Code viewer for World: Chat with GPT model (clone...

// Cloned by Rajesab Nadaf on 22 Nov 2023 from World "Chat with GPT model (clone by Rajesab Nadaf)" by Rajesab Nadaf 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// Cloned by Rajesab Nadaf on 22 Nov 2023 from World "Chat with GPT model" by Starter user
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Talk to OpenAI GPT model (ChatGPT) and DALL-E image generation
// Adapted from:

const openaiURL = ""; // can POST to this 3rd party URL
const dalleURL = ""; // DALL-E API URL

const gptModel = "gpt-3.5-turbo"; // the OpenAI model for ChatGPT
const dalleModel = "image-alpha-001"; // DALL-E model

// Default API key and prompt:
var apikey = "";
var theprompt = "hello";

// Default body is margin 0 and padding 0 give it more whitespace:
$('body').css("margin", "20px");
$('body').css("padding", "20px");

<h1> Chat with GPT model and DALL-E </h1>

Running World:
<a href=''>Chat with GPT model</a>.
Chat with
<A HREF="">GPT 3.5</A>
using the
<A HREF="">OpenAI    </A>  API.
This is the model
<A HREF="">ChatGPT</A>   uses.



<h3> Enter API key </h3>

The crucial thing is you need an "API key" to talk to OpenAI. <br>
Register for free and get your API key  
<a href=''>here</a>.
You enter your API key below and then chat away.
Then communications to OpenAI come from your IP address using your API key. 
This World   will never  store your API key. 
You can view the <a href=''> source code</a>  to see that is true!

<div id=enterkey>
Enter API key: 
<input    style='width:25vw;'    maxlength='2000'   NAME="apikey"    id="apikey"       VALUE='' >  
<button onclick='setkey();'  class=ab-normbutton >Set API key</button>



<div style="width:60vw; background-color:white;  border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
<h3> Enter a "prompt" </h3>
<INPUT style="width:50vw;" id=me value="when did henry vii die?" >
<button onclick="sendchat();"     class=ab-normbutton > Send </button> 

<div style="width:60vw; background-color:#ffffcc;  border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
<h3> GPT replies </h3>
<div id=them > </div>

<div style="width:60vw; background-color:#e0e0e0;  border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
<h3> DALL-E Image Generation </h3>
<button onclick="generateDalleImage();" class=ab-normbutton >Generate DALL-E Image</button>
<div id=dalleImage > </div>

<p> <i> Be warned that GPT replies are often completely inaccurate.<br> 
All LLM systems <a href=""> "hallucinate"</a>.
It is how they work. </i> </p>



function setkey() {
    apikey = jQuery("input#apikey").val();
    apikey = apikey.trim();
    $("#enterkey").html("<b> API key has been set. </b>");

// Enter will also send chat:
document.getElementById('me').onkeydown = function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) sendchat(); };

// --- Send my line of text ----------------------------------------------------------------
function sendchat() {
    theprompt = $("#me").val();

    // Construct request as JSON
    var thedata = {
        "model": gptModel,
        "temperature": 0.7,
        "messages": [{
            "role": "user",
            "content": theprompt

    // Then as string representing that JSON:
    var thedatastring = JSON.stringify(thedata);

    // HTTP headers must be set up with API key:
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey

    // POST to 3rd party URL:
        type: "POST",
        url: openaiURL,
        data: thedatastring,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (d, rc) { successfn(d, rc); },
        error: function () { errorfn(); }

// DALL-E image generation
function generateDalleImage() {
    // Construct request as JSON
    var dalleData = {
        "model": dalleModel,
        "prompt": "A surreal image with",
        "num_images": 1

    // Then as string representing that JSON:
    var dalleDataString = JSON.stringify(dalleData);

    // POST to DALL-E API
        type: "POST",
        url: dalleURL,
        data: dalleDataString,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (d, rc) { dalleSuccessFn(d, rc); },
        error: function () { dalleErrorFn(); }

// DALL-E success function
function dalleSuccessFn(data, rc) {
    var image = data["images"][0];
    $("#dalleImage").html(`<img src="${image}" alt="DALL-E Generated Image" style="max-width: 100%;">`);

// DALL-E error function
function dalleErrorFn() {
    $("#dalleImage").html("<font color=red><b> Error generating DALL-E image. </b></font>");

// Global variable to examine return data in console
var a;

function successfn(data, rc) {
    a = data;
    var answer = a["choices"][0].message.content;

// DALL-E error function
function errorfn(xhr, status, error) {
    console.error(`DALL-E Error: ${status} - ${error}`);
    $("#dalleImage").html("<font color=red><b> Error generating DALL-E image. </b></font>");