// Cloned by Rajesh Dande on 1 Nov 2020 from World "Breadth-first search (Kevin Bacon)" by "Coding Train" project
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// Port from:
// https://github.com/nature-of-code/NOC-S17-2-Intelligence-Learning/tree/master/week1-graphs/P2_six_degrees_kevin_bacon
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piBq7VD0ZSo
// Hard to visualise graph
"margin": "60",
"color": "white"
//$("#selectdiv").html(" Pick an actor: <span id='actorlist'></span> ");
$("#selectdiv").html(" <h2>Pick an actor from below drop down: </h2><span id='actorlist'></span>");
// Daniel Shiffman
// Nature of Code: Intelligence and Learning
// https://github.com/shiffman/NOC-S17-2-Intelligence-Learning
// Graph object
function Graph()
// store nodes by key and also in an array
this.graph = {};
this.nodes = [];
// Start and end
this.start = null;
this.end = null;
// Set the start
Graph.prototype.setStart = function(node)
this.start = node;
// Set the end
Graph.prototype.setEnd = function(node)
this.end = node;
// Add a node
Graph.prototype.addNode = function(label)
var n = new Node(label);
// Add to both the graph object and the nodes array
this.graph[label] = n;
return n;
// Clear all searched and parent values
Graph.prototype.clear = function()
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++)
this.nodes[i].searched = false;
this.nodes[i].parent = null;
// Daniel Shiffman
// Nature of Code: Intelligence and Learning
// https://github.com/shiffman/NOC-S17-2-Intelligence-Learning
// Node object
function Node(label)
// Has a label
this.label = label;
// zero or more edges
this.edges = [];
// No parent and not searched by default
this.parent = null;
this.searched = false;
// Connect one or more neighbors
Node.prototype.connect = function(neighbor) // one Node (movie) has a connection to another Node (person)
// This is a fancy way of having a function
// that can accept a variable number of arguments
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
this.edges.push(arguments[i]); // increase the size of the array
// Connect both ways
// Daniel Shiffman
// Nature of Code: Intelligence and Learning
// https://github.com/shiffman/NOC-S17-2-Intelligence-Learning
// The data
var data;
// The graph
var graph;
// A lookup table for actors
// (redundant, the graph could handle this)
var actors;
// Dropdown menu for actors
var actorlist;
var img;
function preload()
data = loadJSON('/uploads/codingtrain/bacon.json');
img = loadImage ('/uploads/rajeshdande9/Kevin_Bacon_at_the_2010_SAG_Awards.jpg');
function setup()
createCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight(), WEBGL );
// Create the graph
graph = new Graph();
// A separate lookup table for actors
actors = {};
// For all movies
var movies = data.movies;
for (var i = 0; i < movies.length; i++)
// Title and castlist
var movie = movies[i].title;
var cast = movies[i].cast;
// Add the movie to the graph
var movieNode = graph.addNode(movie); // Node movie
// Go through all the cast list
for (var j = 0; j < cast.length; j++)
var name = cast[j];
var actorNode;
// Does the actor exist already?
if (actors[name]) actorNode = actors[name];
// If not add a new node
actorNode = graph.addNode(name); // Node person
actors[name] = actorNode;
// Connect movie and actor
movieNode.connect(actorNode); // movie connects to person
// Create dropdown
actorlist = createSelect(); // https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/createSelect
var allactors = Object.keys(actors);
// Add all the actors
for (var i = 0; i < allactors.length; i++)
// Set up an event
function draw()
function findbacon()
// Clear everyone from having been searched
// Start and end
var start = actors[actorlist.value()];
var end = actors['Kevin Bacon'];
// Run the search!
function bfs()
// Create a queue ad path
var queue = [];
var path = [];
// Get started
while (queue.length > 0) // inside the loop we keep adding things to queue
var node = queue.shift(); // remove first item
console.log ("===========================" );
console.log ("Start of search of " + node.label);
// Are we done?
if (node == graph.end)
console.log ("Found goal node.");
// Figure out the path
var next = node.parent;
while (next)
next = next.parent;
console.log ("Checking neighbours of " + node.label);
// Check all neighbors
var next = node.edges;
// console.log ("checking " + next.length + " neighbours");
for (var i = 0; i < next.length; i++)
var neighbor = next[i];
// Any neighbor not already searched or not present in the queue, then add to the queue
// if (!neighbor.searched)
if (!neighbor.searched && !queue.includes(neighbor))
console.log ("Adding unsearched neighbour (who is not in the queue) " + neighbor.label + " to the queue");
// Update the parent
neighbor.parent = node;
// Mark node as searched
node.searched = true;
console.log ("End of search for " + node.label);
// console.log ("======" );
} // end of while loop
// now output path
console.log('Finished search for path');
// path = bacon + movie + x + movie + x ... + movie + x
var s = ' <h1>Searching link to Kevin Bacon!</h1> <h2> Path length : ' + path.length + '</h2>';
//var x=0;
var txt0 = '<b>Selected Actor: </b>';
var txt1 = '<b>Linked Actor: </b>';
var txt2 = '<b>Movie: </b>';
for (var i = path.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
// if (i == path.length-1 || i===0) {
// s = s + txt1.fontcolor("blue") + path[i].label + "<br> <br>";
if (i == path.length-1){
s = s + txt0.fontcolor("green") + path[i].label + "<br> <br>";
else if (i%2===1) {
s = s + txt1.fontcolor("blue") + path[i].label + "<br> <br>";
s = s + txt2.fontcolor("brown") + path[i].label + "<br> <br>";
//s = s + path[i].label + "<br>";
if (path.length<2){
s = s + "<b>No path found to Kevin Bacon.</b>";
s = s + "<b>Good news ! Link found !! </b>";
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"border": "3px solid white",
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