Code viewer for World: Caoimhe131 Sudoku Solver

// Cloned by Caoimhe131 on 4 Feb 2019 from World "Sudoku Solver" by Cathal Conroy 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
 * Introduction *
 * Welcome to my Sudoku Solver. This world implements a recursive backtracking algorithm to solve
 * a randomized Sudoku puzzle of varying difficulty.
 * The Sudoku puzzle is NP-complete with an enormous search space. There are a total of
 * 6670903752021072936960 valid boards, and a total of 81! (or 5.797126e+120) possible board
 * combinations overall, invalid boards included. To put this into perspective, the most advanced
 * variant of the Nazi Enigma machine "only" allowed for a possible of 6.5592937e+79 combinations.
 * Some of the information above was quoted from the following research paper, which seems to be
 * recognized as the go-to sudoku mathematics paper:
 * Clearly this is not a problem which can be solved by brute-force.
 * By instead using a recursive backtracking algorithm, my solution can solve most puzzles in under
 * 100 easily computed moves, thus leaving us with a tiny time complexity. Obviously it feels much
 * slower when viewing my world because it is slowed down to a clock speed of 13Hz. In reality, the
 * solution takes on average under 16 milliseconds to complete (on my cpu). I originally had this
 * down to 5 milliseconds, but the resulting solution was far slower with an average of 1500 moves.
 * A Sudoku puzzle of maximum difficulty contains only 17 "hints" (pre-solved cells). This means
 * that even in a worst-case scenario, the algorithm only needs a maximum recursive depth of 64
 * (81 - 17). Therefore this algorithm also has a relatively small space complexity.
 * Shortcomings *
 * As my solution is recursive, it solves the entire puzzle in a single function call. This makes it
 * impossible to make use of the Mind. I understand the idea of having a World/Mind environment is
 * that on each clock cycle, the Mind is provided with a limited view of the World, allowing it to
 * calculate the next move. This is not possible in my case - all of the computational work is done
 * as soon as the World begins.
 * In an attempt to emulate how the World/Mind interaction should work each change made to the board 
 * attempting to find a solution is recorded in the moves list. Then on each clock tick, each move
 * is replayed back to the World so it can display how the algorithm worked at a human-readable
 * speed.
 * External code *
 * As explained in an email I sent to you some time ago, my World makes use of code written by
 * David J. Rager, found in the file "/uploads/conroc25/sudoku.js". This code is used to generate
 * the puzzle as it's pretty complicated stuff.
 * Solution *
 * The algorithm first finds the cell with the fewest possible values. It then fills the selected
 * cell with each valid value that it could be, then moves on the next cell. If a cell cannot be
 * found with any possible values, we have made a mistake so we need to backtrack. The solution
 * simply continues in this manner until the board is solved.

var moves = {} /* A list of arrays which stores each move taken the solve the puzzle */
var move = 0; /* The index of current move being recorded or replayed */
var time = 0; /* Time taken to solve puzzle */

const show3d            = false;

const GRID_SIZE         = 9;
const SQUARE_SIZE       = 100;
const SQUARE_HEIGHT     = 1;
const MAX_POS           = GRID_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE;
const START_RADIUS      = 1000;
const MAX_RADIUS        = MAX_POS * 3;

/* A sample of Google's "web-safe" colors */
const COLOR_AMBER       = 0xFFC107;
const COLOR_BLACK       = 0x000000;
const COLOR_BLUE        = 0x2196F3;
const COLOR_BLUE_GREY   = 0x607D8B;
const COLOR_BLUE_LIGHT  = 0x03A9F4;
const COLOR_BROWN       = 0x795548;
const COLOR_CYAN        = 0x00FFFF;
const COLOR_GREEN       = 0x4CAF50;
const COLOR_GREY        = 0x9E9E9E;
const COLOR_INDIGO      = 0x3F51B5;
const COLOR_LIME        = 0xCDDC39;
const COLOR_ORANGE      = 0xFF9800;
const COLOR_ORANGE_DEEP = 0xFF5722;
const COLOR_PINK        = 0xE91E63;
const COLOR_PURPLE      = 0x9C27B0;
const COLOR_PURPLE_DEEP = 0x673AB7;
const COLOR_RED         = 0xF44336;
const COLOR_TEAL        = 0x009688;
const COLOR_WHITE       = 0xFFFFFF;
const COLOR_YELLOW      = 0xFFEB3B;


var GRID                = new Array(GRID_SIZE); /* A matrix of meshes to store graphical objects */
var NUMBERS             = new Array(GRID_SIZE); /* A matrix of the numerical values on board */
var SOLVED              = new Array(GRID_SIZE); /* Another matrix used when calculating solution */

var CLOCKTICK           = 75;
var MAXSTEPS            = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; /* Run until board is solved */

const  SCREENSHOT_STEP = 50;    

function World() {
    var self = this;
    var score = 0;

    /* Initialize the 3 empty matrices */
    function initGrid() {
        for (var x = 0; x < GRID_SIZE; x++) {
            GRID[x] = new Array(GRID_SIZE);
            NUMBERS[x] = new Array(GRID_SIZE);
            SOLVED[x] = new Array(GRID_SIZE);

            for (var y = 0; y < GRID_SIZE; y++) {
                GRID[x][y] = null;
                NUMBERS[x][y] = 0;
                SOLVED[x][y] = 0;

     * Paints a numerical value to a coordinate on the board
     * n = value to display
     * c = color to display
    function paint(x, y, n, c) {
        /* No point re-painting the same value */
        if (NUMBERS[x][y] === n) {

        /* If we want to make square blank */
        if (n === 0 && GRID[x][y] !== null) {
            GRID[x][y] = null;
        } else if (n === 0) {

        /* Remove whatever is at x,y */
        if (GRID[x][y] !== null) {
            GRID[x][y] = null;

        var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
        loader.load(getFileName(n, c), function(thetexture) {
            thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
            var tmpX = x * SQUARE_SIZE + 10; /* +10 to compensate for border width */
            var tmpY = y * SQUARE_SIZE + 10;
            GRID[x][y] = drawSquare(tmpX, tmpY, SQUARE_SIZE - 10, COLOR_GREEN);
            GRID[x][y].material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
                map: thetexture

    /* Draw a rectangle of specified size on the scene and return the mesh */
    function drawRectangle(x, y, width, height, color) {
        var shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(width, SQUARE_HEIGHT, height);
        var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
        mesh.position.x = translate(x, width);
        mesh.position.y = 0;
        mesh.position.z = translate(y, height);

        return mesh;

    /* Draw a horizontal line on the scene and return the mesh */
    function drawHorizontalLine(y, width, color) {
        return drawRectangle(0, y, 900, width, color);

    /* Draw a vertical line on the scene and return the mesh */
    function drawVerticalLine(x, width, color) {
        return drawRectangle(x, 0, width, 900, color);

    /* Draw a square on the scene and return the mesh */
    function drawSquare(x, y, size, color) {
        return drawRectangle(x, y, size, size, color);

    /* Draw the empty board with all borders etc. */
    function draw() {
        /* Draw outer borders */
        drawSquare(-10, -10, 920, COLOR_BLACK);

        /* Draw background */
        drawSquare(0, 0, 900, COLOR_WHITE);

        /* Draw inner borders */
        for (var i = 1; i < GRID_SIZE; i++) {
            var width = (i % 3 == 0) ? 10 : 5;
            drawVerticalLine(i * SQUARE_SIZE, width, COLOR_BLACK);
            drawHorizontalLine(i * SQUARE_SIZE, width, COLOR_BLACK);


    this.newRun = function() {
        this.endCondition = false;
        updateStatus('Generating', move);

         * getScript() is a JQuery function which allows you to run JavaScript located in an
         * external file. Unfortunately, the foreign codebase only lives inside the anonymous
         * function passed to it. If you wanted to allow students to do this globally, you could
         * probably use the information found in the function's documentation, as internally it
         * seems to be a simple AJAX call:
        $.getScript('/uploads/conroc25/sudoku.js', function() {
             * The Sudoku class is stored in the sudoku.js file referred to above. This class was
             * NOT designed or even modified by myself whatsoever
            var su = new Sudoku();
            su.newGame(); /* Creates a new board */
            var matrix = su.matrix; /* Returns an array of 81 integers representing the board */

            /* Convert the array to a 9x9 matrix, and paint each value on our board */
            var i = 0;
            for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
                for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
                    if (matrix[i] != 0) {
                        paint(x, y, matrix[i], 'g');
                        NUMBERS[x][y] = matrix[i];
                        SOLVED[x][y] = matrix[i];
            var t0 =;
            solve(getSmallestCell()[0], getSmallestCell()[1]);
            var t1 =;
            time = parseFloat((t1 - t0).toFixed(5));

        if (true) {
            threeworld.init2d(START_RADIUS, MAX_RADIUS, COLOR_DEFAULT);

    this.getState = function() {
        return NUMBERS;

    this.nextStep = function() {
        /* Check if there are any more moves to display */
        if (moves[move] == null) {
            this.endCondition = true;
            updateStatus('Finished in ' + time + 'ms' + ' (actual computation time)', move);
        } else {
            /* If there are, paint the next move and continue on */
            var x = moves[move][0];
            var y = moves[move][1];
            var n = moves[move][2];
                (n === 0) ? 'Backtracking' : ('Letting (' + x + ',' + y + ') = ' + n), move);

            if (true) {
                paint(x, y, n, 'r');

            NUMBERS[x][y] = n;

    this.endRun = function() {

    this.getScore = function() {
        return score;

function debug(x) {

/* A simple function to get an image file's full path name */
function getFileName(n, type) {
    return '/uploads/conroc25/' + n + (type == 'g' ? 'g' : 'r') + '.png';

/* Returns a list of all the possible values that can be placed in a specific cell */
function getOptions(i, j) {
    var options = {}

    /* Initialize the list with keys 1-9 */
    for (var x = 1; x < 10; x++) {
        options[x] = 0;

    /* Check which values 1-9 are allowed horizontally */
    for (x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
        if (SOLVED[x][j] !== 0) {
            options[SOLVED[x][j]] = 1;

    /* Do the same vertically */
    for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
        if (SOLVED[i][y] !== 0) {
            options[SOLVED[i][y]] = 1;

     * A Sudoku board is filled with 3x3 smaller sub-grids. We need to check what values are allowed
     * within whatever grid i,j falls inside. k, l is the top-left cell of the the sub-grid i,j
     * lives inside
    var k = 0;
    var l = 0;

    /* Find x-coordinate of top-left of cell of 3x3 sub-grid */
    if (i >= 0 && i <= 2) {
        k = 0;
    } else if (i >= 3 && i <= 5) {
        k = 3;
    } else {
        k = 6;

    /* Find y-coordinate of top-left of cell of 3x3 sub-grid */
    if (j >= 0 && j <= 2) {
        l = 0;
    } else if (j >= 3  && j <= 5) {
        l = 3;
    } else {
        l = 6;

    /* Check which values i,j could be, now taking into account values in 3x3 sub-grid */
    for (x = k; x < (k + 3); x++) {
        for (y = l; y < (l + 3); y++) {
            if (SOLVED[x][y] !== 0) {
                options[SOLVED[x][y]] = 1;

    for (x = 1; x < 10; x++) {
        if (options[x] === 0) {
            options[x] = x;
        } else {
            options[x] = 0;

    return options;

 * This function begins with a matrix SOLVED which is identical to NUMBERS (initially unsolved). We
 * recursively "solve" one cell with a valid value, then jump to the next.
function solve(x, y) {
    if (isFull()) {
        move = 0;
        return true;

    var newX = getSmallestCell()[0];
    var newY = getSmallestCell()[1];

    /* If the cell value is not 0 then assume it is already a solved cell */
    if (SOLVED[x][y] !== 0) {
        return solve(newX, newY);

    /* For values 1-9, check if the value is allowed in the current cell */
    for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
        possibilities = getOptions(x, y);
        var valid = possibilities[i] === i;

        if (!valid) {

         * If it is legal, place the value in the cell. Then update the moves list so we can replay
         * how the board was solved later
        SOLVED[x][y] = i;
        moves[move] = [x, y, i];

        /* Recursively solve the next cell */
        var solved = solve(newX, newY);

        /* If solved() returns true then we have finished solving the board */
        if (solved) {
            return true;
        } else {
            /* Otherwise, the current value will not work. We need to backtrack */
            SOLVED[x][y] = 0;
            moves[move] = [x, y, 0];

    return false;

/* Checks if the board is full (solved) */
function isFull() {
    for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
        for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
            if (SOLVED[x][y] === 0) {
                return false;

    return true;

/* Find the first, unsolved cell on the board */
function getFirstCell() {
    for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
        for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
            if (SOLVED[x][y] === 0) {
                return [x, y];

/* Returns the *amount* of values a specified cell could be */
function getNumOptions(x, y) {
    var options = getOptions(x, y);
    var num = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        if (options[i] !== 0) {

    return num;

/* Find the next cell on the board with the fewest possible values */
function getSmallestCell() {
    var newX = getFirstCell()[0];
    var newY = getFirstCell()[1];
    var val = getNumOptions(newX, newY);

    for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
        for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
            if (SOLVED[x][y] !== 0) {
            if (getNumOptions(x, y) < val) {
                newX = x;
                newY = y;
                val = getNumOptions(x, y);

    return [newX, newY];

/* Find the next cell on the board */
function getNextCell(x, y) {
    if (x > 8) {
        x = 0;

    return [x, y];

/* A modified translate function with the same purpose as your original */
function translate(x, size) {
    return x + (size / 2) - (MAX_POS / 2);

/* Self explanatory */
function updateStatus(x, y) {
    var t = parseFloat((1000 / CLOCKTICK).toFixed(1));
    var s1 = "Status: " + x + "<br/ >";
    var s2 = "Moves: " + y + "<br />";
    var s3 = "Displaying at ~" + t + "Hz";
    var status = s1 + s2 + s3;