Code viewer for World: 4. Comments, Types and Var...
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            /*Creating and appending the element */
            var element = '<div id="overlay" style="opacity:0"><div id="container">';
            element += "<h1>Have you completed this lesson?</h1><p>It seems that you haven't completed all the tasks, are you sure you want to move on?</p></br></br>";
            element += "<center><button onclick='dont_continue_lesson()' >  Yes  </button>";
            element += "<button onclick='continue_lesson()'>  No  </button></center>";
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       = parseFloat(, 10) + 0.05;
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        function dont_continue_lesson() {
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<style id="css">

    <img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/comments_icon.png" align="left" height=23%/>
	<h1> 4. Comments, Types and Variables </h1>


	    <p>In programming we use comments to explain the code that we write.  Comments in javascript are any text after double forward slash - //.</p>
	    <p><font color="gray">
	    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This is a block comment.</br> 
	    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp All text within this block is commented out.</br>
		    In order to assign and store values to a reference so the value can be used again throughout a program, both constants and variables are used.
		    Variables are a very important part of programming. 
		    In computer science variables are simply named locations in memory where data can be stored.
		    Constants are the same as variables except they do not change throughout the lifetime of the program.
		    Variables have a type, some examples are - Strings, Integers, Booleans.
		<table align="center">
				<td>"hello world"</td>
				<td>1, 10, 533, etc.</td>
        <center><b>Don't worry about the names of the types for now, you'll get by fine without knowing them.</b></center>
		Variables and constants are declared in the following way:
		<img src="/uploads/alexmurphy1996/UntitledDiagram.jpg">
		<p>Constants use <b>const</b> instead of var, but again don't worry, we'll just use var for now.</p>
		    Statements in JavaScript nearly always end in a semicolon - ';'.
		        <i>var word = "dog";</i> - This statement assigns the string 'dog' to the variable named 'word'.
		        <i>var x = 1.265;</i> <span style:"padding-left:5em">- This statement assigns the float value 1.265 the the variable named 'x'.</span>
		<h2> Exercise 4.1 </h2>

		<p>Follow <a href="" onclick="tbc()">this link</a> to be brought to the World we are editing for this lesson. Clone the world and open the editor.</p>
        <p align="center"><iframe   style='width:30vw; height:20vw; border:1px solid black;' scrolling=no src='' align="middle"></iframe></br></br>
		  <b>1)</b> Uncomment the variable named <b>string</b> and run the world. Set a word of your choice to it and run the world again.
		<img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/MakeLotsOfThem.png" width=35% height=45% style="float:right">
		  <b>2)</b> Declare a variable named <b>amount</b> and assign an integer to it to show your string more times.
		  <b>3)</b> Declare a variable named <b>colour</b> and assign it to true to change the colour of your string.
		<h2> Exercise 4.2 </h2>
		  <b>1)</b> Declare variable named <b>chasing</b>, set it to true and run the world. You will now witness a game of chasing being played out.
		  <b>2)</b> Upload your own images to be the chaser and the runner. Then update the appropriate variables to display your own characters.
		  <b>3)</b> Upload your own sound effect for the end of the game and update the song variable appropriately.
		  <b>4)</b> Make the funniest game of chasing you can.
		<center><button class="btn success" onclick="move_on()" id="l2">Now let's do some calculations!</button><center>

		<nav id="nav">	</nav>

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