Code viewer for World: aStarSearch
 * This file encodes the A* search algorithm 
 * optimised for the "Complex World" problem.
 * Practical n.1
 * Author: Stefano Marzo
 * Created: 25/10/2021
 * Ported on AB: 28/10/2021 

 * the Stack mantains the elements ordered by their cost.
 * it allows to get the minimum cost Node in O(1) time complexity
 * it adds new node in order in O(log_2(n)) time complexity
class Stack{
        this.stack = [];
     * @param{*} el the element to add to the list
     * Adds new node in order with respect to the node cost.
     * Time complexity is O(log_2(n)).
    add(el) {
        this.stack.splice(this.sortedIndex(this.stack, el.cost), 0, el);

     * @returns one of the nodes with minimum cost
    getNext() {
        return this.stack.shift();

     * @param {*} list array to look into
     * @param {*} val new element to insert e.g. node cost
     * @returns the index in which to insert the new item, 
     * leaving the list sorted.
    sortedIndex(list, val) {
        let lower = 0;
        let higher = list.length;
        let middle = 0; 
        while (lower < higher) {
            middle = (lower + higher) >>> 1; //bit shifting (like (lower+higher)/2)
            if (list[middle].cost < val) lower = middle + 1;
            else higher = middle;
        return lower;
 * HashTable of the states reached,
 * it takes track of all the position (i,j) covered during the search.
class StateTable{
        this.states = [];

 * Structure to support the node in the graph search
 * in this case, instead of saving the entire state in
 * the node, it is sufficient to save only a sub-state 
 * indicating the coordinates, what is in the direction:
 * top, bottom, left, right
class Node{
    constructor(parent, cost, depth, posI, posJ){
        this.parent = parent;
        this.cost = cost; //depth + manhattan distance
        this.depth = depth;
        this.posI = posI;
        this.posJ = posJ;
        this.whatsUP = GRID[posI-1][posJ];
        this.whatsDOWN = GRID[posI+1][posJ];
        this.whatsLEFT = GRID[posI][posJ-1];
        this.whatsRIGHT = GRID[posI][posJ+1];

 * The A* search is supported by the class AStar
 * the main method to use is .search() that returns
 * the last node (goal).
 * From the goal, it is possible to abtain the path
 * as a array of coordinates with the method 
 * .getPath(lastNode).
class AStar{
    constructor(iStart, jStart, iEnd, jEnd, heuristic = function() {
        return Math.abs(this.iEnd - this.iStart) + Math.abs(this.jEnd - this.jStart);
        this.stack = new Stack();
        this.stateTable = new StateTable();
        this.nodeCreated = 0;
        this.iterationsCount = 0;
        this.createNode(null, iStart, jStart);
        this.iStart = iStart;
        this.jStart = jStart;
        this.iEnd = iEnd;
        this.jEnd = jEnd;
        this.distance = heuristic;

     * @param {*} parent the parent node to be linked
     * @param {*} posI the i coordinate of the node
     * @param {*} posJ the j coordinate of the node
     * Creates a new node based on position and parent
     * the new node is added to the Stack IIF it is
     * the first time that we visit that state.
     * This feature is implemented by using an hash table.
     * In this manner, by allocating at most an amount of 
     * memory proportional to the number of grid cells,
     * it is guaranteed that one state is not visited and
     * so expanded more than once.
     * Moreover the cost and depth are calculated and
     * new nodes are added to the Stack
    createNode(parent, posI, posJ) {
        if(typeof this.stateTable.states[posI+''+posJ] === 'undefined') {
            let cost = 0;
            let depth = 0;
            if(parent != null) {
                cost = parent.depth + this.distance();
                depth = parent.depth + 1;
            let node = new Node(parent, cost, depth, posI, posJ);
            this.stateTable.states[posI+''+posJ] = false;
            this.nodeCreated += 1;

     * a while loop that expands the best node until the solution
     * is found. if no solution is possible then returns null
     * @returns the last node expanded containing the solution
     * or null
    search() {
        let next = this.stack.getNext();
        while(!this.isGoal(next)) {
            next = this.stack.getNext();
            if(next === undefined) return null;
        return next;

     * @param {*} node the last node of the path
     * @returns a list containg the {i,j} coordinates
     * leading from the start point to the end point
     * towards the best possible path.
    getPath(node) {
        if (node === null) return null; // if no solution return null
        let path = [];
        while(node.parent != null) {
            path.unshift({i: node.posI, j: node.posJ}); //unshift push array element
            node = node.parent;
        return path;

     * @param {*} node the next node to expand
     * analyse the parameter node and call .getPossibleNodes(node)
     * to generate the new node neighbours.
     * For each neighbour a node is created
    expand(node) {
        if(typeof this.stateTable.states[node.posI+''+node.posJ] !== 'undefined') {
            let nextPossibleNodes = this.getPossibleNodes(node);
            for(let next of nextPossibleNodes) {
                this.createNode(node, next.posI, next.posJ);

     * @param {*} node the node to be analysed
     * uses the information stored in the node to create a map
     * of coordinates that are used to expand the node
    getPossibleNodes(node) {
        let nextPossibleNodes = [];
        if(node.whatsUP == GRID_BLANK || node.whatsUP == GRID_ATTACK_AREA){
            nextPossibleNodes.push({posI: node.posI-1, posJ: node.posJ});
        if(node.whatsDOWN == GRID_BLANK || node.whatsDOWN == GRID_ATTACK_AREA){
            nextPossibleNodes.push({posI: node.posI+1, posJ: node.posJ});
        if(node.whatsLEFT == GRID_BLANK || node.whatsLEFT == GRID_ATTACK_AREA){
            nextPossibleNodes.push({posI: node.posI, posJ: node.posJ-1});
        if(node.whatsRIGHT == GRID_BLANK || node.whatsRIGHT == GRID_ATTACK_AREA){
            nextPossibleNodes.push({posI: node.posI, posJ: node.posJ+1});
        return nextPossibleNodes;

     * @param {*} node the node to be assesed
     * @returns if the node coordinates are equals to the goal coordinates
    isGoal(node) {
        return node.posI == this.iEnd && node.posJ == this.jEnd;

     * @returns the average number of branches expanded
     getAverageExpansion() {
        return this.nodeCreated/this.iterationsCount;
