Code viewer for World: Cloned Simple World

 * Constructs an action that the ai player could make
 * @param pos [Number]: the cell position the ai would make its action in
 * made that action
var AIAction = function(pos) {

    // public : the position on the board that the action would put the letter on
    this.movePosition = pos;

    //public : the minimax value of the state that the action leads to when applied
    this.minimaxVal = 0;

     * public : applies the action to a state to get the next state
     * @param state [State]: the state to apply the action to
     * @return [State]: the next state
    this.applyTo = function(state) {
        var next = new State(state);

        //put the letter on the board
        next.board[this.movePosition] = state.turn;

        if(state.turn === "O")


        return next;

AIAction.ASCENDING = function(firstAction, secondAction) {
    if(firstAction.minimaxVal < secondAction.minimaxVal)
        return -1; //indicates that firstAction goes before secondAction
    else if(firstAction.minimaxVal > secondAction.minimaxVal)
        return 1; //indicates that secondAction goes before firstAction
        return 0; //indicates a tie

 * public static method that defines a rule for sorting AIAction in descending manner
 * @param firstAction [AIAction] : the first action in a pairwise sort
 * @param secondAction [AIAction]: the second action in a pairwise sort
 * @return [Number]: -1, 1, or 0
AIAction.DESCENDING = function(firstAction, secondAction) {
    if(firstAction.minimaxVal > secondAction.minimaxVal)
        return -1; //indicates that firstAction goes before secondAction
    else if(firstAction.minimaxVal < secondAction.minimaxVal)
        return 1; //indicates that secondAction goes before firstAction
        return 0; //indicates a tie

 * Constructs a game object to be played
 * @param autoPlayer [AIPlayer] : the AI player to be play the game with
var Game = function(autoPlayer) {

    //public : initialize the ai player for this game = autoPlayer;

    // public : initialize the game current state to empty board configuration
    this.currentState = new State();

    //"E" stands for empty board cell
    this.currentState.board = ["E", "E", "E",
                               "E", "E", "E",
                               "E", "E", "E"];

    this.currentState.turn = "X"; //X plays first

     * initialize game status to beginning
    this.status = "beginning";

     * public function that advances the game to a new state
     * @param _state [State]: the new state to advance the game to
    this.advanceTo = function(_state) {
        this.currentState = _state;
        if(_state.isTerminal()) {
            this.status = "ended";

            if(_state.result === "X-won")
                //X won
            else if(_state.result === "O-won")
                //X lost
                //it's a draw
        else {
            //the game is still running

            if(this.currentState.turn === "X") {
            else {

                //notify the AI player its turn has come up

     * starts the game
    this.start = function() {
        if(this.status = "beginning") {
            //invoke advanceTo with the intial state
            this.status = "running";

Game.score = function(_state) {
    if(_state.result !== "still running") {
        if(_state.result === "X-won"){
            // the x player won
            return 10 - _state.oMovesCount;
        else if(_state.result === "O-won") {
            //the x player lost
            return -10 + _state.oMovesCount;
        else {
            //it's a draw
            return 0;

 * private recursive function that computes the minimax value of a game state
 * @param state [State] : the state to calculate its minimax value
 * @returns [Number]: the minimax value of the state
function minimaxValue(state) {
    if(state.isTerminal()) {
        //a terminal game state is the base case
        return Game.score(state);
    else {
        var stateScore; // this stores the minimax value we'll compute

        if(state.turn === "X")
        // X maximizs --> initialize to a value smaller than any possible score
            stateScore = -1000;
        // O minimizes --> initialize to a value larger than any possible score
            stateScore = 1000;

        var availablePositions = state.emptyCells();

        //enumerate next available states using the info form available positions
        var availableNextStates = {
            var action = new AIAction(pos);

            var nextState = action.applyTo(state);

            return nextState;

        /* calculate the minimax value for all available next states
         * and evaluate the current state's value */
        availableNextStates.forEach(function(nextState) {

            var nextScore = minimaxValue(nextState); //recursive call

            if(state.turn === "X") {
                // X wants to maximize --> update stateScore iff nextScore is larger
                if(nextScore > stateScore)
                    stateScore = nextScore;
            else {
                // O wants to minimize --> update stateScore iff nextScore is smaller
                if(nextScore < stateScore)
                    stateScore = nextScore;

        //backup the minimax value
        return stateScore;

function takeAMasterMove(turn) {
    var available = game.currentState.emptyCells();

    //enumerate and calculate the score for each avaialable actions to the ai player
    var availableActions = {
        var action =  new AIAction(pos); //create the action object

        //get next state by applying the action
        var next = action.applyTo(game.currentState);

        //calculate and set the action's minmax value
        action.minimaxVal = minimaxValue(next);

        return action;

    //sort the enumerated actions list by score
    if(turn === "X")
        //X maximizes --> descend sort the actions to have the largest minimax at first
        //O minimizes --> acend sort the actions to have the smallest minimax at first

    //take the first action as it's the optimal
    var chosenAction = availableActions[0];
    var next = chosenAction.applyTo(game.currentState);

    // this just adds an X or an O at the chosen position on the board in the UI
    ui.insertAt(chosenAction.movePosition, turn);

    // take the game to the next state

var P = 40; //some probability in percent form
if(Math.random()*100 <= P) {
    // carry out the probable task with probability P
else {
   // carry out the other probable task with probability 1 - P

 * private function: make the ai player take a novice move,
 * that is: mix between choosing the optimal and suboptimal minimax decisions
 * @param turn [String]: the player to play, either X or O
function takeANoviceMove(turn) {
    var available = game.currentState.emptyCells();

    //enumerate and calculate the score for each available actions to the ai player
    var availableActions = {
        var action =  new AIAction(pos); //create the action object

        //get next state by applying the action
        var nextState = action.applyTo(game.currentState);

        //calculate and set the action's minimax value
        action.minimaxVal = minimaxValue(nextState);

        return action;

    //sort the enumerated actions list by score
    if(turn === "X")
        //X maximizes --> decend sort the actions to have the maximum minimax at first
        //O minimizes --> ascend sort the actions to have the minimum minimax at first

     * take the optimal action 40% of the time
     * take the 1st suboptimal action 60% of the time
    var chosenAction;
    if(Math.random()*100 <= 40) {
        chosenAction = availableActions[0];
    else {
        if(availableActions.length >= 2) {
            //if there is two or more available actions, choose the 1st suboptimal
            chosenAction = availableActions[1];
        else {
            //choose the only available actions
            chosenAction = availableActions[0];
    var next = chosenAction.applyTo(game.currentState);

    ui.insertAt(chosenAction.movePosition, turn);


function takeABlindMove(turn) {
    var available = game.currentState.emptyCells();
    var randomCell = available[Math.floor(Math.random() * available.length)];
    var action = new AIAction(randomCell);

    var next = action.applyTo(game.currentState);

    ui.insertAt(randomCell, turn);
