// Cloned by Przemyslaw Majda on 5 Dec 2022 from World "Looney Tunes Chase (A* AI)" by Sean Sinnott
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// This game involves you controlling Bugs Bunny, and the objective is to burrow through the first two floors and reach the Carrot object on floor 1 //
// without being caught by Yosemite Sam. For the best gaming experience, please use the 'Move With' option while playing. //
// Yosemite Sam tracks Bugs Bunny's location using an A* Pathfinding Algorithm so I have slowed him down to only move every 3 steps you take in order //
// to make the game more playable (otherwise it's quite difficult). //
const CLOCKTICK = 100; // move things every 100 milliseconds
const MAXSTEPS = 1000; // allowed 1000 steps before game is over
//-------------------- global constants --------------------//
const GRIDSIZE = 50; // number of squares along side of world
const NOBOXES = Math.trunc ( (GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE) / 10 ); // density of maze
const SQUARESIZE = 100; // size of square in pixels
const MAXPOS = GRIDSIZE * SQUARESIZE; // length of one side in pixels
const SKYCOLOR = 0xddffdd; // a number, not a string
const BLANKCOLOR = SKYCOLOR ; // make objects this color until texture arrives
const LIGHTCOLOR = 0x000000 ; // colour of ambient light used later
const STARTRADIUSCONST = MAXPOS * 1 ; // distance from centre to start the camera at
const SKYBOXCONST = MAXPOS * 3 ; // where to put skybox
const MAXRADIUSCONST = MAXPOS * 10 ; // maximum distance from camera we will render things
//-------------------- mind can pick on of these actions --------------------//
const ACTION_LEFT = 0;
const ACTION_RIGHT = 1;
const ACTION_UP = 2;
const ACTION_DOWN = 3;
//-------------------- contents of a grid square --------------------//
const GRID_BLANK = 0;
const GRID_WALL = 1;
const GRID_MAZE = 2;
const GRID_GROUND = 3;
//-------------------- random functions --------------------//
function randomfloatAtoB ( A, B ) {
return ( A + ( Math.random() * (B-A) ) );
function randomintAtoB ( A, B ) {
return ( Math.round ( randomfloatAtoB ( A, B ) ) );
//-------------------- START OF WORLD CLASS --------------------//
function World() {
var GRID1 = new Array(GRIDSIZE); // grid 1, 2 and 3 represent the 3 floors
var GRID2 = new Array(GRIDSIZE); // in the game and can be used to check if
var GRID3 = new Array(GRIDSIZE); // a square is occupied etc.
var UNDERSIDE = new Array(GRIDSIZE); // used as the bottom of the floor on which objects and characters stand
var FLOOR_1_WALLS = new Array ( 4 * GRIDSIZE ); // wall for floors
var FLOOR_2_WALLS = new Array ( 4 * GRIDSIZE ); // 1, 2 and 3
var FLOOR_3_WALLS = new Array ( 4 * GRIDSIZE ); // respectively
var FLOOR_1_MAZE = new Array ( NOBOXES ); // maze for floors
var FLOOR_2_MAZE = new Array ( NOBOXES ); // 1, 2 and 3
var FLOOR_3_MAZE = new Array ( NOBOXES ); // respectively
var FLOOR_1_GROUND = new Array (GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE); // ground for floors
var FLOOR_2_GROUND = new Array (GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE); // 1, 2 and 3
var FLOOR_3_GROUND = new Array (GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE); // respectively
var theagent, theenemy, thecamera, thecarrot, topfloorburrow, midfloorburrow; // will be used to represent the object after which they are named
var enemyFloor = 1950; // the floor on which the enemy is initialised -> 1950 is the 3rd floor
var agentFloor = 1950; // the floor on which the agent is initialised
var ei, ej; // enemy position on squares
var ai, aj; // agent position on squares
var ci, cj; // camera position on squares (will be behind and above Bugs Bunny)
var ti, tj; // carrot position on squares
var b1i, b1j; // top floor burrow position on squares
var b2i, b2j; // middle floor burrow position on squares
// booleans used to identify what direction Bugs Bunny is facing at any given time
var bugsLookingForward = true;
var bugsLookingBack = false;
var bugsLookingLeft = false;
var bugsLookingRight = false;
// booleans used to identify what direction Yosemite Sam is facing at any given time
var samLookingForward = true;
var samLookingBack = false;
var samLookingLeft = false;
var samLookingRight = false;
// will be used as array of size 2 marking the coordinates of Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam in Pathfinding Algorithm
var currentAgentPosition;
var currentEnemyPosition;
var step; // number of steps in game so far
var self = this; // needed for private fn to call public fn
// initialise the 3 floors
function initGrid() {
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++) {
GRID1[i] = new Array(GRIDSIZE);
GRID2[i] = new Array(GRIDSIZE);
GRID3[i] = new Array(GRIDSIZE);
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++) {
GRID1[i][j] = GRID_BLANK ;
GRID2[i][j] = GRID_BLANK ;
GRID3[i][j] = GRID_BLANK ;
// initialise the bottom of the 3 floors
function initUnderside() {
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++) {
UNDERSIDE[i] = new Array(GRIDSIZE); // each element is an array
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++) {
// checks if given coordinates are currently occupied by an object
function occupied ( i, j ) {
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_MAZE && agentFloor == -50)
return true;
if ( GRID2[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID2[i][j] == GRID_MAZE && agentFloor == 950)
return true;
if ( GRID3[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID3[i][j] == GRID_MAZE && agentFloor == 1950)
return true;
return false;
// similar to above, but doesn't consider where the agent is, this method prevents the burrows/carrot being places in same position as a maze object
function cannotPlaceObject(i,j) {
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_MAZE)
return true;
if ( GRID2[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID2[i][j] == GRID_MAZE && agentFloor)
return true;
if ( GRID3[i][j] == GRID_WALL)
return true;
if ( GRID3[i][j] == GRID_MAZE && agentFloor)
return true;
return false;
// checks to see if Bugs Bunny is standing on a Burrow object and can move down to the next floor
function canBurrow () {
if ( b1i == ai && b1j == aj && agentFloor == 1950) return true; // fixed objects
if ( b2i == ai && b2j == aj && agentFloor == 950) return true;
return false;
// translates objects to Three.js coordinates
function translate ( x ) {
return ( x - ( MAXPOS/2 ) );
// initialises the skybox. credit: http://korzonrocknet.deviantart.com/art/Skybox-446554846
function initSkybox() {
var materialArray = [
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_right.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_left.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_top.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_bottom.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_near.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_far.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
var skyGeometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry ( SKYBOXCONST, SKYBOXCONST, SKYBOXCONST );
var skyMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ( materialArray );
var theskybox = new THREE.Mesh ( skyGeometry, skyMaterial );
threeworld.scene.add( theskybox );
//-------------------- START OF LOAD TEXTURES & OBJECTS --------------------//
function loadTextures() {
// load in Bugs Bunny object. credit: https://www.models-resource.com/wii/looneytunesacmearsenal/model/9874/
var m = new THREE.MTLLoader();
m.setTexturePath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
m.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
m.load( "bugs.mtl", function( materials ) {
var o = new THREE.OBJLoader();
o.setMaterials ( materials );
o.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
o.load( "bugs.obj", function ( object ) {
addagent ( object );
} );
} );
// load in Yosemite Sam object. credit: https://www.models-resource.com/wii/looneytunesacmearsenal/model/15925/
var n = new THREE.MTLLoader();
n.setTexturePath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
n.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
n.load( "yosemite.mtl", function( materials ) {
var p = new THREE.OBJLoader();
p.setMaterials ( materials );
p.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
p.load( "yosemite.obj", function ( object ) {
addenemy ( object );
} );
} );
// load in carrot object. credit: https://www.models-resource.com/custom_edited/mariocustoms/model/8638/
var s = new THREE.MTLLoader();
s.setTexturePath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
s.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
s.load( "carrot.mtl", function( materials ) {
var t = new THREE.OBJLoader();
t.setMaterials ( materials );
t.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
t.load( "carrot.obj", function ( object ) {
addcarrot ( object );
} );
} );
// load in both burrow objects. credit: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/harrypottertheprisonerofazkaban/model/14837/
var x = new THREE.MTLLoader();
x.setTexturePath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
x.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
x.load( "burrow.mtl", function( materials ) {
var y = new THREE.OBJLoader();
y.setMaterials ( materials );
y.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
y.load( "burrow.obj", function ( object ) {
addmidburrow ( object );
} );
} );
var q = new THREE.MTLLoader();
q.setTexturePath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
q.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
q.load( "burrow.mtl", function( materials ) {
var r = new THREE.OBJLoader();
r.setMaterials ( materials );
r.setPath ( "/uploads/seansinnott/" );
r.load( "burrow.obj", function ( object ) {
addtopburrow ( object );
} );
} );
// load in wall texture. credit: https://freestocktextures.com/texture/wood-weathered-plank,421.html
var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader1.load ( '/uploads/seansinnott/fence.jpg', function ( thetexture ) {
thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
paintWalls ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: thetexture } ) );
} );
// load in maze texture. credit: https://freestocktextures.com/texture/leaves-plant-nature,686.html
var loader2 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader2.load ( '/uploads/seansinnott/bush.jpg', function ( thetexture ) {
thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
paintMaze ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: thetexture } ) );
} );
// load in ground texture, used same ground as in skybox above. credit: http://korzonrocknet.deviantart.com/art/Skybox-446554846
var loader3 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader3.load ( '/uploads/seansinnott/skybox_bottom.jpg', function ( thetexture ) {
thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
paintGround ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: thetexture } ) );
} );
//-------------------- END OF LOAD TEXTURES & OBJECTS --------------------//
// add Bugs Bunny object into world
function addagent ( object ) {
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 20 );
theagent = object;
theagent.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
threeworld.scene.add( theagent );
// add Yosemite Sam object into world
function addenemy ( object ) {
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 30 );
theenemy = object;
theenemy.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
threeworld.scene.add( theenemy );
// add Carrot object into world
function addcarrot ( object ) {
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 2 );
thecarrot = object;
thecarrot.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
threeworld.scene.add( thecarrot );
// add Top Burrow object into world
function addtopburrow ( object ) {
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 1 );
topfloorburrow = object;
threeworld.scene.add( topfloorburrow );
// add Middle Burrow object into world
function addmidburrow ( object ) {
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 1 );
midfloorburrow = object;
threeworld.scene.add( midfloorburrow );
//-------------------- START OF WALL FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//initialise the walls logically
function initLogicalWalls() {
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++)
if ( ( i==0 ) || ( i==GRIDSIZE-1 ) || ( j==0 ) || ( j==GRIDSIZE-1 ) ) {
GRID1[i][j] = GRID_WALL ;
GRID2[i][j] = GRID_WALL ;
GRID3[i][j] = GRID_WALL ;
// initialise the walls in terms of Three.js
function initThreeWalls() {
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++) {
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_WALL ) {
var thecube1 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
var thecube2 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
var thecube3 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube1.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube2.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube3.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube1.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.y = 0;
thecube2.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.y = 1000;
thecube3.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.y = 2000;
FLOOR_1_WALLS[t] = thecube1;
FLOOR_2_WALLS[t] = thecube2;
FLOOR_3_WALLS[t] = thecube3;
// paint the walls
function paintWalls ( material ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < FLOOR_1_WALLS.length; i++ ) {
if ( FLOOR_1_WALLS[i] ) {
FLOOR_1_WALLS[i].material = material;
FLOOR_2_WALLS[i].material = material;
FLOOR_3_WALLS[i].material = material;
//-------------------- END OF WALL FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//-------------------- START OF GROUND FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//initialise the ground logically
function initLogicalGround() {
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++)
// initialise the ground in terms of Three.js
function initThreeGround() {
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++) {
if ( UNDERSIDE[i][j] == GRID_GROUND ) {
var thecube1 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
var thecube2 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
var thecube3 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube1.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube2.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube3.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube1.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.y = -100;
thecube2.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.y = 900;
thecube3.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.y = 1900;
FLOOR_1_GROUND[t] = thecube1;
FLOOR_2_GROUND[t] = thecube2;
FLOOR_3_GROUND[t] = thecube3;
// paint the ground
function paintGround ( material ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < FLOOR_1_GROUND.length; i++ ) {
if ( FLOOR_1_GROUND[i] ) FLOOR_1_GROUND[i].material = material;
if ( FLOOR_2_GROUND[i] ) FLOOR_2_GROUND[i].material = material;
if ( FLOOR_3_GROUND[i] ) FLOOR_3_GROUND[i].material = material;
//-------------------- END OF GROUND FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//-------------------- START OF MAZE FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// initialise the maze logically, all three floors have a different randomised maze
function initLogicalMaze() {
for ( var c=1 ; c <= NOBOXES ; c++ ) {
var i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
var j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
GRID1[i][j] = GRID_MAZE ;
var m = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
var n = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
GRID2[m][n] = GRID_MAZE ;
var t = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
var u = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
GRID3[t][u] = GRID_MAZE ;
// initialise the maze in terms of Three.js, need separate for loops to ensure that all maze objects on all floors can be recognised and painted etc.
function initThreeMaze() {
var t = 0;
var u = 0;
var v = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < GRIDSIZE ; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < GRIDSIZE ; j++) {
if ( GRID1[i][j] == GRID_MAZE ) {
var thecube1 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube1.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube1.position.x = translate ( i * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.z = translate ( j * SQUARESIZE );
thecube1.position.y = 0;
FLOOR_1_MAZE[t] = thecube1;
for (var m = 0; m < GRIDSIZE ; m++) {
for (var n = 0; n < GRIDSIZE ; n++) {
if ( GRID2[m][n] == GRID_MAZE ) {
var thecube2 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube2.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube2.position.x = translate ( m * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.z = translate ( n * SQUARESIZE );
thecube2.position.y = 1000;
FLOOR_2_MAZE[u] = thecube2;
for (var x = 0; x < GRIDSIZE ; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < GRIDSIZE ; y++) {
if ( GRID3[x][y] == GRID_MAZE ) {
var thecube3 = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube3.material.color.setHex( BLANKCOLOR );
thecube3.position.x = translate ( x * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.z = translate ( y * SQUARESIZE );
thecube3.position.y = 2000;
FLOOR_3_MAZE[v] = thecube3;
// paint the maze
function paintMaze ( material ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < FLOOR_1_MAZE.length; i++ ) {
if ( FLOOR_1_MAZE[i] ) FLOOR_1_MAZE[i].material = material;
if ( FLOOR_2_MAZE[i] ) FLOOR_2_MAZE[i].material = material;
if ( FLOOR_3_MAZE[i] ) FLOOR_3_MAZE[i].material = material;
//-------------------- END OF MAZE FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//-------------------- START OF AGENT (BUGS BUNNY) FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// used to draw Bugs Bunny into the world at a certain position
function drawAgent() {
if (theagent) {
var x = translate ( ai * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( aj * SQUARESIZE );
var y = agentFloor;
theagent.position.x = x;
theagent.position.y = y;
theagent.position.z = z;
threeworld.lookat.copy ( theagent.position );
// initialise Bugs Bunny logically at a random position
function initLogicalAgent() {
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) );
ai = i;
aj = j;
currentAgentPosition = [ai,aj]; // remember the position Bugs is currently at
// moves Bugs Bunny around the world and also rotates him to face the direction that he is currently moving in
function moveLogicalAgent( a ) {
var i = ai;
var j = aj;
// if moving left, face the correct direction and move
if ( a == ACTION_LEFT ) {
if(bugsLookingForward) {
theagent.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingLeft = true;
bugsLookingForward = false;
else if(bugsLookingBack) {
theagent.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingLeft = true;
bugsLookingBack = false;
else if(bugsLookingRight) {
theagent.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingLeft = true;
bugsLookingRight = false;
// if moving right, face the correct direction and move
else if ( a == ACTION_RIGHT ) {
if(bugsLookingForward) {
theagent.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingRight = true;
bugsLookingForward = false;
else if(bugsLookingBack) {
theagent.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingRight = true;
bugsLookingBack = false;
else if(bugsLookingLeft) {
theagent.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingRight = true;
bugsLookingLeft = false;
// if moving forward, face the correct direction and move
else if ( a == ACTION_UP ) {
if(bugsLookingRight) {
theagent.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingBack = true;
bugsLookingRight = false;
else if(bugsLookingForward) {
theagent.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingBack = true;
bugsLookingForward = false;
else if(bugsLookingLeft) {
theagent.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingBack = true;
bugsLookingLeft = false;
// if moving backward, face the correct direction and move
else if ( a == ACTION_DOWN ) {
if(bugsLookingRight) {
theagent.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingForward = true;
bugsLookingRight = false;
else if(bugsLookingBack) {
theagent.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingForward = true;
bugsLookingBack = false;
else if(bugsLookingLeft) {
theagent.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
bugsLookingForward = true;
bugsLookingLeft = false;
if ( ! occupied(i,j) ) { // as long as the desired position isn't occupied
// set new position for Bugs
ai = i;
aj = j;
// remember the position
currentAgentPosition = [ai,aj];
// set the new camera position to follow Bugs
ci = i;
cj = j+4;
// move Bugs Bunny down to the next floor through a burrow, and make Yosemite Sam follow him to the next floor
function moveAgentDown() {
if(agentFloor != -50 && canBurrow()) { // as long as Bugs is standing on a burrow and isn't on the bottom floor where there is nowhere else to burrow to
agentFloor -= 1000;
drawAgent(); // draw Bugs on the next floor down
playBugsBurrowing(); // play burrowing sound effect
moveEnemyDown(); // move Yosemite Sam down too
//-------------------- END OF AGENT (BUGS BUNNY) FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//-------------------- START OF ENEMY (YOSEMITE SAM) FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// used to draw Yosemite Sam into the world at a certain position
function drawEnemy() {
if (theenemy) {
var x = translate ( ei * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( ej * SQUARESIZE );
var y = enemyFloor;
theenemy.position.x = x;
theenemy.position.y = y;
theenemy.position.z = z;
//initialise Yosemite Sam logically at a certain position
function initLogicalEnemy() {
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) );
ei = i;
ej = j;
currentEnemyPosition = [ei,ej]; // remember the position Yosemite is currently at
//-------------------- START OF A-STAR ALGORITHM PATHFINDING --------------------//
// credit for A-Star Algorithm: mainly 2d version here: http://buildnewgames.com/astar/
// another 2d version here: http://www.briangrinstead.com/blog/astar-search-algorithm-in-javascript
// this tutorial: http://www.redblobgames.com/pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html
// and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L-WgKMFuhE
function findPath (startingPosition, finishingPosition) {
var worldSize = GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE;
// Manhattan Distance is the distance between two points measured along axes at right angles, so no diagonal movement allowed
function manhattanDistance(Point,Goal) {
return Math.abs(Point.x - Goal.x) + Math.abs(Point.y - Goal.y);
var distanceFunction = manhattanDistance;
// this function returns an array of every available empty position North, South, East or West of where you are now
function Neighbours(x,y) {
var N = y-1;
var S = y+1;
var E = x+1;
var W = x-1;
myN = N > -1 && !occupied(x,N);
myS = S < GRIDSIZE && !occupied(x,S);
myE = E < GRIDSIZE && !occupied(E,y);
myW = W > -1 && !occupied(W,y);
result = [];
result.push({x:x, y:N});
result.push({x:E, y:y});
result.push({x:x, y:S});
result.push({x:W, y:y});
return result;
// this function returns a node object that contains possible next routes and their respective costs
function Node(Parent, Point) {
var newNode = {
Parent:Parent, // pointer to another Node object
value:Point.x + (Point.y * GRIDSIZE), // array index of this Node
x:Point.x, // the x coordinates of this Node
y:Point.y, // the y coordinates of this node
f:0, // f is the cost to get to this Node from Yosemite's current position
g:0 // g is the cost to get from this Node to Bugs' curent position
return newNode;
// this function finds the best path from Yosemite Sam's position to Bugs Bunny's position using the A* Algorithm
function calculateBestPath() {
var pathStart = Node(null, {x:startingPosition[0], y:startingPosition[1]}); // a node from the start coordinates
var pathEnd = Node(null, {x:finishingPosition[0], y:finishingPosition[1]}); // a node from the end coordinates
var AStar = new Array(worldSize); // an array that will contain all positions in the world
var Open = [pathStart]; // a list of currently open nodes
var Closed = []; // a list of closed nodes
var result = []; // the array that will be returned
var myNeighbours; // a reference to a node that is nearby
var currentNode; // a reference to a node that we are now considering taking
var currentPath; // a reference to a node that starts the current path we are considering
// temporary variables used in the calculations
var length, max, min, a, b;
while(length = Open.length) { // iterate through the open list until there is nothing left
max = worldSize;
min = -1;
// get the max and min
for(a = 0; a < length; a++) {
if(Open[a].f < max) {
max = Open[a].f;
min = a;
currentNode = Open.splice(min, 1)[0]; // remove the next node from the open array and put it in currentNode
// is it the destination node?
if( currentNode.value === pathEnd.value ) { // if we have reached our destination node (Bugs Bunny's position)
currentPath = currentNode;
do {
result.push([currentPath.x, currentPath.y]);
} while (currentPath = currentPath.Parent);
AStar = Closed = Open = []; // clear the arrays
result.reverse(); // reverse the result so as not to return a list from finish to start instead of start to finish
else { // otherwise, it was not our destination
myNeighbours = Neighbours(currentNode.x, currentNode.y); // find which nearby nodes are available to move to
for(a = 0, b = myNeighbours.length; a < b; a++) { // test each neighbouring node that hasn't been tested already
currentPath = Node(currentNode, myNeighbours[a]); // add to the current path we are considering
if (!AStar[currentPath.value]) {
currentPath.g = currentNode.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[a], currentNode); // cost of this current route so far
currentPath.f = currentPath.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[a], pathEnd); // cost of the current route all the way to the destination (Bugs' position)
Open.push(currentPath); // remember this new path by placing it in the open array
AStar[currentPath.value] = true; // mark this node as having been visited already so as not to have to check it again
} // keep iterating while open is not empty
return result;
return calculateBestPath();
//-------------------- END OF A-STAR ALGORITHM PATHFINDING --------------------//
// moves Yosemite Sam around the world chasing Bugs Bunny according to the A* Pathfinding Algorithm
// and also rotates him to face the direction that he is currently moving in
function findBestPathToAgent() {
var newPathArray = [];
var i, j;
newPathArray = (findPath(currentEnemyPosition,currentAgentPosition)); // find the best path to Bugs' position and store it in newPathArray
// store the first best possible move to make to reach bugs in the i and j coordinates
i = newPathArray[1][0];
j = newPathArray[1][1];
// if moving left, face the correct direction and move
if ( i < ei && j == ej ) {
if(samLookingForward) {
theenemy.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingLeft = true;
samLookingForward = false;
else if(samLookingBack) {
theenemy.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingLeft = true;
samLookingBack = false;
else if(samLookingRight) {
theenemy.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingLeft = true;
samLookingRight = false;
// if moving right, face the correct direction and move
else if ( i > ei && j == ej ) {
if(samLookingForward) {
theenemy.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingRight = true;
samLookingForward = false;
else if(samLookingBack) {
theenemy.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingRight = true;
samLookingBack = false;
else if(samLookingLeft) {
theenemy.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingRight = true;
samLookingLeft = false;
// if moving forward, face the correct direction and move
else if ( i == ei && j > ej ) {
if(samLookingRight) {
theenemy.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingBack = true;
samLookingRight = false;
else if(samLookingForward) {
theenemy.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingBack = true;
samLookingForward = false;
else if(samLookingLeft) {
theenemy.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingBack = true;
samLookingLeft = false;
// if moving backward, face the correct direction and move
else if ( i == ei && j < ej ) {
if(samLookingRight) {
theenemy.rotateY(1 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingForward = true;
samLookingRight = false;
else if(samLookingBack) {
theenemy.rotateY(2 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingForward = true;
samLookingBack = false;
else if(samLookingLeft) {
theenemy.rotateY(3 * (Math.PI / 2));
samLookingForward = true;
samLookingLeft = false;
// set new position for Yosemite Sam
ei = i;
ej = j;
currentEnemyPosition = [ei,ej]; // remember the position
// move Yosemite Sam down to the next floor to follow Bugs as long as he isn't already on the bottom floor
function moveEnemyDown() {
if(enemyFloor != -50) {
// pick a random position to start off in on the next floor down
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) ); // search for empty square
// set the new position
ei = i;
ej = j;
// remember the position
currentEnemyPosition = [ei,ej];
// set the new floor
enemyFloor -= 1000;
// draw Yosemite Sam in his new position on the next floor
//-------------------- END OF ENEMY (YOSEMITE SAM) FUNCTIONS --------------------//
//-------------------- CAMERA FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// draw the camera object that will follow Bugs Bunny
function drawCamera() {
var x = translate ( ci * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( cj * SQUARESIZE );
var y = agentFloor+350; // set the camera above Bugs Bunny
thecamera.position.x = x;
thecamera.position.y = y;
thecamera.position.z = z;
threeworld.follow.copy ( thecamera.position );
// initialise the camera to be 4 steps behind Bugs
function initLogicalCamera() {
ci = ai;
cj = aj+4;
// initialise the camera in terms of Three.js to avoid errors, basically just make it an invisible box and draw it
function initThreeCamera() {
var shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0, 0, 0 );
thecamera = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
//-------------------- CARROT FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// draw the carrot object on the bottom floor
function drawCarrot() {
if (thecarrot) {
var x = translate ( ti * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( tj * SQUARESIZE );
var y = -50;
thecarrot.position.x = x;
thecarrot.position.y = y;
thecarrot.position.z = z;
//initialise the carrot logically in a random position
function initLogicalCarrot() {
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) );
// set the position of the carrot
ti = i;
tj = j;
//-------------------- BURROW FUNCTIONS --------------------//
// draw the burrow on the top floor
function drawTopBurrow() {
if (topfloorburrow) {
var x = translate ( b1i * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( b1j * SQUARESIZE );
var y = 1950;
topfloorburrow.position.x = x;
topfloorburrow.position.y = y;
topfloorburrow.position.z = z;
// draw the burrow on the middle floor
function drawMidBurrow() {
if (midfloorburrow) {
var x = translate ( b2i * SQUARESIZE );
var z = translate ( b2j * SQUARESIZE );
var y = 950;
midfloorburrow.position.x = x;
midfloorburrow.position.y = y;
midfloorburrow.position.z = z;
//initialise the top burrow logically in a random position
function initLogicalTopBurrow() {
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) );
// set the position of the top burrow
b1i = i;
b1j = j;
//initialise the middle burrow logically in a random position
function initLogicalMidBurrow() {
var i, j;
do {
i = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
j = randomintAtoB(1,GRIDSIZE-2);
} while ( cannotPlaceObject(i,j) );
// set the position of the middle burrow
b2i = i;
b2j = j;
// this function handles user controls to move Bugs around the world
function keyHandler(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 37)
moveLogicalAgent ( ACTION_LEFT );
if (e.keyCode == 38)
moveLogicalAgent ( ACTION_DOWN );
if (e.keyCode == 39)
moveLogicalAgent ( ACTION_RIGHT );
if (e.keyCode == 40)
moveLogicalAgent ( ACTION_UP );
if (e.keyCode == 83)
//-------------------- GENERAL GAME FUNCTIONS, RULES, INTERFACE ETC. --------------------//
// checks if Yosemite Sam has caught Bugs
function bugsCaught() {
return (ai == ei && aj == ej);
// checks if Bugs has reached the carrot
function reachedCarrot() {
return (ai == ti && aj == tj);
// returns the floor that bugs is currently on
function getBugsFloor() {
var printFloor;
if (agentFloor == 1950) {
printFloor = 3;
else if (agentFloor == 950) {
printFloor = 2;
else {
printFloor = 1;
return printFloor;
// this is called before anyone has moved on this step, agent has just proposed an action
function updateStatusBefore(a) {
// show the current step and floor
var status = " <b> Step: " + step + " Floor: <b> " + getBugsFloor();
$("#user_span3").html( status );
// new state after both have moved
function updateStatusAfter() {
var status = "..... Click 'Move With' for best gaming experience";
$("#user_span4").html( status );
var status = "..... Burrow to Floor 1 and Get the Carrot without being Caught to win ..... Press 's' to burrow";
$("#user_span5").html( status );
this.endCondition; // if set to true the run will end.
this.newRun = function() {
this.endCondition = false;
step = 0;
// whether graphical run or not, initialise all of these:
// for graphical runs initialise these:
if ( true ) {
// add in ambient light to the world
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight();
threeworld.scene.add( ambient );
var thelight = new THREE.DirectionalLight ( LIGHTCOLOR, 3 );
document.onkeydown = keyHandler;
this.getState = function() {
var x = [ ai, aj, ei, ej ];
return ( x );
this.nextStep = function()
var a = 4;
if ( true )
updateStatusBefore(a); // show status line before moves
if ( ( step % 3 ) == 0 ) // slow the enemy down to every 3rd step the user takes
findBestPathToAgent(); // chase Bugs
if ( true ) {
// draw all of these:
updateStatusAfter(); // show status line after moves
// if Bugs Bunny has been caught
if ( bugsCaught() ) {
this.endCondition = true;
if ( true ) {
musicPause(); // pause the music
playBugsLoses(); // play soundbite of Bugs being upset
// if Bugs has reached the carrot
if ( reachedCarrot() ) {
this.endCondition = true;
if ( true ) {
musicPause(); // pause the music
playBugsWins(); // play soundbite of Bugs being happy
this.endRun = function() {
if ( true ) {
if ( this.endCondition ) {
// if Bugs was caught, print this message to the screen:
if( bugsCaught() )
$("#user_span6").html( "<br> <font color=red> <B> You've been caught! You Reached floor " + getBugsFloor() + "</B> </font>");
// if Bugs reached the carrot, print this message to the screen:
if( reachedCarrot() )
$("#user_span6").html( "<br> <font color=red> <B> You Got The Carrot! You Win! </B> </font>");
// otherwise, the user ran our of steps, so print this message:
$("#user_span6").html( "<br> <font color=red> <B> You Ran out of steps! . </B> </font> " );
//-------------------- END OF WORLD CLASS --------------------//
//-------------------- MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS --------------------//
// credit: http://junglevibe23.net/tracks/barber_of_seville.html
function initMusic() {
// put music element in one of the spans
var x = "<audio id=theaudio src=/uploads/seansinnott/barberofseville.mp3 autoplay loop> </audio>" ;
$("#user_span1").html( x );
function musicPlay() {
function musicPause() {
// credit: http://www.nonstick.com/bugs-bunny-sounds/
function playBugsWins() {
var x = "<audio src=/uploads/seansinnott/bugswins.mp3 autoplay > </audio>";
$("#user_span2").html( x );
// credit: http://www.nonstick.com/bugs-bunny-sounds/
function playBugsLoses() {
var x = "<audio src=/uploads/seansinnott/bugsloses.mp3 autoplay > </audio>";
$("#user_span2").html( x );
// credit: http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/2213/mp3/349472_SOUNDDOGS__di.mp3
function playBugsBurrowing() {
var x = "<audio src=/uploads/seansinnott/burrowing.mp3 autoplay > </audio>";
$("#user_span2").html( x );