// Cloned by Sagar Ramachandra Murthy on 5 Dec 2021 from World "Doodle Recognizer" by Sagar Ramachandra Murthy
// Please leave this clone trail here.
//Data Reference:
// https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/data
const len = 784;
const totalData = 1000;
const CAT = 0;
const RAINBOW = 1;
const TRAIN = 2;
const APPLE = 3;
const BREAD = 4;
const DONUT = 5;
const CACTUS = 6;
const GUITAR = 7;
const TSHIRT = 8;
const TV = 9;
let catsData;
let trainsData;
let rainbowsData;
let applesData;
let breadsData;
let donutsData;
let cactussData;
let guitarsData;
let tshirtsData;
let tvsData;
let cats = {};
let trains = {};
let rainbows = {};
let apples = {};
let breads = {};
let donuts = {};
let cactuss = {};
let guitars = {};
let tshirts = {};
let tvs = {};
let nn;
/*! p5.speech.js v0.0.1 2015-06-12 */
/* updated v0.0.2 2017-10-17 */
* @module p5.speech
* @submodule p5.speech
* @for p5.speech
* @main
* p5.speech
* R. Luke DuBois (dubois@nyu.edu)
* ABILITY Lab / Brooklyn Experimental Media Center
* New York University
* The MIT License (MIT).
* https://github.com/IDMNYU/p5.js-speech
* Web Speech API: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/speech-api/raw-file/tip/speechapi.html
* Web Speech Recognition API: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/speech-api/raw-file/tip/speechapi.html
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define('p5.speech', ['p5'], function (p5) { (factory(p5));});
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
}(this, function (p5) {
// =============================================================================
// p5.Speech
// =============================================================================
* Base class for a Speech Synthesizer
* @class p5.Speech
* @constructor
p5.Speech = function(_dv, _callback) {
// speech synthesizers consist of a single synthesis engine
// per window instance, and a variable number of 'utterance'
// objects, which can be cached and re-used for, e.g.
// auditory UI.
// this implementation assumes a monolithic (one synth,
// one phrase at a time) system.
// make a speech synthizer (this will load voices):
this.synth = window.speechSynthesis;
// make an utterance to use with this synthesizer:
this.utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
this.isLoaded = 0; // do we have voices yet?
// do we queue new utterances upon firing speak()
// or interrupt what's speaking:
this.interrupt = false;
// callback properties to be filled in within the p5 sketch
// if the author needs custom callbacks:
this.onLoad; // fires when voices are loaded and synth is ready
this.onStart; // fires when an utterance begins...
this.onPause; // ...is paused...
this.onResume; // ...resumes...
this.onEnd; // ...and ends.
this.voices = []; // array of available voices (dependent on browser/OS)
// first parameter of constructor is an initial voice selector
if(_dv !== undefined) this.initvoice=_dv;
if(_callback !== undefined) this.onLoad =_callback;
var that = this; // some bullshit
// onvoiceschanged() fires automatically when the synthesizer
// is configured and has its voices loaded. you don't need
// to wait for this if you're okay with the default voice.
// we use this function to load the voice array and bind our
// custom callback functions.
window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = function() {
if(that.isLoaded==0) { // run only once
that.voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices();
that.isLoaded = 1; // we're ready
console.log("p5.Speech: voices loaded!");
if(that.initvoice!=undefined) {
that.setVoice(that.initvoice); // set a custom initial voice
console.log("p5.Speech: initial voice: " + that.initvoice);
// fire custom onLoad() callback, if it exists:
if(that.onLoad!=undefined) that.onLoad();
// bind other custom callbacks:
that.utterance.onstart = function(e) {
if(that.onStart!=undefined) that.onStart(e);
that.utterance.onpause = function(e) {
if(that.onPause!=undefined) that.onPause(e);
that.utterance.onresume = function(e) {
if(that.onResume!=undefined) that.onResume(e);
that.utterance.onend = function(e) {
if(that.onEnd!=undefined) that.onEnd(e);
}; // end p5.Speech constructor
// listVoices() - dump voice names to javascript console:
p5.Speech.prototype.listVoices = function() {
for(var i = 0;i<this.voices.length;i++)
console.log("p5.Speech: voices not loaded yet!")
// setVoice() - assign voice to speech synthesizer, by name
// (using voices found in the voices[] array), or by index.
p5.Speech.prototype.setVoice = function(_v) {
// type check so you can set by label or by index:
if(typeof(_v)=='string') this.utterance.voice = this.voices.filter(function(v) { return v.name == _v; })[0];
else if(typeof(_v)=='number') this.utterance.voice = this.voices[Math.min(Math.max(_v,0),this.voices.length-1)];
// volume of voice. API range 0.0-1.0.
p5.Speech.prototype.setVolume = function(_v) {
this.utterance.volume = Math.min(Math.max(_v, 0.0), 1.0);
// rate of voice. not all voices support this feature.
// API range 0.1-2.0. voice will crash out of bounds.
p5.Speech.prototype.setRate = function(_v) {
this.utterance.rate = Math.min(Math.max(_v, 0.1), 2.0);
// pitch of voice. not all voices support this feature.
// API range >0.0-2.0. voice will crash out of bounds.
p5.Speech.prototype.setPitch = function(_v) {
this.utterance.pitch = Math.min(Math.max(_v, 0.01), 2.0);
// sets the language of the voice.
p5.Speech.prototype.setLang = function(_lang) {
this.utterance.lang = _lang;
// speak a phrase through the current synthesizer:
p5.Speech.prototype.speak = function(_phrase) {
if(this.interrupt) this.synth.cancel();
this.utterance.text = _phrase;
// not working...
p5.Speech.prototype.pause = function() {
// not working...
p5.Speech.prototype.resume = function() {
// stop current utterance:
p5.Speech.prototype.stop = function() {
// not working...
// kill synthesizer completely, clearing any queued utterances:
p5.Speech.prototype.cancel = function() {
this.synth.cancel(); // KILL SYNTH
// Setting callbacks with functions instead
p5.Speech.prototype.started = function(_cb) {
this.onStart = _cb;
p5.Speech.prototype.ended = function(_cb) {
this.onEnd = _cb;
p5.Speech.prototype.paused = function(_cb) {
this.onPause = _cb;
p5.Speech.prototype.resumed = function(_cb) {
this.onResume = _cb;
// =============================================================================
// p5.SpeechRec
// =============================================================================
* Base class for a Speech Recognizer
* @class p5.SpeechRec
* @constructor
p5.SpeechRec = function(_lang, _callback) {
// speech recognition consists of a recognizer object per
// window instance that returns a JSON object containing
// recognition. this JSON object grows when the synthesizer
// is in 'continuous' mode, with new recognized phrases
// appended into an internal array.
// this implementation returns the full JSON, but also a set
// of simple, query-ready properties containing the most
// recently recognized speech.
// make a recognizer object.
if('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window) {
this.rec = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
else {
this.rec = new Object();
console.log("p5.SpeechRec: webkitSpeechRecognition not supported in this browser.");
// first parameter is language model (defaults to empty=U.S. English)
// no list of valid models in API, but it must use BCP-47.
// here's some hints:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14257598/what-are-language-codes-for-voice-recognition-languages-in-chromes-implementati
if(_lang !== undefined) this.rec.lang=_lang;
// callback properties to be filled in within the p5 sketch
// if the author needs custom callbacks:
this.onResult; // fires when something has been recognized
this.onStart; // fires when the recognition system is started...
this.onError; // ...has a problem (e.g. the mic is shut off)...
this.onEnd; // ...and ends (in non-continuous mode).
if(_callback !== undefined) this.onResult=_callback;
// recognizer properties:
// continous mode means the object keeps recognizing speech,
// appending new tokens to the internal JSON.
this.continuous = false;
// interimResults means the object will report (i.e. fire its
// onresult() callback) more frequently, rather than at pauses
// in microphone input. this gets you quicker, but less accurate,
// results.
this.interimResults = false;
// result data:
// resultJSON:
// this is a full JSON returned by onresult(). it consists of a
// SpeechRecognitionEvent object, which contains a (wait for it)
// SpeechRecognitionResultList. this is an array. in continuous
// mode, it will be appended to, not cleared. each element is a
// SpeechRecognition result, which contains a (groan)
// SpeechRecognitionAlternative, containing a 'transcript' property.
// the 'transcript' is the recognized phrase. have fun.
// resultValue:
// validation flag which indicates whether the recognizer succeeded.
// this is *not* a metric of speech clarity, but rather whether the
// speech recognition system successfully connected to and received
// a response from the server. you can construct an if() around this
// if you're feeling worried.
// resultValue:
// the 'transcript' of the most recently recognized speech as a simple
// string. this will be blown out and replaced at every firing of the
// onresult() callback.
// resultConfidence:
// the 'confidence' (0-1) of the most recently recognized speech, e.g.
// that it reflects what was actually spoken. you can use this to filter
// out potentially bogus recognition tokens.
var that = this; // some bullshit
// onresult() fires automatically when the recognition engine
// detects speech, or times out trying.
// it fills up a JSON array internal to the webkitSpeechRecognition
// object. we reference it over in our struct here, and also copy
// out the most recently detected phrase and confidence value.
this.rec.onresult = function(e) {
that.resultJSON = e; // full JSON of callback event
that.resultValue = e.returnValue; // was successful?
// store latest result in top-level object struct
that.resultString = e.results[e.results.length-1][0].transcript.trim();
that.resultConfidence = e.results[e.results.length-1][0].confidence;
if(that.onResult!=undefined) that.onResult();
// fires when the recognition system starts (i.e. when you 'allow'
// the mic to be used in the browser).
this.rec.onstart = function(e) {
if(that.onStart!=undefined) that.onStart(e);
// fires on a client-side error (server-side errors are expressed
// by the resultValue in the JSON coming back as 'false').
this.rec.onerror = function(e) {
if(that.onError!=undefined) that.onError(e);
// fires when the recognition finishes, in non-continuous mode.
this.rec.onend = function() {
if(that.onEnd!=undefined) that.onEnd();
}; // end p5.SpeechRec constructor
// start the speech recognition engine. this will prompt a
// security dialog in the browser asking for permission to
// use the microphone. this permission will persist throughout
// this one 'start' cycle. if you need to recognize speech more
// than once, use continuous mode rather than firing start()
// multiple times in a single script.
p5.SpeechRec.prototype.start = function(_continuous, _interim) {
if('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window) {
if(_continuous !== undefined) this.continuous = _continuous;
if(_interim !== undefined) this.interimResults = _interim;
this.rec.continuous = this.continuous;
this.rec.interimResults = this.interimResults;
* fix callbacks (pause, resume) in synthesizer.
* support speech grammar models for scoped auditory UI.
* support markdown, boundaries, etc for better synthesis tracking.
* support utterance parser for long phrases.
// EOF
// Voice
// Voice
let Xpos = 0, Xv = 0, Ypos = 0, Yv = 0, Stop = false;
var SpeechRec = new p5.SpeechRec();
let pword = "";
SpeechRec.continuous = true;
SpeechRec.interimResults = true;
// Voice
function preload() {
catsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/cats.bin');
trainsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/trains.bin');
rainbowsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/rainbows.bin');
applesData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/apple.bin');
breadsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/bread.bin');
donutsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/donut.bin');
cactussData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/cactus.bin');
guitarsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/guitar.bin');
tshirtsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/t-shirt.bin');
tvsData = loadBytes('/uploads/sagarr1/television.bin');
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500);
AB.msg(`<div> <button id="train">Model Train</button>
<button id="test">Model Test</button>
<button id="guess">Predict</button>
<button id="clear">Clear Doodle</button> </div>
<br> <div> Put your doodle to the left </div>
<br> <div> Draw: Apple, Bread, Cactus, Cat, Donut, Television, Train, T-Shirt, Guitar, Rainbow </div>
<br><div id = "epoch"></div>
<div id = "percent"></div>
<br><div id = "output"></div>`);
// background('grey');
// Voice //
createCanvas(displayWidth, displayHeight);
SpeechRec.onResult = showResult
SpeechRec.onStart = onStart
// Voice
// Preparing the data
prepareData(cats, catsData, CAT);
prepareData(rainbows, rainbowsData, RAINBOW);
prepareData(trains, trainsData, TRAIN);
prepareData(apples, applesData, APPLE);
prepareData(breads, breadsData, BREAD);
prepareData(donuts, donutsData, DONUT);
prepareData(cactuss, cactussData, CACTUS);
prepareData(guitars, guitarsData, GUITAR);
prepareData(tshirts, tshirtsData, TSHIRT);
prepareData(tvs, tvsData, TV);
// Making the neural network
nn = new NeuralNetwork(784, 100, 10);
// Randomizing the data
let training = [];
training = training.concat(cats.training);
training = training.concat(rainbows.training);
training = training.concat(trains.training);
training = training.concat(apples.training);
training = training.concat(breads.training);
training = training.concat(donuts.training);
training = training.concat(cactuss.training);
training = training.concat(guitars.training);
training = training.concat(tshirts.training);
training = training.concat(tvs.training);
let testing = [];
testing = testing.concat(cats.testing);
testing = testing.concat(rainbows.testing);
testing = testing.concat(trains.testing);
testing = testing.concat(apples.testing);
testing = testing.concat(breads.testing);
testing = testing.concat(donuts.testing);
testing = testing.concat(cactuss.testing);
testing = testing.concat(guitars.testing);
testing = testing.concat(tshirts.testing);
testing = testing.concat(tvs.testing);
// let id = document.getElementById("id");
// $(id).change(function (event) {
// });
let trainButton = document.getElementById("train");
let epochCounter = 0;
$(trainButton).click(function (event) {
console.log("Epoch: " + epochCounter);
$('#epoch').text("Train Epoch: " + epochCounter);
let testButton = document.getElementById("test");
$(testButton).click(function (event){
let percent = testAll(testing);
console.log("Percent: " + nf(percent, 2, 2) + "%");
$('#percent').text("Test Accuracy: " + nf(percent, 2, 2) + "%" );
let guessButton = document.getElementById("guess");
$(guessButton).click(function (event) {
let inputs = [];
let img = get();
img.resize(28, 28);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let bright = img.pixels[i * 4];
inputs[i] = (255 - bright) / 255.0;
let guess = nn.predict(inputs);
// console.log(guess);
let m = max(guess);
let classification = guess.indexOf(m);
if (classification === CAT) {
$('#output').text('Output: Cat');
} else if (classification === RAINBOW) {
$('#output').text('Output: Rainbow');
} else if (classification === TRAIN) {
$('#output').text('Output: Train');
} else if (classification === APPLE) {
$('#output').text('Output: Apple');
} else if (classification === BREAD) {
$('#output').text('Output: Bread');
} else if (classification === DONUT) {
$('#output').text('Output: Donut');
} else if (classification === CACTUS) {
$('#output').text('Output: Cactus');
} else if (classification === GUITAR) {
$('#output').text('Output: Guitar');
} else if (classification === TSHIRT) {
$('#output').text('Output: TShirt');
} else if (classification === TV) {
$('#output').text('Output: Television');
//image(img, 0, 0);
let clearButton = document.getElementById("clear");
$(clearButton).click(function (event) {
// background('grey');
// for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
// trainEpoch(training);
// console.log("Epoch: " + i);
// let percent = testAll(testing);
// console.log("% Correct: " + percent);
// }
function draw() {
// Voice
point(width/3 + Xpos, height/3 + Ypos);
if(Stop == false){
Xpos = Xpos + Xv;
Ypos = Ypos + Yv}
// Voice
if (mouseIsPressed) {
line(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
function onStart(){
pword = SpeechRec.resultString;
function showResult(){
if(SpeechRec.resultConfidence < 0.009 || pword == SpeechRec.resultString){
return 0;
pword = SpeechRec.resultString;
case "Stop": case "stop":
Stop = true;
Xv = 0;
Yv = 0;
case "start":
Stop = false;
case "clear":
case "restart":
Xv = 0;
Xpos = 0;
Yv = 0;
Ypos = 0;
Stop = false;
case "up":
Yv = -1;
Xv = 0;
case "down":
Yv = 1;
Xv = 0;
case "left":
Yv = 0;
Xv = -1;
case "right":
Yv = 0;
Xv = 1;
// Voice
p5.prototype.loadBytes = function(file, callback) {
var self = this;
var data = {};
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.open("GET", file, true);
oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";
oReq.onload = function(oEvent) {
var arrayBuffer = oReq.response;
if (arrayBuffer) {
data.bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
if (callback) {
return data;
function trainEpoch(training) {
shuffle(training, true);
// Train for one epoch
for (let i = 0; i < training.length; i++) {
let data = training[i];
let inputs = Array.from(data).map(x => x / 255);
let label = training[i].label;
let targets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
targets[label] = 1;
// console.log(inputs);
// console.log(targets);
nn.train(inputs, targets);
function testAll(testing) {
let correct = 0;
// Train for one epoch
for (let i = 0; i < testing.length; i++) {
// for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
let data = testing[i];
let inputs = Array.from(data).map(x => x / 255);
let label = testing[i].label;
let guess = nn.predict(inputs);
let m = max(guess);
let classification = guess.indexOf(m);
if (classification === label) {
let percent = 100 * correct / testing.length;
return percent;
function prepareData(category, data, label) {
category.training = [];
category.testing = [];
for (let i = 0; i < totalData; i++) {
let offset = i * len;
let threshold = floor(0.8 * totalData);
if (i < threshold) {
category.training[i] = data.bytes.subarray(offset, offset + len);
category.training[i].label = label;
} else {
category.testing[i - threshold] = data.bytes.subarray(offset, offset + len);
category.testing[i - threshold].label = label;
// Other techniques for learning
class ActivationFunction {
constructor(func, dfunc) {
this.func = func;
this.dfunc = dfunc;
let sigmoid = new ActivationFunction(
x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)),
y => y * (1 - y)
let tanh = new ActivationFunction(
x => Math.tanh(x),
y => 1 - (y * y)
class NeuralNetwork {
* if first argument is a NeuralNetwork the constructor clones it
* USAGE: cloned_nn = new NeuralNetwork(to_clone_nn);
constructor(in_nodes, hid_nodes, out_nodes) {
if (in_nodes instanceof NeuralNetwork) {
let a = in_nodes;
this.input_nodes = a.input_nodes;
this.hidden_nodes = a.hidden_nodes;
this.output_nodes = a.output_nodes;
this.weights_ih = a.weights_ih.copy();
this.weights_ho = a.weights_ho.copy();
this.bias_h = a.bias_h.copy();
this.bias_o = a.bias_o.copy();
} else {
this.input_nodes = in_nodes;
this.hidden_nodes = hid_nodes;
this.output_nodes = out_nodes;
this.weights_ih = new Matrix(this.hidden_nodes, this.input_nodes);
this.weights_ho = new Matrix(this.output_nodes, this.hidden_nodes);
this.bias_h = new Matrix(this.hidden_nodes, 1);
this.bias_o = new Matrix(this.output_nodes, 1);
// TODO: copy these as well
predict(input_array) {
// Generating the Hidden Outputs
let inputs = Matrix.fromArray(input_array);
let hidden = Matrix.multiply(this.weights_ih, inputs);
// activation function!
// Generating the output's output!
let output = Matrix.multiply(this.weights_ho, hidden);
// Sending back to the caller!
return output.toArray();
setLearningRate(learning_rate = 0.1) {
this.learning_rate = learning_rate;
setActivationFunction(func = sigmoid) {
this.activation_function = func;
train(input_array, target_array) {
// Generating the Hidden Outputs
let inputs = Matrix.fromArray(input_array);
let hidden = Matrix.multiply(this.weights_ih, inputs);
// activation function!
// Generating the output's output!
let outputs = Matrix.multiply(this.weights_ho, hidden);
// Convert array to matrix object
let targets = Matrix.fromArray(target_array);
// Calculate the error
let output_errors = Matrix.subtract(targets, outputs);
// let gradient = outputs * (1 - outputs);
// Calculate gradient
let gradients = Matrix.map(outputs, this.activation_function.dfunc);
// Calculate deltas
let hidden_T = Matrix.transpose(hidden);
let weight_ho_deltas = Matrix.multiply(gradients, hidden_T);
// Adjust the weights by deltas
// Adjust the bias by its deltas (which is just the gradients)
// Calculate the hidden layer errors
let who_t = Matrix.transpose(this.weights_ho);
let hidden_errors = Matrix.multiply(who_t, output_errors);
// Calculate hidden gradient
let hidden_gradient = Matrix.map(hidden, this.activation_function.dfunc);
// Calcuate input->hidden deltas
let inputs_T = Matrix.transpose(inputs);
let weight_ih_deltas = Matrix.multiply(hidden_gradient, inputs_T);
// Adjust the bias by its deltas (which is just the gradients)
// outputs.print();
// targets.print();
// error.print();
serialize() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
static deserialize(data) {
if (typeof data == 'string') {
data = JSON.parse(data);
let nn = new NeuralNetwork(data.input_nodes, data.hidden_nodes, data.output_nodes);
nn.weights_ih = Matrix.deserialize(data.weights_ih);
nn.weights_ho = Matrix.deserialize(data.weights_ho);
nn.bias_h = Matrix.deserialize(data.bias_h);
nn.bias_o = Matrix.deserialize(data.bias_o);
nn.learning_rate = data.learning_rate;
return nn;
// Adding function for neuro-evolution
copy() {
return new NeuralNetwork(this);
// Accept an arbitrary function for mutation
mutate(func) {
// let m = new Matrix(3,2);
class Matrix {
constructor(rows, cols) {
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
this.data = Array(this.rows).fill().map(() => Array(this.cols).fill(0));
copy() {
let m = new Matrix(this.rows, this.cols);
for (let i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.cols; j++) {
m.data[i][j] = this.data[i][j];
return m;
static fromArray(arr) {
return new Matrix(arr.length, 1).map((e, i) => arr[i]);
static subtract(a, b) {
if (a.rows !== b.rows || a.cols !== b.cols) {
console.log('Columns and Rows of A must match Columns and Rows of B.');
// Return a new Matrix a-b
return new Matrix(a.rows, a.cols)
.map((_, i, j) => a.data[i][j] - b.data[i][j]);
toArray() {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.cols; j++) {
return arr;
randomize() {
return this.map(e => Math.random() * 2 - 1);
add(n) {
if (n instanceof Matrix) {
if (this.rows !== n.rows || this.cols !== n.cols) {
console.log('Columns and Rows of A must match Columns and Rows of B.');
return this.map((e, i, j) => e + n.data[i][j]);
} else {
return this.map(e => e + n);
static transpose(matrix) {
return new Matrix(matrix.cols, matrix.rows)
.map((_, i, j) => matrix.data[j][i]);
static multiply(a, b) {
// Matrix product
if (a.cols !== b.rows) {
console.log('Columns of A must match rows of B.');
return new Matrix(a.rows, b.cols)
.map((e, i, j) => {
// Dot product of values in col
let sum = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < a.cols; k++) {
sum += a.data[i][k] * b.data[k][j];
return sum;
multiply(n) {
if (n instanceof Matrix) {
if (this.rows !== n.rows || this.cols !== n.cols) {
console.log('Columns and Rows of A must match Columns and Rows of B.');
// hadamard product
return this.map((e, i, j) => e * n.data[i][j]);
} else {
// Scalar product
return this.map(e => e * n);
map(func) {
// Apply a function to every element of matrix
for (let i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.cols; j++) {
let val = this.data[i][j];
this.data[i][j] = func(val, i, j);
return this;
static map(matrix, func) {
// Apply a function to every element of matrix
return new Matrix(matrix.rows, matrix.cols)
.map((e, i, j) => func(matrix.data[i][j], i, j));
print() {
return this;
serialize() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
static deserialize(data) {
if (typeof data == 'string') {
data = JSON.parse(data);
let matrix = new Matrix(data.rows, data.cols);
matrix.data = data.data;
return matrix;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = Matrix;