* Finger painting: A starter sketch demonstrating how to "finger paint" with Handsfree.js
* Step 1: Press the ▶ Play Button on the top left of the p5 editor (or load this sketch in a browser)
* Step 2: Click "Start Webcam" underneath the black canvas
* Step 3: Wait a few moments for everything to start (the computer vision models are large)
* Step 4: Pinch your fingers to paint 👌 The left index pointer (big black circle) is an eraser and the left pinky clears the whole screen
* ----------
* How it works (CTRL+F for "#n" to jump to that bit of code):
* -- Add Handsfree.js to index.html
* #1 Configure Handsfree.js
* #2 Detect when fingers are pinched and then paint there
* #3 Draw your hands landmarks onto the sketch
* ----------
* Docs: https://handsfree.js.org (old)
* Docs: https://handsfree.dev (newer but missing examples)
* GitHub: https://github.com/midiblocks/handsfree
* Twitter (me + handsfree.js): https://github.com/pixelfelt
* Twitter (just handsfree.js): https://github.com/handsfreejs
* ----------
* Ideas:
* - Experiment with different input methods (like pinching to cycle through colors). Gestures are coming soon: https://handsfree.js.org/gesture/
* - If you need 3D (but with a limit of 1 hand), see here: https://handsfree.js.org/ref/model/handpose.html
* - Try the "palm pointer" for a different approach to painting: https://handsfree.js.org/ref/plugin/palmPointers.html
* - This can support up to 4 hands: https://handsfree.js.org/ref/model/hands.html#with-config
$.getScript( "https://unpkg.com/handsfree@8.5.1/build/lib/handsfree.js", console.log( "Load was performed."));
// This will contain all of our lines
paint = []
// This is like pmouseX and pmouseY...but for every finger [pointer, middle, ring, pinky]
let prevPointer = [
// Left hand
[{x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}],
// Right hand
[{x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0}]
// Landmark indexes for fingertips [pointer, middle, ring, pinky]...these are the same for both hands
let fingertips = [8, 12, 16, 20]
* Setup
* - Configure handsfree (set which models, plugins, and gestures you want to use)
* - Create start/stop buttons. It's nice to always ask user for permission to start webcam :)
function setup () {
sketch = createCanvas(640, 480)
// Colors for each fingertip
colorMap = [
// Left fingertips
[color(0, 0, 0), color(255, 0, 255), color(0, 0, 255), color(255, 255, 255)],
// Right fingertips
[color(255, 0, 0), color(0, 255, 0), color(0, 0, 255), color(255, 255, 0)]
// #1 Turn on some models (hand tracking) and the show debugger
// @see https://handsfree.js.org/#quickstart-workflow
handsfree = new Handsfree({
showDebug: true, // Comment this out to hide the default webcam feed with landmarks
hands: true
// Add webcam buttons under the canvas
// Handsfree.js comes with a bunch of classes to simplify hiding/showing things when things are loading
// @see https://handsfree.js.org/ref/util/classes.html#started-loading-and-stopped-states
buttonStart = createButton('Start Webcam')
buttonStart.mousePressed(() => handsfree.start())
// Create a "loading..." button
buttonLoading = createButton('...loading...')
// Create a stop button
buttonStop = createButton('Stop Webcam')
buttonStop.mousePressed(() => handsfree.stop())
* Main draw loop
function draw () {
* #2 Finger paint
* Since p5.js already has it's own loop, we just check the data directly
* @see https://handsfree.js.org/ref/plugin/pinchers.html
// Whenever we pinch and move we'll store those points as a set of [x1, y1, handIndex, fingerIndex, size]
function fingerPaint () {
// Canvas bounds to make drawing easier
// Since the canvas is inside an Iframe, we reach out and get it's containing iframe's bounding rect
let bounds = document.querySelector('canvas').getClientRects()[0]
// Check for pinches and create dots if something is pinched
const hands = handsfree.data?.hands
// Paint with fingers
if (hands?.pinchState) {
// Loop through each hand
hands.pinchState.forEach((hand, handIndex) => {
// Loop through each finger
hand.forEach((state, finger) => {
if (hands.landmarks?.[handIndex]?.[fingertips[finger]]) {
// Landmarks are in percentage, so lets scale up
let x = sketch.width - hands.landmarks[handIndex][fingertips[finger]].x * sketch.width
let y = hands.landmarks[handIndex][fingertips[finger]].y * sketch.height
// Start line on the spot that we pinched
if (state === 'start') {
prevPointer[handIndex][finger] = {x, y}
// Add a line to the paint array
} else if (state === 'held') {
// Set the last position
prevPointer[handIndex][finger] = {x, y}
// Clear everything if the left [0] pinky [3] is pinched
if (hands?.pinchState && hands.pinchState[0][3] === 'released') {
paint = []
// Draw Paint
paint.forEach(p => {
line(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])
* Draw the mouse
function mousePaint () {
if (mouseIsPressed === true) {
line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY)
* #3 Draw the hands into the P5 canvas
* @see https://handsfree.js.org/ref/model/hands.html#data
function drawHands () {
const hands = handsfree.data?.hands
// Bail if we don't have anything to draw
if (!hands?.landmarks) return
// Draw keypoints
hands.landmarks.forEach((hand, handIndex) => {
hand.forEach((landmark, landmarkIndex) => {
// Set color
// @see https://handsfree.js.org/ref/model/hands.html#data
if (colorMap[handIndex]) {
switch (landmarkIndex) {
case 8: fill(colorMap[handIndex][0]); break
case 12: fill(colorMap[handIndex][1]); break
case 16: fill(colorMap[handIndex][2]); break
case 20: fill(colorMap[handIndex][3]); break
fill(color(255, 255, 255))
// Set stroke
if (handIndex === 0 && landmarkIndex === 8) {
stroke(color(255, 255, 255))
circleSize = 40
} else {
stroke(color(0, 0, 0))
circleSize = 10
// Flip horizontally
sketch.width - landmark.x * sketch.width,
landmark.y * sketch.height,