// Cloned by Deborah Djon on 1 Dec 2022 from World "Letter recognition neural network (clone by Deborah Djon)" by Deborah Djon
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// Cloned by Deborah Djon on 29 Nov 2022 from World "Character recognition neural network" by "Coding Train" project
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// Port of Character recognition neural network from here:
// https://github.com/CodingTrain/Toy-Neural-Network-JS/tree/master/examples/mnist
// with many modifications
// --- defined by MNIST - do not change these ---------------------------------------
const PIXELS = 28; // images in data set are tiny
// number of training and test exemplars in the data set:
const NOTRAIN = 60000;
const NOTEST = 10000;
//--- can modify all these --------------------------------------------------
// no of nodes in network
const noinput = PIXELSSQUARED;
const nohidden = 64;
const nooutput = 26; //altereed by Deborah Djon
const learningrate = 0.1; // default 0.1
// should we train every timestep or not
let do_training = true;
// how many to train and test per timestep
const TRAINPERSTEP = 30;
const TESTPERSTEP = 5;
// multiply it by this to magnify for display
const ZOOMFACTOR = 7;
// 3 rows of
// large image + 50 gap + small image
// 50 gap between rows
const canvaswidth = ( PIXELS + ZOOMPIXELS ) + 50;
const canvasheight = ( ZOOMPIXELS * 3 ) + 100;
const DOODLE_THICK = 18; // thickness of doodle lines
const DOODLE_BLUR = 3; // blur factor applied to doodles
/*altered by Deborah Djon
Added some letters.
const LETTERS = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"];
let mnist;
// all data is loaded into this
// mnist.train_images
// mnist.train_labels
// mnist.test_images
// mnist.test_labels
let nn;
let trainrun = 1;
let train_index = 0;
let testrun = 1;
let test_index = 0;
let total_tests = 0;
let total_correct = 0;
// images in LHS:
let doodle, demo;
let doodle_exists = false;
let demo_exists = false;
let mousedrag = false; // are we in the middle of a mouse drag drawing?
// save inputs to global var to inspect
// type these names in console
var train_inputs, test_inputs, demo_inputs, doodle_inputs;
//altered by Deborah Djon
let data;
// Matrix.randomize() is changed to point to this. Must be defined by user of Matrix.
function randomWeight()
return ( AB.randomFloatAtoB ( -0.5, 0.5 ) );
// Coding Train default is -1 to 1
// make run header bigger
AB.headerCSS ( { "max-height": "95vh" } );
//--- start of AB.msgs structure: ---------------------------------------------------------
// We output a serious of AB.msgs to put data at various places in the run header
var thehtml;
// 1 Doodle header
thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 1. Doodle </h1> Top row: Doodle (left) and shrunk (right). <br> " +
" Draw your doodle in top LHS. <button onclick='wipeDoodle();' class='normbutton' >Clear doodle</button> <br> ";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 1 );
// 2 Doodle variable data (guess)
// 3 Training header
thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 2. Training </h1> Middle row: Training image magnified (left) and original (right). <br> " +
" <button onclick='do_training = false;' class='normbutton' >Stop training</button> <br> ";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 3 );
// 4 variable training data
// 5 Testing header
thehtml = "<h3> Hidden tests </h3> " ;
AB.msg ( thehtml, 5 );
// 6 variable testing data
// 7 Demo header
thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 3. Demo </h1> Bottom row: Test image magnified (left) and original (right). <br>" +
" The network is <i>not</i> trained on any of these images. <br> " +
" <button onclick='makeDemo();' class='normbutton' >Demo test image</button> <br> ";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 7 );
// 8 Demo variable data (random demo ID)
// 9 Demo variable data (changing guess)
const greenspan = "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-size:x-large; color:darkgreen'> " ;
//--- end of AB.msgs structure: ---------------------------------------------------------
function setup()
createCanvas ( canvaswidth, canvasheight );
doodle = createGraphics ( ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS ); // doodle on larger canvas
// JS load other JS
// maybe have a loading screen while loading the JS and the data set
$.getScript ( "/uploads/tharealog/matrix_tharealog.js", function()
$.getScript ( "/uploads/tharealog/nn_tharealog.js", function()
$.getScript ( "/uploads/tharealog/mnist.js", function() // todo: alter this
$.getScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-vis@1.0.2/dist/tfjs-vis.umd.min.js", function(){ // todo outsource into cnn
$.getScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@1.0.0/dist/tf.min.js", function(){
$.getScript ( "/uploads/tharealog/data.js", function() // todo: alter this
console.log ("All JS loaded");
nn = new NeuralNetwork( noinput, nohidden, nooutput );
nn.setLearningRate ( learningrate );
data = new MnistData();
//data2 = new EMnistData();
// load data set from local file (on this server)
altered by Deborah Djon
added this code copied from Shiffman's mnist.js file,
only changed the file names to already existing files from other users
function loadData()
loadMNIST ( function(data)
mnist = data;
console.log ("All data loaded into mnist object:")
console.log("training data cnt: "+ mnist.train_images.length);
console.log("training label cnt: "+ mnist.train_labels.length);
console.log("testing data cnt: "+mnist.test_images.length);
console.log("testing label cnt: "+mnist.test_labels.length);
AB.removeLoading(); // if no loading screen exists, this does nothing
function getImage ( img ) // make a P5 image object from a raw data array
let theimage = createImage (PIXELS, PIXELS); // make blank image, then populate it
for (let i = 0; i < PIXELSSQUARED ; i++)
let bright = img[i];
let index = i * 4;
theimage.pixels[index + 0] = bright;
theimage.pixels[index + 1] = bright;
theimage.pixels[index + 2] = bright;
theimage.pixels[index + 3] = 255;
return theimage;
function getInputs ( img ) // convert img array into normalised input array
let inputs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < PIXELSSQUARED ; i++)
let bright = img[i];
inputs[i] = bright / 255; // normalise to 0 to 1
return ( inputs );
function trainit (show) // train the network with a single exemplar, from global var "train_index", show visual on or off
let img = mnist.train_images[train_index];
let label = mnist.train_labels[train_index];
// optional - show visual of the image
if (show)
var theimage = getImage ( img ); // get image from data array
image ( theimage, 0, ZOOMPIXELS+50, ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS ); // magnified
image ( theimage, ZOOMPIXELS+50, ZOOMPIXELS+50, PIXELS, PIXELS ); // original
// set up the inputs
let inputs = getInputs ( img ); // get inputs from data array
// set up the outputs
altered by Deborah Djon
changed the targets to be an Array of 26 elements, for each letter in the alphabet
//let targets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let targets = Array(26).fill(0);
//todo: figure out why this is an off by 1 error
targets[label-1] = 1; // change one output location to 1, the rest stay at 0
// console.log(train_index);
// console.log(inputs);
// console.log(targets);
train_inputs = inputs; // can inspect in console
nn.train ( inputs, targets );
thehtml = " trainrun: " + trainrun + "<br> no: " + train_index ;
AB.msg ( thehtml, 4 );
if ( train_index == NOTRAIN )
train_index = 0;
console.log( "finished trainrun: " + trainrun );
function testit() // test the network with a single exemplar, from global var "test_index"
let img = mnist.test_images[test_index];
let label = mnist.test_labels[test_index];
// set up the inputs
let inputs = getInputs ( img );
test_inputs = inputs; // can inspect in console
let prediction = nn.predict(inputs); // array of outputs
let guess = findMax(prediction); // the top output
if (guess == label) total_correct++;
let percent = (total_correct / total_tests) * 100 ;
thehtml = " testrun: " + testrun + "<br> no: " + total_tests + " <br> " +
" correct: " + total_correct + "<br>" +
" score: " + greenspan + percent.toFixed(2) + "</span>";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 6 );
if ( test_index == NOTEST )
console.log( "finished testrun: " + testrun + " score: " + percent.toFixed(2) );
test_index = 0;
total_tests = 0;
total_correct = 0;
//--- find no.1 (and maybe no.2) output nodes ---------------------------------------
// (restriction) assumes array values start at 0 (which is true for output nodes)
function find12 (a) // return array showing indexes of no.1 and no.2 values in array
let no1 = 0;
let no2 = 0;
let no1value = 0;
let no2value = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] > no1value) // new no1
// old no1 becomes no2
no2 = no1;
no2value = no1value;
// now put in the new no1
no1 = i;
no1value = a[i];
else if (a[i] > no2value) // new no2
no2 = i;
no2value = a[i];
var b = [ no1, no2 ];
return b;
// just get the maximum - separate function for speed - done many times
// find our guess - the max of the output nodes array
function findMax (a)
let no1 = 0;
let no1value = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] > no1value)
no1 = i;
no1value = a[i];
return no1;
// --- the draw function -------------------------------------------------------------
// every step:
function draw()
// check if libraries and data loaded yet:
if ( typeof mnist == 'undefined' ) return;
// how can we get white doodle on black background on yellow canvas?
// background('#ffffcc'); doodle.background('black');
background ('black');
if ( do_training )
// do some training per step
for (let i = 0; i < TRAINPERSTEP; i++)
if (i == 0) trainit(true); // show only one per step - still flashes by
else trainit(false);
// do some testing per step
for (let i = 0; i < TESTPERSTEP; i++)
// keep drawing demo and doodle images
// and keep guessing - we will update our guess as time goes on
if ( demo_exists )
if ( doodle_exists )
// detect doodle drawing
// (restriction) the following assumes doodle starts at 0,0
if ( mouseIsPressed ) // gets called when we click buttons, as well as if in doodle corner
// console.log ( mouseX + " " + mouseY + " " + pmouseX + " " + pmouseY );
var MAX = ZOOMPIXELS + 20; // can draw up to this pixels in corner
if ( (mouseX < MAX) && (mouseY < MAX) && (pmouseX < MAX) && (pmouseY < MAX) )
mousedrag = true; // start a mouse drag
doodle_exists = true;
doodle.strokeWeight( DOODLE_THICK );
doodle.line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
// are we exiting a drawing
if ( mousedrag )
mousedrag = false;
// console.log ("Exiting draw. Now blurring.");
doodle.filter (BLUR, DOODLE_BLUR); // just blur once
// console.log (doodle);
//--- demo -------------------------------------------------------------
// demo some test image and predict it
// get it from test set so have not used it in training
function makeDemo()
demo_exists = true;
var i = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 0, NOTEST - 1 );
demo = mnist.test_images[i];
var label = mnist.test_labels[i];
thehtml = "Test image no: " + i + "<br>" +
"Classification: " + label + "<br>" ;
AB.msg ( thehtml, 8 );
// type "demo" in console to see raw data
function drawDemo()
var theimage = getImage ( demo );
// console.log (theimage);
image ( theimage, 0, canvasheight - ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS ); // magnified
image ( theimage, ZOOMPIXELS+50, canvasheight - ZOOMPIXELS, PIXELS, PIXELS ); // original
altered by Deborah Djon
change guess from number to letter
function guessDemo()
let inputs = getInputs ( demo );
demo_inputs = inputs; // can inspect in console
let prediction = nn.predict(inputs); // array of outputs
let guess = findMax(prediction); // the top output
thehtml = " We classify it as: " + greenspan + LETTERS[guess] + "</span>" ;
AB.msg ( thehtml, 9 );
//--- doodle -------------------------------------------------------------
function drawDoodle()
// doodle is createGraphics not createImage
let theimage = doodle.get();
// console.log (theimage);
image ( theimage, 0, 0, ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS ); // original
image ( theimage, ZOOMPIXELS+50, 0, PIXELS, PIXELS ); // shrunk
function guessDoodle()
// doodle is createGraphics not createImage
let img = doodle.get();
img.resize ( PIXELS, PIXELS );
// set up inputs
let inputs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < PIXELSSQUARED ; i++)
inputs[i] = img.pixels[i * 4] / 255;
doodle_inputs = inputs; // can inspect in console
// feed forward to make prediction
let prediction = nn.predict(inputs); // array of outputs
let b = find12(prediction); // get no.1 and no.2 guesses
thehtml = " We classify it as: " + greenspan +LETTERS[b[0]] + "</span> <br>" +
" No.2 guess is: " + greenspan + LETTERS[b[0]] + "</span>";
AB.msg ( thehtml, 2 );
function wipeDoodle()
doodle_exists = false;
// --- debugging --------------------------------------------------
// in console
// showInputs(demo_inputs);
// showInputs(doodle_inputs);
function showInputs ( inputs )
// display inputs row by row, corresponding to square of pixels
var str = "";
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
if ( i % PIXELS == 0 ) str = str + "\n"; // new line for each row of pixels
var value = inputs[i];
str = str + " " + value.toFixed(2) ;
console.log (str);
//------------- altered by Deborah Djon ----------------------
//------------- show stuff
async function showExamples(data) {
// Create a container in the visor // the place where we see our data
const surface =
tfvis.visor().surface({ name: 'Input Data Examples', tab: 'Input Data'});
// Get the examples
const examples = data.nextTestBatch(20);
const numExamples = examples.xs.shape[0];
// Create a canvas element to render each example
for (let i = 0; i < numExamples; i++) {
const imageTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
// Reshape the image to 28x28 px
return examples.xs
.slice([i, 0], [1, examples.xs.shape[1]])
.reshape([28, 28, 1]);
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 28;
canvas.height = 28;
canvas.style = 'margin: 4px;';
await tf.browser.toPixels(imageTensor, canvas);
// ---------------- model --------------
function getModel() {
const model = tf.sequential();
const IMAGE_WIDTH = 28;
const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 28;
// In the first layer of our convolutional neural network we have
// to specify the input shape. Then we specify some parameters for
// the convolution operation that takes place in this layer.
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 8,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling'
// The MaxPooling layer acts as a sort of downsampling using max values
// in a region instead of averaging.
model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}));
// Repeat another conv2d + maxPooling stack.
// Note that we have more filters in the convolution.
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 16,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling'
model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}));
// Now we flatten the output from the 2D filters into a 1D vector to prepare
// it for input into our last layer. This is common practice when feeding
// higher dimensional data to a final classification output layer.
// Our last layer is a dense layer which has 10 output units, one for each
// output class (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling',
activation: 'softmax'
// Choose an optimizer, loss function and accuracy metric,
// then compile and return the model
const optimizer = tf.train.adam();
optimizer: optimizer,
loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
metrics: ['accuracy'],
return model;
// ---------------train
async function train(model, data) {
const metrics = ['loss', 'val_loss', 'acc', 'val_acc'];
const container = {
name: 'Model Training', tab: 'Model', styles: { height: '1000px' }
const fitCallbacks = tfvis.show.fitCallbacks(container, metrics);
const BATCH_SIZE = 512;
const TRAIN_DATA_SIZE = 5500;
const TEST_DATA_SIZE = 1000;
const [trainXs, trainYs] = tf.tidy(() => {
const d = data.nextTrainBatch(TRAIN_DATA_SIZE);
return [
d.xs.reshape([TRAIN_DATA_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]),
const [testXs, testYs] = tf.tidy(() => {
const d = data.nextTestBatch(TEST_DATA_SIZE);
return [
d.xs.reshape([TEST_DATA_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]),
return model.fit(trainXs, trainYs, {
batchSize: BATCH_SIZE,
validationData: [testXs, testYs],
epochs: 10,
shuffle: true,
callbacks: fitCallbacks
const classNames = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine'];
function doPrediction(model, data, testDataSize = 500) {
const IMAGE_WIDTH = 28;
const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 28;
const testData = data.nextTestBatch(testDataSize);
const testxs = testData.xs.reshape([testDataSize, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 1]);
const labels = testData.labels.argMax(-1);
const preds = model.predict(testxs).argMax(-1);
return [preds, labels];
async function showAccuracy(model, data) {
const [preds, labels] = doPrediction(model, data);
const classAccuracy = await tfvis.metrics.perClassAccuracy(labels, preds);
const container = {name: 'Accuracy', tab: 'Evaluation'};
tfvis.show.perClassAccuracy(container, classAccuracy, classNames);
async function showConfusion(model, data) {
const [preds, labels] = doPrediction(model, data);
const confusionMatrix = await tfvis.metrics.confusionMatrix(labels, preds);
const container = {name: 'Confusion Matrix', tab: 'Evaluation'};
tfvis.render.confusionMatrix(container, {values: confusionMatrix, tickLabels: classNames});