Code viewer for World: Conditionals 1
 * @name Conditionals 1
 * @description Conditions are like questions.
 * They allow a program to decide to take one action if
 * the answer to a question is true or to do another action
 * if the answer to the question is false.
 * The questions asked within a program are always logical
 * or relational statements. For example, if the variable 'i' is
 * equal to zero then draw a line.
function setup() {
  createCanvas(720, 360);

  for (let i = 10; i < width; i += 10) {
    // If 'i' divides by 20 with no remainder draw the first line
    // else draw the second line
    if (i % 20 === 0) {
      line(i, 80, i, height / 2);
    } else {
      line(i, 20, i, 180);