2);
// add a note about what's happening
text('Modulator Frequency: ' + modFreq.toFixed(3) + ' Hz', 20, 20);
'Modulator Amplitude (Modulation Depth): ' + modDepth.toFixed(3),
'Carrier Frequency (pre-modulation): ' + carrierBaseFreq + ' Hz',
width / 2,
// helper function to toggle sound
function toggleAudio(cnv) {
cnv.mouseOver(function() {
carrier.amp(1.0, 0.01);
cnv.touchStarted(function() {
carrier.amp(1.0, 0.01);
cnv.mouseOut(function() {
carrier.amp(0.0, 1.0);