<!-- Cloned by Daniel Marcu on 1 Dec 2023 from World "Chat with GPT model" by Starter user -->
<!-- Please leave this clone trail here. -->
<!-- talk to Stable Diffusion API -->
const stableDiffusionURL = "https://stablediffusionapi.com/api/v5/text2video";
const apiKeyPrompt = "Enter API key for Stable Diffusion API:";
var stableDiffusionApiKey = "";
// default body is margin 0 and padding 0
// give it more whitespace:
$('body').css("margin", "20px");
$('body').css("padding", "20px");
<h1> Calling the Stable Diffusion API </h1>
<h3> Enter API key </h3>
The crucial thing is you need an "API key" to talk to the Stable Diffusion AI API. <br>
You enter your API key below.
This World will never store your API key.
You can view the <a href='https://ancientbrain.com/viewjs.php?world=2850716357'> source code</a> to see that is true!
<div id=enterkey>
<input style='width:25vw;' maxlength='2000' NAME="apikey" id="apikey" VALUE=''>
<button onclick='setStableDiffusionKey();' class=ab-normbutton >Set API key</button>
<div style="width:60vw; background-color:white; border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
<h3> Call the Stable Diffusion API </h3>
<button onclick="sendchat();" class=ab-normbutton > Call the API </button>
<div style="width:60vw; background-color:#ffffcc; border: 1px solid black; margin:20; padding: 20px;">
<h3> API Output </h3>
<div id=them > </div>
function setStableDiffusionKey() {
stableDiffusionApiKey = jQuery("input#apikey").val();
stableDiffusionApiKey = stableDiffusionApiKey.trim();
$("#enterkey").html("<b> API key has been set. </b>");
// Enter will also send chat:
document.getElementById('me').onkeydown = function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) sendchat(); };
// --- Send my line of text ----------------------------------------------------------------
function sendchat() {
if (!stableDiffusionApiKey) {
$("#them").html("<font color=red><b> Enter API key to be able to call the API. </b></font>");
// construct request as JSON
var thedata = {
"api_key": stableDiffusionApiKey,
"text": "Hello World"
// then as a string representing that JSON:
var thedatastring = JSON.stringify(thedata);
// HTTP headers must be set up with API key:
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + stableDiffusionApiKey
// POST to 3rd party URL:
type: "POST",
url: stableDiffusionURL,
data: thedatastring,
dataType: "json",
success: function (d, rc) { successfn(d, rc); },
error: function () { errorfn(); }
// global variable to examine return data in console
var a;
function successfn(data, rc) {
a = data;
console.log(a); // MH edit
var videoUrl = a["video_url"];
if (videoUrl) {
$("#them").html(`<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="${videoUrl}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
} else {
$("#them").html("<b> API call failed. See console for return data. </b>"); // MH edit
// $("#them").html("<b>Hello World</b>");
function errorfn() {
if (stableDiffusionApiKey == "") $("#them").html("<font color=red><b> Enter API key to be able to chat. </b></font>");
else $("#them").html("<font color=red><b> Unknown error. </b></font>");