* @name Rollover
* @description Roll over the colored squares in the center of the image to change the color of the outside rectangle.
* <br><br><span class="small"><em>This example is ported from the <a href="https://processing.org/examples/rollover.html"> Rollover example</a>
* on the Processing website</em></span>
let squareX, squareY; // Position of square button
let circleX, circleY; // Position of circle button
let squareSize = 90; // Width/height of square
let circleSize = 93; // Diameter of circle
let squareColor;
let circleColor;
let baseColor;
let squareOver = false;
let circleOver = false;
function setup() {
createCanvas(710, 400);
squareColor = color(0);
circleColor = color(255);
baseColor = color(102);
circleX = width/2+circleSize/2+10;
circleY = height/2;
squareX = width/2-squareSize-10;
squareY = height/2-squareSize/2;
function draw() {
update(mouseX, mouseY);
if (squareOver) {
} else if (circleOver) {
} else {
square(squareX, squareY, squareSize);
circle(circleX, circleY, circleSize);
function update(x, y) {
if( overCircle(circleX, circleY, circleSize) ) {
circleOver = true;
squareOver = false;
} else if ( overSquare(squareX, squareY, squareSize) ) {
squareOver = true;
circleOver = false;
} else {
circleOver = squareOver = false;
function overSquare(x, y, size) {
if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+size &&
mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+size) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function overCircle(x, y, diameter) {
const disX = x - mouseX;
const disY = y - mouseY;
if(sqrt(sq(disX) + sq(disY)) < diameter/2 ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;