Code viewer for World: Anime Profile Picture (clo...

// Cloned by Saurav Nambiar on 3 Dec 2024 from World "Anime Profile Picture" by Ivan Shvydchenko 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// function sets API key (snippet used from Chat with GPT model)

function setkey()          
	apikey =  jQuery("input#apikey").val();
	apikey = apikey.trim();
	$("#enterkey").html ( "<b> API key has been set. </b>" );

async function generateImage() {
  const promptInput = document.getElementById('promptInput').value;
  const loadingText = document.getElementById('loadingText'); = 'block';

  // loops through loadingMessages showing the user that the page didn't freeze and that the generation is in progress
  const loadingMessages = ['Generating image', 'Generating image.', 'Generating image..', 'Generating image...'];
  let messageIndex = 0;

  const updateLoadingText = () => {
    loadingText.innerText = loadingMessages[messageIndex];
    messageIndex = (messageIndex + 1) % loadingMessages.length;

  // Update loading text every 500 milliseconds
  const loadingInterval = setInterval(updateLoadingText, 500);

  // RapidAPI Snippet code we used the javascript fetch option with a few changes
  const url = '';
  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-RapidAPI-Key': apikey,
      'X-RapidAPI-Host': '',
    body: JSON.stringify({
      selected_model_id: 'anything-v5',
      selected_model_bsize: '512',
      // passes users input to the POST request
      prompt: promptInput,

  try {
    const response = await fetch(url, options);
    const result = await response.json();

    // gets image and goes into displayImage function to display image else gives the Error for wrong API key or 503 error.
    if (result.imageUrl) {
    } else {
      console.error('Image URL not found in the response.');
      const errorText = document.getElementById('errorText'); = 'block';
  } catch (error) {
  } finally {
    // Stop the loading animation loop and hide loading text
    clearInterval(loadingInterval); = 'none';

// function to display Image and display downloadButton also
function displayImage(imageUrl) {
  const outputImage = document.getElementById('outputImage');
  const img = new Image();
  img.src = imageUrl;

  img.onload = function () {
    outputImage.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous content
  const downloadButton = document.getElementById('downloadButton'); = 'block';

function downloadImage() {
  const outputImage = document.getElementById('outputImage');
  const img = outputImage.querySelector('img');

  if (!img) {
    console.error('Image not found.');

  //Download functionality
  const imageUrl = img.src;

  const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
  downloadLink.href = imageUrl; = 'generated_image.png';


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<h1> Create an Anime Profile Picture! </h1><br>

<p>To use this API you need an API key from RapidAPI. <br>
Register for free and get your API key 
<a href=''>here.</a></p>
<div id=enterkey>
Enter API key: 
	<input    style='width:25vw;'    maxlength='2000'   NAME="apikey"    id="apikey"       VALUE='' >  
	<button onclick='setkey()'  class="btn btn-success" >Set API key</button>
    <label for="promptInput">Prompt:</label>
    <input type="text" id="promptInput" placeholder="Enter your description here">
    <button onclick="generateImage()" class="btn btn-success" id="generateButton">Generate Image</button>
  <div id="loadingText" style="display: none;">Generating image...</div>
  <div id="errorText" style="display: none;"> ERROR WITH GENERATION: Problem with server or API key used. Reload page and try again.</div>
  <div id="outputImage"></div>
  <div id="downloadButton" style="display: none;">
    <br><button onclick="downloadImage()" class="btn btn-success" id="generateButton">Download Image</button>
` );