Code viewer for World: Convolution
 * @name Convolution
 * @description Applies a convolution matrix to a portion of an image. Move mouse to apply filter to different parts of the image. This example is a port of  <a href="" target="blank">Dan Shiffman's example</a> for Processing. Original comments written by Dan unless otherwise specified.
 * <p><em><span class="small"> To run this example locally, you will need an
 * image file, and a running <a href="">
 * local server</a>.</span></em></p>
let img;
let w = 80;

// It's possible to convolve the image with many different 
// matrices to produce different effects. This is a high-pass 
// filter; it accentuates the edges. 
const matrix = [ [ -1, -1, -1 ],
                 [ -1,  9, -1 ],
                 [ -1, -1, -1 ] ]; 

function preload() {
  img = loadImage('uploads/p5editor/1624214710.png');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(720, 400);

  // pixelDensity(1) for not scaling pixel density to display density
  // for more information, check the reference of pixelDensity()

function draw() {
  // We're only going to process a portion of the image
  // so let's set the whole image as the background first

  // Calculate the small rectangle we will process
  const xstart = constrain(mouseX - w/2, 0, img.width);
  const ystart = constrain(mouseY - w/2, 0, img.height);
  const xend = constrain(mouseX + w/2, 0, img.width);
  const yend = constrain(mouseY + w/2, 0, img.height);
  const matrixsize = 3;

  // Begin our loop for every pixel in the smaller image
  for (let x = xstart; x < xend; x++) {
    for (let y = ystart; y < yend; y++ ) {
      let c = convolution(x, y, matrix, matrixsize, img);
      // retrieve the RGBA values from c and update pixels()
      let loc = (x + y*img.width) * 4;
      pixels[loc] = red(c);
      pixels[loc + 1] = green(c);
      pixels[loc + 2] = blue(c);
      pixels[loc + 3] = alpha(c);

function convolution(x, y, matrix, matrixsize, img) {
  let rtotal = 0.0;
  let gtotal = 0.0;
  let btotal = 0.0;
  const offset = Math.floor(matrixsize / 2);
  for (let i = 0; i < matrixsize; i++){
    for (let j = 0; j < matrixsize; j++){
      // What pixel are we testing
      const xloc = (x + i - offset);
      const yloc = (y + j - offset);
      let loc = (xloc + img.width * yloc) * 4;

      // Make sure we haven't walked off our image, we could do better here
      loc = constrain(loc, 0 , img.pixels.length - 1);

      // Calculate the convolution
      // retrieve RGB values
      rtotal += (img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j];
      gtotal += (img.pixels[loc + 1]) * matrix[i][j];
      btotal += (img.pixels[loc + 2]) * matrix[i][j];
  // Make sure RGB is within range
  rtotal = constrain(rtotal, 0, 255);
  gtotal = constrain(gtotal, 0, 255);
  btotal = constrain(btotal, 0, 255);
  // Return the resulting color
  return color(rtotal, gtotal, btotal);