Code viewer for World: 6. If/Else Statements
        AB.restoreData ( function ( clicked ) { clicker(clicked); } );
        function clicker(x) {
            clicked = x;
        function tbc() {
            if (typeof clicked === 'undefined') {
                clicked = [];
        function move_on() {
   = function () { return clicked; };   
            if (typeof clicked === 'undefined' || clicked.length<1) {
                if (typeof clicked === 'undefined') {
                    clicked = [];
            else {
        function alert_box() {
            /*Creating and appending the element */
            var element = '<div id="overlay" style="opacity:0"><div id="container">';
            element += "<h1>Have you completed this lesson?</h1><p>It seems that you haven't completed all the tasks, are you sure you want to move on?</p></br></br>";
            element += "<center><button onclick='dont_continue_lesson()' >  Yes  </button>";
            element += "<button onclick='continue_lesson()'>  No  </button></center>";
            element += "</div></div>";
            document.body.innerHTML += (element);
            document.getElementById('overlay').style.display = "block";
            var fadeIn = setInterval(function () {
                if (document.getElementById('overlay').style.opacity > 0.98) clearInterval(fadeIn);
                var overlay = document.getElementById('overlay');
       = parseFloat(, 10) + 0.05;
            }, 50);
        function continue_lesson() {
            document.getElementById("overlay").outerHTML = "";
        function dont_continue_lesson() {
            AB.saveData ( clicked );
            window.location.href = '';

document.write ( `
<style id="css">

    <img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/if.png" align="left" height=23%/>
	<h1> 6. If/Else Statements </h1>


		<p>If/Else statements are one of the most important features of any programming languange. The idea is very simple - if(this is true) {do this}, else {do this}. That's all there is to it really. You can add in some else if() statements in the middle if you like, but the idea stays the same.</p>
		</br></br><center><img src="uploads/alexmurphy1996/if_elsediagram.png"></center>
		<h2>Exercise 6.1</h2>
		<p>We use if/else statements as a way to do tasks if and when certain things are true. In this task you will be making a character do different things (run/jump/hide) depending on what is coming accross the screen.</p>
		<center onclick="tbc()">` + AB.launchWorld ( "4383533311", "jump/duck/hide" ) + `</center>
		<p>For this task you will write three if statements. They will be some for of if(runner=="cars","birds","thieves") {jump(), duck(), hide()}</p>
		<p>You can figure out what action to do for each case.
		<center><button class="btn success" onclick="move_on()">Let's Loop!</button><center>

		<nav id='nav'>	</nav>

` );

    	$.getScript("/uploads/alexmurphy1996/navigation.js",  function()
        $.getScript("/uploads/alexmurphy1996/css.js",  function()