Code viewer for World: Cloned Collision World

// Cloned by Test Account  on 20 Feb 2018 from World "Collision World" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// ==== Starter World ===============================================================================================
// (c) Ancient Brain Ltd. All rights reserved.
// This code is only for use on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may be freely copied and edited by anyone on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may not be copied, re-published or used on any other website.
// To include a run of this code on another website, see the "Embed code" links provided on the Ancient Brain site.
// ==================================================================================================================

// Demo of Physijs based World

// From here, with many changes:

// These 3 have default values, so this section is optional:

AB.clockTick       = 100;    

	// Speed of run: Step every n milliseconds. Default 100.
AB.maxSteps        = 2000;    

	// Length of run: Maximum length of run in steps. Default 1000.

AB.screenshotStep  = 200;   
	// Take screenshot on this step. (All resources should have finished loading.) Default 50.


const BOXSIZE       = 5 ;

const BOXPOS        = BOXSIZE * 2 ; 	    	// range of box x,z start positions 
const BOXHEIGHT     = BOXSIZE * 10 ; 			// y start position of boxes 

const HEAVYIMPACT   = 30 ;   				 	// heavy impacts have y velocity greater than this 

const GROUNDSIZE    = BOXSIZE * 40;
const startRadius   = BOXSIZE * 15 ;
const maxRadius     = BOXSIZE * 250 ;

	const TEXTURE_FILE_0   	= '/uploads/starter/smiley.png' ;
	const TEXTURE_FILE_1   	= '/uploads/starter/ghost.3.png' ;
	const TEXTURE_GROUND 	= '/uploads/starter/rocks.jpg' ;

	const SOUND_COLLISION 	= '/uploads/starter/wooden.mp3' ;
 // credit:
const SKYCOLOR  = 0xffffcc;    

const GROUND_FRICTION 		= 0.8;

const BOX_FRICTION 			= 0.6;
const BOX_RESTITUTION 		= 0.3;

function randomfloatAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return ( A + ( Math.random() * (B-A) ) );

function randomintAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return  ( Math.round ( randomfloatAtoB ( A, B ) ) );

function World() { 

	var  box_geometry, box_texture_0, box_texture_1 ;

	var step = 0;

	var currentbox ;

function initScene()

	// --- Light ------------------------------------------------------------------

	var  light  = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xFFFFFF, 1.3 );

	light.position.set ( BOXHEIGHT, (BOXHEIGHT * 2), 0 ); threeworld.scene.position );

	light.castShadow = true;
	// how far away to draw shadows:    = -GROUNDSIZE;   =  GROUNDSIZE;  = -GROUNDSIZE;     =  GROUNDSIZE;

	light.shadow.bias = -0.0001;
    // higher quality shadows at expense of computation time
	// slower PCs can struggle if this is too high
	// World author could make it an option at run-time - high or low graphics option - or just shadows on/off
	light.shadow.mapSize.width  = 2048;
	light.shadow.mapSize.height = 2048;

	threeworld.scene.add( light );


	// --- Ground ------------------------------------------------------------------

	var  ground_material, ground;

	var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	ground_material = Physijs.createMaterial(
		new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: loader.load( TEXTURE_GROUND ) }),
		GROUND_RESTITUTION ); = THREE.RepeatWrapping; = THREE.RepeatWrapping; 3, 3 );
	ground = new Physijs.BoxMesh(
		0 );					// mass
	ground.receiveShadow = true;
	threeworld.scene.add( ground );
	// --- Box ------------------------------------------------------------------

	var loader0 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();

	box_texture_0 = loader0.load( TEXTURE_FILE_0 );
	box_texture_1 = loader1.load( TEXTURE_FILE_1 );
	box_geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE );

function createBox() 		
// creates one random box
	// think each box needs its own material 
	var box_material_0  = Physijs.createMaterial(
					new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: box_texture_0 }), 
	var box = new Physijs.BoxMesh (	box_geometry, box_material_0 );
	box.collisions = 0;
	box.castShadow = true;
	box.position.set(  randomintAtoB(-BOXPOS,BOXPOS),		BOXHEIGHT,		randomintAtoB(-BOXPOS,BOXPOS)	);
	box.rotation.set( 	Math.random() * Math.PI,	Math.random() * Math.PI,	Math.random() * Math.PI		);
	box.addEventListener( 'collision', function( other_object, relative_velocity, relative_rotation, contact_normal ) 
    // box has collided with `other_object` with an impact speed of `relative_velocity` and a rotational force of `relative_rotation` and at normal `contact_normal`
		// console.log ( relative_velocity );
		var mainImpact = relative_velocity.y;		// impact in direction of gravity 
 		// console.log ( Math.abs(mainImpact) );
 		if (  Math.abs(mainImpact) > HEAVYIMPACT )			// main impact, not lesser ones as it settles  
			var box_material_1 = Physijs.createMaterial(
					new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: box_texture_1 }),

			this.material = box_material_1;
	threeworld.scene.add( box );
	currentbox = box;
	// Create another box in random (m to n) milliseconds time:
	// Note: Put this in createBox, not nextStep - runs on independent timer.
//	setTimeout( createBox, randomintAtoB ( 2000, 4000 ) );		 
	setTimeout( createBox, randomintAtoB ( 200, 500 ) );		 


function soundCollision()
		var x = "<audio    src=" + SOUND_COLLISION + "   autoplay  > </audio>";
		$("#user_span2").html( x );

// --- public interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.endCondition = false;

this.newRun = function() 
  threeworld.init3d ( startRadius, maxRadius, SKYCOLOR  ); 

			// sets up renderer, scene, camera
 // can adjust renderer:
	threeworld.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;

 // scene is Physijs.Scene, not THREE.Scene
 // can adjust scene - change gravity from default:
//		threeworld.scene.setGravity ( new THREE.Vector3( 0, -30, 0 ));
		threeworld.scene.setGravity ( new THREE.Vector3( -300, -30, 0 ));

// multiply mouse scrolls by some factor to speed up/slow down movement:
//	  threehandler.SCROLLFACTOR 	= 0.1;

	threeworld.lookat.copy ( threeworld.scene.position );  
	threeworld.scene.simulate();		// Physics simulate - runs on independent timer to AB nextStep


this.nextStep = function()
	// nothing to do each step
	// physics simulate runs on independent timer
	// create box runs on another independent timer

	// for camera control, follow current falling box:  
	if ( currentbox )
		threeworld.follow.copy ( currentbox.position );           
	$("#user_span1").html( "Step: " + step );

this.endRun = function()
