// Cloned by Rahul K Johny on 22 Sep 2022 from World "One Cube World (P5)" by Starter user
// Please leave this clone trail here.
const objectsize = 200; // size of object
const anglechange = 0.01; // how much the rotate angle changes each step
var angle = 0; // rotate angle starts at 0
var img,img1;
// make an array of random (x,y,z) positions
const noboxes = 30; // how many boxes to have
var a = new Array(noboxes); // array of the box positions
for ( var i=0; i < noboxes; i++ ) // set up the array
a[i] = [ AB.randomIntAtoB(-500,500), AB.randomIntAtoB(-500,500), AB.randomIntAtoB(-500,500) ];
const MUSICFILE = '/uploads/starter/SuspenseStrings.mp3';
AB.backgroundMusic ( MUSICFILE );
function preload()
img = loadImage ( '/uploads/rkj43/fire_opensource.jpg' );
img1 = loadImage('/uploads/rkj43/matrix-1735640_1280.jpg')
function setup() // "setup" is called once at start of run
createCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight(), WEBGL );
function draw() // "draw" is called every timestep during run
background("darkblue"); // background color
//fill("#"+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)); // paint box with a random color
if((Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1)> 5) // just a random number generator and a check for even number to switch pictures
rotateX(angle); // set each dimension rotation angle to "angle"
//box(objectsize+(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1)); // draw a cube with a random size
for ( var i=0; i < noboxes; i++ )
translate ( a[i][0], a[i][1], a[i][2] ); // get box position i
angle = angle + anglechange ; // change angle each step to get rotate movement