Code viewer for World: World_1_Prac_2
//Referenced from :

const openaiURL = "";
var themodel = "gpt-3.5-turbo"; //default model
var apikey = "";
var temperature = 0.7; // Default temperature value

$('body').css("margin", "20px");
$('body').css("padding", "20px");

    <h1> Chat with GPT model - World 1 </h1>

    Running World 1:
    <a href=''>Chat with GPT model - World 1</a>.
    Chat with
    <a href="">GPT 3.5</a>
    using the
    <a href="">OpenAI</a>  API.
    This is the model
    <a href="">ChatGPT</a> uses.


    <h3> Enter API key </h3>

    You enter your API key below and then chat away.
    Then communications to OpenAI come from your IP address using your API key. 
    API key will be stored in the local storage

    <div id=enterkey>
        Enter API key: 
        <input style='width:25vw;' maxlength='2000' NAME="apikey" id="apikey" VALUE='${apikey}'>  


    <button onclick="initializeChat();" class=ab-normbutton >Initialize Chat</button>
    <div id="them"></div>
    <h1>Please select the model and set the required temperature before navigating to world 2</h1>
    <h3> Select GPT Model </h3>
    <select id="gpt-model" style="width:50vw;">
        <option value="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106">GPT-3.5 Turbo 1106</option>
        <option value="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613">GPT-3.5 Turbo 0613</option>
        <option value="gpt-3.5-turbo">GPT-3.5 Turbo</option>
    <button onclick='setModel();' class=ab-normbutton >Set Model</button>
    <h3>You can fine tune the output according to the requirement
    <div style="width:60vw; background-color:white;  border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
        <h3> Temperature Control </h3>
        <input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" value="${temperature}" id="temperature-slider" oninput="updateTemperature(this.value)">
        <span id="temperature-value">${temperature}</span>
    <button id="goToWorld2Button" onclick="navigateToWorld2();" class="ab-normbutton" disabled style="background-color: #ddd; color: #888;">Go to World 2</button>

//Sharjil Dhanani - initializing a chat to validate the API key
function initializeChat() {
    // Set a default prompt for testing
    var initialPrompt = "Hello, how are you?";
    apikey = jQuery("input#apikey").val();
    apikey = apikey.trim();

    // mh edit
    console.log ( "apikey = " + apikey ); 
 //   localStorage.setItem("apikey", apikey);

    // Display the initial user prompt
    $("#them").append("<p><b>User:</b> " + initialPrompt + "</p>");

    // Construct the request data
    var thedata = {
        //default model and temperature will be selected
        "model": themodel,
        "temperature": temperature,
        "messages": [
                "role": "system",
                "content": "Write code in three.js using jQuery of famous monuments."
                "role": "user",
                "content": initialPrompt

    // Make the API request to get a response
        type: "POST",
        url: openaiURL,
        data: JSON.stringify(thedata),
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey
        success: function (data, rc) { displayResponse(data); },
        error: function () { errorfn(); }

//Sharjil Dhanani - display the response to the user and enables world 2 button
function displayResponse(data) {
    var response = data.choices[0].message.content;

    // Display the GPT response
    $("#them").append("<p><b>GPT:</b> " + response + "</p>");
    if (response) {
        $("#them").append("<p><i>CHAT GPT is working, you are ready to enter world 2</i></p>");
     $("#goToWorld2Button").prop("disabled", false).css("background-color", "").css("color", "");  
    } else {

        // If the response is not valid
        console.log("Invalid response. Please try again.");
function errorfn() {
    // Display an error message to the user
    $("#them").append( "<font color=red><b> 401 (Unauthorized) </b></font>" ); 

//Sharjil Dhanani - storing the model according to user's selection in local storage
function setModel(){
    themodel = jQuery("#gpt-model").val();
    localStorage.setItem("themodel", themodel);

//Sharjil Dhanani - storing the temperature according to user's selection in local storage
function updateTemperature(value) {
    temperature = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
    // sharjil Dhanani - storing the temperature in local storage to retrieve in world two
    localStorage.setItem("temperature", temperature);

//Sharjil Dhanani - User will be navigated to World 2 
function navigateToWorld2() {
    window.location.href = '';