Code viewer for World: Akshara's A star (clone by...

// Cloned by AMARA on 26 Nov 2020 from World "Akshara's A star" by AMARA 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
//A* path finding tutorial
var rows = 100;
var cols = 100;
var canvasW = 500;
var canvasH = 500;

var grid = new Array(cols); // the grid is an array of cols

// openset stores a list of all the nodes that still need to be evaluated, ie everything that you need to visit,
// the open set starts with just one node, the starting node.
// the algorothm is finished when the openset is empty and it still hasn't managed to find the end node.
var openSet = [];

// closed set stores a list of all the nodes that have finished being evaluated, ie everything that you dontt need to revisit
// closed set starts empty
var closedSet = [];

var start;
var end;
var w;
var h;

var path = [];

//var nosolution = false;

function removeFromArray(arr, elt){
    for(var i =arr.length-1 ; i>=0 ;i--){
        if(arr[i] == elt) {

function heuristic(a,b) {
    // its doing what is known as a Eucilidean distance that uses the pythagorean theorem.

    var d = dist(a.i,a.j,b.i,b.j);
    // we also get good results when we do it with the manhattan distance
    //var d = abs(a.i-b.i)+abs(a.j-b.j);
    return d;

//constructor function to create an Object-12.41
function Spot(i,j) {
    this.f = 0; // this is f(n)
    this.g = 0 // this is g(n) and it has to start with a high number
    this.h = 0;// this is h(n)
    // inorder to show the spot where it is
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;
    this.previous = undefined;
    // we can add the is wall attribute
    this.wall = false;
    if (random(1)<0.3){
        this.wall = true;
    //this.solved = false;
    //1----identify all the neighbours of current--1.11.17....
    //one way of doing this is writing a an array to spot
    this.neighbors = [];
    this.addNeighbors = function(){
        var i = this.i;
        var j = this.j;
        if (j<rows-1){
        if(i>0 && j>0){
        if(i<cols-1 && j>0){
        if(i>0 && j<rows-1){
        if(i<cols-1 && j<rows-1){
        //but there is a possibility that I could be on the edege
    } = function(col) {
        //rect(this.i*w,this.j*h, w-1,h-1);
        ellipse(this.i*w+w/2,this.j*h+h/2, w-1,h-1);


function setup() {
    w = canvasW/cols;
    h = canvasH/rows;
     //making a 2D array
     for(var i=0; i<cols;i++)
         grid[i]= new Array(rows);
     for(var i=0; i<cols;i++)
        for(var j=0;j<rows;j++){
            grid[i][j]= new Spot(i,j);
     for(var i=0; i<cols;i++)
        for(var j=0;j<rows;j++){
     start = grid[0][0];
     end = grid[cols-1][rows-1];
     start.wall = false;
     end.wall = false;
    // console.log(grid);

// changed from mousePressed to mouse pressed
function draw(){
     //as long as there are spots to be evaluated, you need to do this , but because you already have the draw fuunction which laready does this
    if (openSet.length > 0){
        // we can keep going
        // current should be a node in the openset with the lowest  f, evaluate al the openn set possibilities and what has the lowest f,
        //whats gonna be the best this getting me to the end. so how do we find wht somethings F is and which has the lowest F.
        var winner = 0;
        for(var i=0;i<openSet.length;i++){
            if(openSet[i].f < openSet[winner].f){
                winner = i;
        var current = openSet[winner];
        if(current === end){
            // it finishes at the point when the spot in the openset , with the lowest  f score---- then you are done. next you have to find the path
            //----2----path was innitially here but he decides to move it because he wants to evaluate the path in every frama
        //openSet.remove(current); // However this is not possible in javascript hence a function is required
        removeFromArray(openSet, current);
        var neighbors = current.neighbors;
        for(var i=0;i<neighbors.length;i++) {
            var neighbor = neighbors[i]; //we are now checking every neighbor
            // except we dont want to do this, because what if the neighbor is in the closed set?
            //neighbor.g = neighbor.g + 1;
            // so how do you say if an object is a part of an object?, this is again where he wants to doo some kind of efficientsearch alg,
            // but a search within a search, so we want to make that more efficient out here, but the way he chooses to do this is-look
            // for javascript array methods.
            if(!closedSet.includes(neighbor) && !neighbor.wall) {
                //identify the tentative gscore, and thats the reason why you dont want to just automatically give the neighbor a gscore
                //is because he might have already gotten to that, even though it is not in the closed could still be something that has already been
                //evaluated and he might have gotten to it already in a more efficient way. because if its in the open set already, but its a neighbor,
                // he might have to it with a lower gscore and he will want to keep that lower gscore. so what we're gonna do is say
                //tentative_gScore := gScore[current] + d(current, neighbor)
                var tempG = current.g + 1;
                var newPath = false;
                // now he wants to figure out if its something thats already in th eopenlist.
                // so does the opens set include that neighbor
                if(openSet.includes(neighbor)) {
                    //he wants to check if its something that he's evaluated before, because if its something that he's evaluated befoe, then, he would like to 
                    // figure out if its a better g
                    if (tempG<neighbor.g){
                        //because if that the case then he has a better g 
                        neighbor.g = tempG;
                        newPath = true;
                } else {
                        neighbor.g = tempG;
                        // so basically all of these things are already in th eopenset, and if theyare already in th eopn set, and if it needs to be evaluated 
                        // still you need to check if I can get there faster than i did previously.
                        // and if they are not in th eopen set... then ive gotten there and I will add it to th eopen list
                        newPath = true;
                        // now you need to figure out whats its Gscore and what is its Fscore and hence firstly find the heuristic.
                    // the heuristic is the approximate distance between the neighbor and the end. a heuristic is an educated guess and there are lots heuris-
                     //tics, but in this case, he uses the eucilidean distance. we write a function for the heuristic and you should find it at  the top 
                     //along with all the other defininitions
                neighbor.h = heuristic(neighbor,end);
                neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
                // it is important for each node to remember how it got to that position. It helps it trace back to the source after it has found its
                // destination
                neighbor.previous = current;
    } else{
        // otherwise no solution
        console.log('no solution');
        //nosolution = true;
    // in order to debug this as we are going along, we are going to draw all the spots in the grid
    for(var i=0;i<cols;i++){
        for(var j=0;j<rows;j++){
            grid[i][j].show(color(255)); // each spot is going to have a function to show itself.
    for (var i=0;i<openSet.length;i++){
    for (var i=0;i<closedSet.length;i++){

        path = [];
        var temp = current;
            while(temp.previous) {
                temp = temp.previous;
    //for(var i=0;i<path.length;i++) {
    for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++){
        vertex(path[i].i*w+w/2, path[i].j*h+h/2)