Code viewer for World: Chess With mind no p5

// Cloned by Mathias Bazin on 27 Jul 2018 from World "Chess With mind 2 with p5 ( does not work )" by Mathias Bazin 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Cloned by Mathias Bazin on 27 Jul 2018 from World "Chess With mind" by Mathias Bazin 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Cloned by Mathias Bazin on 26 Jul 2018 from World "Chess" by Mathias Bazin 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
AB.runReady      = false;

let s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = "";                          
s.onload = function() { 
    console.log("chess loaded");
    AB.runReady = true;
};        // function to be called when JS is loaded

AB.clockTick = 100;

function World() 
    let chess;
    let scl = 40;
    let xoff = 250;
    let yoff = 300;
	this.newRun = function()
	    threeworld.init (  "white"  ); 
	    chess = new Chess();
	this.getState = function()
	    return chess.fen();
	this.takeAction = function(a)
	     if (!chess.game_over())

            if(chess.turn() == 'w')
            else //Black player makes his move
                let moves = chess.moves();
                let move = moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length)];
            $("#user_span2").html("<p>See better in console</p>");
            console.log("Game Over");
