Code viewer for World: CA686: Practical 1 - Compl...
    Author: Kieron Drumm.
    Student Number: 13314446.
    Module: CA686 (Foundations of Artifical Intelligence).
    Assignment: Practical 1.
    Stage: Stage 1 (Modifying the enemy to use the A* algorithm when seeking out its opponent).
    Theme: I have modified the theme of the world to reflect the time of year, paying homage to the classic 1972 slasher movie: "Halloween".

// Cloned by Kieron on 23 Oct 2022 from World "Complex World" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// ==== Starter World =================================================================================================
// This code is designed for use on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may be freely copied and edited by anyone on the Ancient Brain site.
// To include a working run of this program on another site, see the "Embed code" links provided on Ancient Brain.
// ====================================================================================================================

// =============================================================================================
// More complex starter World 
// 3d-effect Maze World (really a 2-D problem)
// Movement is on a semi-visible grid of squares 
// This more complex World shows:
// - Skybox
// - Internal maze (randomly drawn each time)
// - Enemy actively chases agent
// - Music/audio
// - 2D world (clone this and set show3d = false)
// - User keyboard control (clone this and comment out Mind actions to see)
// =============================================================================================

// =============================================================================================
// Scoring:
// Bad steps = steps where enemy is within one step of agent.
// Good steps = steps where enemy is further away. 
// Score = good steps as percentage of all steps.
// There are situations where agent is trapped and cannot move.
// If this happens, you score zero.
// =============================================================================================

// ===================================================================================================================
// === Start of tweaker's box ======================================================================================== 
// ===================================================================================================================
/* The speed of a single run: Step every n milliseconds. Default 100. */
AB.clockTick = 100;

/* Length of run: Maximum length of run in steps. Default 1000. */
AB.maxSteps = 1000;

/* Take screenshot on this step. (All resources should have finished loading.) Default 50. */
AB.screenshotStep  = 50;   

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Modifications made to the agent, enemy, and wall textures. I also
//               added a "pool of blood" graphic to represent the path currently
//               being taken by the enemy, in accordance with the "Halloween"
//               theme.
// ================================================================================
/* Initialise any global constants. */
// credits:
const show3d = true;
const TEXTURE_AGENT = '/uploads/drummk2/Laurie_Strode.jpg';
const TEXTURE_ENEMY = '/uploads/drummk2/Michael_Myers.jpg';
const TEXTURE_MAZE = '/uploads/starter/latin.jpg';
const TEXTURE_PATH = '/uploads/drummk2/Pool_Of_Blood.jpg';
const TEXTURE_WALL = '/uploads/drummk2/Dark_Brick_Wall.jpg';

// credits:
const MUSIC_BACK  = '/uploads/drummk2/Creepy.mp3';
const SOUND_ALARM = '/uploads/starter/air.horn.mp3';

/* The number of squares in the world. */
const gridsize = 50;

/* Density of maze - number of internal boxes. */
const NOBOXES = Math.trunc((gridsize * gridsize) / 8);

/* The size of each square in pixels. */		
const squaresize = 100;

/* The length of one side in pixels. */
const MAXPOS = gridsize * squaresize;
/* The colour of the sky. */
const SKYCOLOR= 0xddffdd;

/* The distance from the centre, from where the camere should be started. */
const startRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 0.8;

/* The maximum distance from the centre, where anything will be rendered. */
const maxRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 10;

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: To be used when deciding whether or not any new squares are walls.
// ================================================================================
/* The value to be used when determining whether or not a new square is a wall. */
const wallCutOff = AB.randomFloatAtoB(0, 0.6);

/* Some ABWorld default variables. */
ABHandler.MAXCAMERAPOS = maxRadiusConst;
ABHandler.GROUNDZERO = true;

//--- skybox: -------------------------------
// skybox is a collection of 6 files 
// x,y,z positive and negative faces have to be in certain order in the array 
// space skybox, credit:
const SKYBOX_ARRAY = [										 

// ===================================================================================================================
// === End of tweaker's box ==========================================================================================
// ===================================================================================================================

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Created a "Square" class, based on Daniel Shiffman's "Spot"
//               class. To be used to simplify the process of modifying each
//               square on the grid, and for the purpose of implementing the
//               A* search algorithm.
// ================================================================================

// Adapted from code written in the following video series:
// Daniel Shiffman
// Nature of Code: Intelligence and Learning

// Part 1:
// Part 2:
// Part 3:

/* Represents a single square on the grid. */
function Square(i, j, squareType, isWall) {
    /* The unique ID for this square (to be used when highlighting). */
    /* The coordinates for the spot. */
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;
    /* To be used for the purpose of implementing the A* algorithm. */
    this.f = 0;
    this.g = 0;
    this.h = 0;
    /* The spot in question's neighbours. */
    this.neighbors = [];

    /* The previous spot that was traversed to reach this spot. */
    this.previous = undefined;

    /* Is the piece a maze piece, blank space or a wall? */
    this.squareType = squareType;
    /* Whether or not this spot is a wall. */
    this.isWall = isWall;
    /* Display the square in question. */ = function() {
        shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);			 
        thecube = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
        if (this.squareType == GRID_WALL) {
            thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: wall_texture });
        } else if (this.squareType == GRID_MAZE) {
            thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: maze_texture });
        thecube.position.copy(translate(this.i, this.j));
    /* Highlight the square as a part of the path currently being plotted out. */
    this.highlight = function(addHighlighting) {
        if (addHighlighting) {
            shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, 0.001, squaresize);			 
            thecube = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
            thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: path_texture });
            thecube.position.copy(translate(this.i, this.j));
            this.uniqueId = thecube.uuid;
        } else {
            /* Clear this point on the grid. */
            var highlightedSquare = ABWorld.scene.getObjectByProperty("uuid", this.uniqueId);
            this.uniqueId = null;
    /* Determine the neighbours of this square. */
    this.addNeighbors = function(grid) {
        if (this.i < gridsize - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[this.i + 1][this.j]);
        if (this.i > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[this.i - 1][this.j]);
        if (this.j < gridsize - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[this.i][this.j + 1]);
        if (this.j > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[this.i][this.j - 1]);

/* Initialise any constants. */
/* The actions that the mind can make. */
const ACTION_LEFT = 0;		   
const ACTION_RIGHT = 1;
const ACTION_UP	= 2;		 
const ACTION_DOWN = 3;

/* In initial view, (smaller-larger) on i axis is aligned with (left-right).
   In initial view, (smaller-larger) on j axis is aligned with (away from you - towards you). */
/* The constants of a grid square. */
const GRID_BLANK = 0;
const GRID_WALL	= 1;
const GRID_MAZE	= 2;

/* Initialise any variables. */
/* The height of a 3D box. */

/* The grid, initialised as a 2D array, to store all of the grid squares. */
var GRID = new Array(gridsize);

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Using two arrays for our winning path for our open and closed
//               sets, previously used in the A* algorithm lab exercise.
// ================================================================================
/* The set of open and closed squares (to be used by our A* algorithm). */
var closedSet = [];
var openSet = [];

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Record the path that the A8 algorithm has decided upon, as we go.
// ================================================================================
/* Record the path currently being taken. */
var path = [];

/* The enemy and agent sprites. */
var theagent, theenemy;

/* Miscellaneous textures to be rendered. */
var wall_texture, agent_texture, enemy_texture, maze_texture, path_texture;

/* The positions of the enemy and agent. */
var ei, ej, ai, aj;

/* The number of bad steps made. */
var badsteps;

/* The number of good steps made. */
var goodsteps;

/* Load all necessary texture resources asynchronously. */
function loadResources() {
	var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader2 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader3 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader4 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader5 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	loader1.load(TEXTURE_WALL, function(thetexture) {
	    thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
		wall_texture = thetexture;
		if (asynchFinished()) initScene();
	loader2.load(TEXTURE_AGENT, function(thetexture) {
		thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
		agent_texture = thetexture;
		if (asynchFinished()) initScene();		 
	loader3.load(TEXTURE_ENEMY, function(thetexture) {
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		enemy_texture = thetexture;
		if (asynchFinished()) initScene();		 
	loader4.load(TEXTURE_MAZE, function(thetexture) {
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		maze_texture = thetexture;
		if (asynchFinished()) initScene(); 
	loader5.load(TEXTURE_PATH, function(thetexture) {
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		path_texture = thetexture;
		if (asynchFinished()) initScene(); 

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Simplified the return statement to minimise the size of the file.
// ================================================================================
function asynchFinished() {
    return (wall_texture && agent_texture && enemy_texture && maze_texture && path_texture);

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Modified the occupied check to use the "Square" class,
//               specifically the "SquareType" property.
// ================================================================================
// The grid system is numbered from 0 to 'gridsize' - 1.
/* Is the grid square with the specified coordinates currently occupied. */
function occupied(i, j) {
    /* Is the grid square in question occupied by the enemy or agent? */
    if ((ei === i) && (ej === j)) return true;
    if ((ai === i) && (aj === j)) return true;

    /* Is the grid square in question occupied by an obstacle or a maze piece? */
    if (GRID[i][j].squareType === GRID_WALL) return true;
    if (GRID[i][j].squareType === GRID_MAZE) return true;
    return false;

// Translates (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates.
// Logically, coordinates are: y=0, x and z all positive (no negative).
// logically my dimensions are all positive 0 to MAXPOS.
// To centre everything on the origin, subtract (MAXPOS/2) from all dimensions.
function translate(i, j) {
    var v = new THREE.Vector3();
	v.y = 0;	
	v.x = (i * squaresize) - (MAXPOS / 2);   		 
	v.z = (j * squaresize) - (MAXPOS / 2);   	
	return v;

/* To be run, once all file loads have been completed. */	
function initScene() {
    var i,j, shape, thecube;

	/* Initialise the grid as a 2D array. */ 
	for (i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++) {
	    GRID[i] = new Array(gridsize);

    // ================================================================================
    // Assignment-Related Modification
    // ================================================================================
    // Author: Kieron Drumm
    // Modification: Modified the wall initialisation code to use the "Square" class.
    // ================================================================================
	/* Initialise all of the walls. */
	for (i = 0; i < gridsize; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < gridsize; j++) {
		    if ((i === 0) || (i === gridsize - 1) || (j === 0) || (j === gridsize - 1)) {
                /* Add a new wall to the grid. */
    			GRID[i][j] = new Square(i, j, GRID_WALL, true);
    		} else {
    		    /* Initialise the square as a blank space. */
    		    GRID[i][j] = new Square(i, j, GRID_BLANK, false);

    // ================================================================================
    // Assignment-Related Modification
    // ================================================================================
    // Author: Kieron Drumm
    // Modification: Modified the maze initialisation code to use the "Square" class.
    // ================================================================================
	/* Initialise the maze pieces. */	
    for (var c = 1; c <= NOBOXES; c++) {
        /* Ensure that the coordinates generated are within the walls of the maze. */
	    i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
		j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
		/* Add a new maze piece to the grid. */
		GRID[i][j] = new Square(i, j, GRID_MAZE, true);
	// ================================================================================
    // Assignment-Related Modification
    // ================================================================================
    // Author: Kieron Drumm
    // Modification: We must determine the neighbours for all squares, once the grid
    //               has been fully initialised.
    // ================================================================================
	/* Determine the neighbours for all squares on the grid. */
	for (i = 0; i < gridsize; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < gridsize; j++) {
    /* Initialise an enemy in a random location. */
    /* Ensure that the enemy is spawned in an empty sqaure. */
	do {
	    i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
	    j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
	} while (occupied(i, j));
    /* Ensure that the enemy is spawned in an empty sqaure. */
    ei = i;
    ej = j;
    shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);			 
    theenemy = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
    theenemy.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: enemy_texture });
    /* Initialise an agent in a random location. */
    /* Ensure that the agent is spawned in an empty sqaure. */
    do {
        i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
	    j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
    } while (occupied(i,j));
    ai = i;
    aj = j;
	shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);
	theagent = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
	theagent.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: agent_texture });

    /* Initialise the skybox. */
    /* Setting up skybox is simple: just pass it array of 6 URLs and it does the asych load. */
    ABWorld.scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader().load(SKYBOX_ARRAY, function() { 
		AB.runReady = true;
/* Draw any moving objects. */
/* Draw the enemy. */
function drawEnemy() {
	theenemy.position.copy(translate(ei, ej));

/* Draw the agent. */
function drawAgent() {
	theagent.position.copy(translate(ai, aj));

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Added a function for calculating the heuristic cost of going from
//               the enemy to the agent, previously used in the A* algorithm lab
//               exercise.
// ================================================================================
/* Using our heuristic evaluation method of choice, calculate the heuristic cost for a given square. */
function heuristic(a, b) {
    /* Given that diagonal moves are not allowed, calculate the distance across, plus the distance down. */
    return (Math.abs(a.i - b.i) + Math.abs(a.j - b.j));

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: An implementation of the A* algorithm to determine our enemy's
//               best next step.
// ================================================================================
function determineNextStep() {
    console.log("Determining the ideal move from (" + ei + ", " + ej + ").");
    /* Clear the highlighted path, before we begin a new iteration of our search. */
    for (const highlightedSquare of path) { highlightedSquare.highlight(false); }
    /* Clear the closed and open sets, and the path, before we begin a new iteration of the A* algorithm. */
    closedSet.splice(0, closedSet.length);
    openSet.splice(0, openSet.length);
    path.splice(0, path.length);
    /* Set the starting square in the open set to be the position of our enemy. */
    var enemySquare = GRID[ei][ej];
    /* Are there any nodes left to be searched? */
    while (openSet.length > 0) {
        /* The index of the winning node (so far). */
        var winner = 0;
        /* Determine which of the currently open squares had the highest fitness. */
        for (var i = 0; i < openSet.length; i++) {
            if (openSet[i].f < openSet[winner].f) {
                winner = i;
        /* Determine where the agent and enemy currently reside. */
        var current = openSet[winner];
        var end = GRID[ai][aj];
        /* Have we found a path to the enemy? */
        if (current === end) {
            /* Trace our way back to the enemy, and return the next best square to which it should move. */
            var winningSquare = current;
            while (winningSquare.previous !== enemySquare) {
                /* Highlight the path that we have found. Then, add each square to our stored path, for later. */
                /* Work our way backwards, following our path back to the enemy. */
                winningSquare = winningSquare.previous;
            console.log("Search complete - moving to (" + winningSquare.i + ", " + winningSquare.j + ").");
            return winningSquare;
        /* Transfer the current square from the open set to the closed set. */
        openSet.splice(openSet.indexOf(current), 1);
        /* Get the neighbouring squares for the current square. */
        var neighbors = current.neighbors;
        /* Iterate through, and evaluate each of the neighbouring squares. */
        for (var i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
            var neighbor = neighbors[i];
            /* Confirm that the square has not already been searched, and is not a wall or maze piece. */
            if (!closedSet.includes(neighbor) && !neighbor.isWall) {
                var tempG = current.g + heuristic(neighbor, current);

                var newPath = false;
                if (openSet.includes(neighbor)) {
                    if (tempG < neighbor.g) {
                        neighbor.g = tempG;
                        newPath = true;
                } else {
                    neighbor.g = tempG;
                    newPath = true;

                if (newPath) {
                    neighbor.h = heuristic(neighbor, end);
                    neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
                    neighbor.previous = current;

/* Take the appropriate action. */
function moveLogicalEnemy() { 
    /* Make a move towards the agent. */
    /* Run an A* search to map out the ideal route to the agent, and move accordingly. */
    var nextBestSquare = determineNextStep();
    /* Move the enemy to the square that the A* algorithm has deemed as being the next best step,
       ensuring that the square in question is not currently occupied. */
    if (!occupied(nextBestSquare.i, nextBestSquare.j)) {
        ei = nextBestSquare.i;
        ej = nextBestSquare.j;

/* Take the appropriate action as the agent, provided by the mind. */
function moveLogicalAgent(a) {
    var i = ai;
    var j = aj;		 
    if (a == ACTION_LEFT) i--;
    else if (a == ACTION_RIGHT) i++;
    else if (a == ACTION_UP) j++;
    else if (a == ACTION_DOWN) j--;

    if (!occupied(i, j)) {
        ai = i;
        aj = j;

/* Key handling. */
/* This is hard to see while the Mind is also moving the agent:
   AB.mind.getAction() and are constantly running in a loop at the same time 
   Mind actions must be turned off to really see user key control. */
var OURKEYS = [37, 38, 39, 40];

function ourKeys (event) {
    return (OURKEYS.includes(event.keyCode));
function keyHandler(event) {
    if (!AB.runReady) return true;
	if (!ourKeys(event)) return true;
	if (event.keyCode == 37) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_LEFT);   
    if (event.keyCode == 38) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_DOWN); 	 
    if (event.keyCode == 39) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_RIGHT); 	 
    if (event.keyCode == 40) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_UP);   
	return false;

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Simplified the return statement to minimise the size of the file.
// ================================================================================
/* Measure the amount of bad and good steps that have been made. */
/* Is the enemy within one square of the agent? */
function badstep() {
    return ((Math.abs(ei - ai) < 2) && (Math.abs(ej - aj) < 2));

/* Is the agent currently blocked? */
function agentBlocked() {
    return (occupied(ai - 1, aj) && occupied(ai + 1, aj) && occupied(ai, aj + 1) && occupied(ai, aj - 1));		

/* This is called before anyone has moved on this step, when the agent has just proposed an action.
   Update the status to show the old state and proposed move. */
function updateStatusBefore(a) {
    var x =;
    AB.msg("Step: " + AB.step + " &nbsp; x = (" + x.toString() + ") &nbsp; a = (" + a + ") "); 

/* Calculate the score, once the agent and enemy have moved. */
function updateStatusAfter() {
    var y =;
    var score = (goodsteps / AB.step) * 100; 

        " &nbsp; y = (" + y.toString() + ") <br>" +
		" Bad steps: " + badsteps + 
		" &nbsp; Good steps: " + goodsteps +
		" &nbsp; Score: " + score.toFixed(2) + "% ", 2); 
} = function() {
	AB.runReady = false;  

	badsteps = 0;
	goodsteps = 0;

	if (show3d) {
	    BOXHEIGHT = squaresize;
	    ABWorld.init3d(startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR); 	
	} else {
	    BOXHEIGHT = 1;
	    ABWorld.init2d(startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR);
	document.onkeydown = keyHandler;

/* Get the current states of the agent and enemy. */ = function() {
    var x = [ai, aj, ei, ej];
    return (x);
}; = function(a) {
    /* Slow the enemy down to move every nth step. */
    if ((AB.step % 2) === 0)
    if (badstep()) badsteps++;
    else goodsteps++;

    if (agentBlocked()) {
	    AB.abortRun = true;
	    goodsteps = 0;

// ================================================================================
// Assignment-Related Modification
// ================================================================================
// Author: Kieron Drumm
// Modification: Applied a ternary operator to simplify the code below.
// ================================================================================ = function() {
        ? "<br> <font color=red> <B> Agent trapped. Final score zero. </B> </font>"
        : "<br> <font color=green> <B> Run over. </B> </font>", 3);
}; = function() {
    var s = (goodsteps / AB.maxSteps) * 100;
    var x = Math.round(s * 100);
    return (x / 100);

/* The music and sound effects. */
var backmusic = AB.backgroundMusic(MUSIC_BACK);

function musicPlay() {; }
function musicPause() { backmusic.pause(); }

function soundAlarm() {
    var alarm = new Audio(SOUND_ALARM);;