Code viewer for World: Edited Cube World (Three.j...

// Cloned by Gelmis Bartulis on 15 Jul 2021 from World "One Cube World (Three.js)" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

const skycolor          = 'lightblue';           
const boxcolor          = 'maroon';

const objectsize    = 300;                  // size of object   

const startRadius   = 1000;                 // distance from centre we start the camera at

const maxRadius     = startRadius * 10;     // maximum distance from camera we render things 

var ramArray = [];

// the object is a cube (each dimension equal): 
var shape       = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( objectsize, objectsize, objectsize );
var material    = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { color: boxcolor.toLowerCase() } );
var theobject   = new THREE.Mesh ( shape, material );

var i = 0;
// Define what the World does at the start of a run: = function() 

    // start a 3D scene: 
    ABWorld.init3d ( startRadius, maxRadius, skycolor ); 

    // add the object to the scene:
    ABWorld.scene.add ( theobject );

function trial (i) {
    this.i = i;
    for(i; i<150; i++)