Code viewer for World: GA (TSP) (clone by Mohamed...

// Cloned by Mohamed Hafez on 5 Nov 2020 from World "GA (TSP)" by "Coding Train" project 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// simple port of 
// GA for Traveling Salesman Problem
// by Daniel Shiffman 

// Daniel Shiffman
// The Coding Train
// Traveling Salesperson with Genetic Algorithm




var totalCities =  AB.randomIntAtoB ( 5, 40 ); 
var possibleRoutes = factorial(totalCities-1);

var popSize = 500;

var backImageFile = "/uploads/codingtrain/map.ireland.800.jpg";
var backImage;
// 1606 map of Ireland 

var gen = 1;
var routesLookedAt = 0;

var cities = [];
var population = [];
var fitness = [];

var recordDistance = Infinity;
var currentDistance;
var tempDistance;

var bestEver;
var currentBest;

var statusP;

function factorial (x)     
// return x factorial
// assume only give it an integer 1,2,...
  if (x == 1)   return ( 1 );
  else          return ( x * factorial(x-1) );

    // set fixed width run header 
    AB.headerWidth ( 600 );
    var order = [];     // moved this outside setup to be read in draw
for (var i = 0; i < totalCities; i++) {
    order[i] = i;

function setup() 
  backImage = loadImage ( backImageFile );

  createCanvas (  800, 800   );     // think other code assumes square 
  //var order = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < totalCities; i++) {
    var v = createVector(random(width), random(height / 2));
    cities[i] = v;
    //order[i] = i;

  //for (var i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {  // no population , just continous loop of random search on a single combination
//    population[i] = shuffle(order);
 // }
  statusP = createP('').style('font-size', '16pt');     // 32pt 

function draw() 
  // background ( backImage );
  // GA
//  calculateFitness();
 // normalizeFitness();
  population = shuffle(order);   // create random combination of routes
  calculateFitness(); // calculate route

  for (var i = 0; i < bestEver.length; i++) 
    var n = bestEver[i];
    vertex(cities[n].x, cities[n].y);
    ellipse(cities[n].x, cities[n].y, 8, 8);      // 16

  translate(0, height / 2);
  for (var i = 0; i < currentBest.length; i++) 
    var n = currentBest[i];
    vertex(cities[n].x, cities[n].y);
    ellipse(cities[n].x, cities[n].y, 8, 8);    
  var frac =  routesLookedAt / possibleRoutes ;
  AB.msg ( "Number of cities: " + (totalCities) +
    "<br> Number of possible routes: " + (totalCities-1) + "! = " + possibleRoutes.toFixed(0) );
  // for small problems we actually can solve them exhaustively
  if ( routesLookedAt >= possibleRoutes )
        AB.msg ( "<br> Number of routes looked at: <b> All possible routes </b> " +
            "<br> Routes looked at as fraction of possible routes: <b> 1 </b> ", 2 );
        AB.msg ( "<br> Number of routes looked at: " + routesLookedAt +
            "<br> Routes looked at as fraction of possible routes: " + frac.toFixed(20), 2 );
  AB.msg ( "<p> Generation: " + gen + 
    "<br> Top: Best ever route. Length: " + recordDistance.toFixed(2) +
    "<br> Bottom: Best route in this generation. Length: " + currentDistance.toFixed(2) + 
    "<br> Not shown: Testing new route. Length: " + tempDistance.toFixed(2), 3  );

// function shuffle(a, num) {
//   for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
//     var indexA = floor(random(a.length));
//     var indexB = floor(random(a.length));
//     swap(a, indexA, indexB);
//   }
// }

function swap(a, i, j) 
  var temp = a[i];
  a[i] = a[j];
  a[j] = temp;

function calcDistance(points, order) 
  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < order.length - 1; i++) {
    var cityAIndex = order[i];
    var cityA = points[cityAIndex];
    var cityBIndex = order[i + 1];
    var cityB = points[cityBIndex];
    var d = dist(cityA.x, cityA.y, cityB.x, cityB.y);
    sum += d;
  return sum;

// Daniel Shiffman
// The Coding Train
// Traveling Salesperson with Genetic Algorithm



function calculateFitness() 
  var currentRecord = Infinity;
  for (var i = 0; i < population.length; i++) 
    var d = calcDistance(cities, population);//[i]);
    tempDistance = d;
    if (d < recordDistance) 
      recordDistance = d;
      bestEver = population;//[i];
    if (d < currentRecord) 
      currentDistance = d;
      currentRecord = d;
      currentBest = population;//[i];

    // This fitness function has been edited from the original video
    // to improve performance, as discussed in The Nature of Code 9.6 video,
    // available here:
    fitness[i] = 1 / (pow(d, 8) + 1);

function normalizeFitness() 
  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < fitness.length; i++) 
    sum += fitness[i];
  for (var i = 0; i < fitness.length; i++) 
    fitness[i] = fitness[i] / sum;

function nextGeneration() 
  var newPopulation = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < population.length; i++)
    var orderA = pickOne(population, fitness);
    var orderB = pickOne(population, fitness);
    var order = crossOver(orderA, orderB);
    mutate(order, 0.01);
    newPopulation[i] = order;
  population = newPopulation;

function pickOne(list, prob) 
  var index = 0;
  var r = random(1);

  while (r > 0) 
    r = r - prob[index];
  return list[index].slice();

function crossOver(orderA, orderB) 
  var start = floor(random(orderA.length));
  var end = floor(random(start + 1, orderA.length));
  var neworder = orderA.slice(start, end);
  // var left = totalCities - neworder.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < orderB.length; i++) 
    var city = orderB[i];
    if (!neworder.includes(city)) 
  return neworder;

function mutate(order, mutationRate) 
  for (var i = 0; i < totalCities; i++) 
    if (random(1) < mutationRate) 
      var indexA = floor(random(order.length));
      var indexB = (indexA + 1) % totalCities;
      swap(order, indexA, indexB);