Code viewer for World: Logical Operators
 * @name Logical Operators
 * @description The logical operators for AND (&&) and OR (||) are used to
 * combine simple relational statements into more complex expressions.
 * The NOT (!) operator is used to negate a boolean statement.
let test = false;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(720, 360);

  for (let i = 5; i <= height; i += 5) {
    // Logical AND
    if (i > 35 && i < 100) {
      line(width / 4, i, width / 2, i);
      test = false;

    // Logical OR
    if (i <= 35 || i >= 100) {
      line(width / 2, i, width, i);
      test = true;

    // Testing if a boolean value is "true"
    // The expression "if(test)" is equivalent to "if(test == true)"
    if (test) {
      point(width / 3, i);

    // Testing if a boolean value is "false"
    // The expression "if(!test)" is equivalent to "if(test == false)"
    if (!test) {
      point(width / 4, i);