Code viewer for World: New World

function World() 
	this.newRun = function()
 		// Code to execute once at the start.  
		// Should call:
		//		ABWorld.init (  COLOR  ); 

	this.nextStep = function()		 
		// Code to execute every step. 
		// Can put P5 instructions to be executed every step here, or in draw()  

	this.endRun = function()


//---- setup -------------------------------------------------------
// Do NOT make a setup function.
// This is done for you in the API. The API setup just creates a canvas.
// Anything else you want to run at the start should go into the following two functions.

function beforesetup()      // Optional 
	// Anything you want to run at the start BEFORE the canvas is created 

function aftersetup()       // Optional
	// Anything you want to run at the start AFTER the canvas is created 

//---- draw -------------------------------------------------------

function draw()             // Optional
	// Can put P5 instructions to be executed every step here, or in World.nextStep()  