CA318 Ancient Brain Project
This project was done by:
- Aaron Crawford (20336753)
- Thomas Hazekamp (20423602)
- Audio:
- All audio was taken from https://myfreemp3.to/
- Other user AB worlds:
- https://ancientbrain.com/viewjs.php?world=6044718909
// Notes: Game doesnt start until one player has selected team 2, as this sends data to the other player saying it is their go (it is not necessary for a player to select team 1)
// Background music
const MUSICFILE = '/uploads/aaroncrawford/Sea_Shanty.mp3';
MUSICFILE.volume = 0.2; // Changing volume of music
AB.backgroundMusic( MUSICFILE ); // Adding background music to world
// Hit and miss sound effects used when using the attack board
const MissSounds = "/uploads/aaroncrawford/MissSound.mp3";
var MissSound = new Audio(MissSounds);
const HitSounds = "/uploads/aaroncrawford/HitSound.mp3";
var HitSound = new Audio(HitSounds);
// Default camera controls
ABWorld.drawCameraControls = false; // Controls for camera
AB.drawRunControls = false; // Controls for the steps and run
// Time in game (how many runs in the game)
AB.maxSteps = 10000;
AB.clockTick = 100;
// Textures and tiles
const skycolor = 'lightyellow';
const boxcolor = '/uploads/hazekat2/water.jpg' ; // Water texture for grids
const targetbox = '/uploads/aaroncrawford/target_tile.png'; // Target tile
const hitbox = '/uploads/aaroncrawford/tile2.png'; // Tile used to show affermative hit /MAYBE CHANGE VARIABLE NAME?
const missbox = '/uploads/aaroncrawford/tile3.png'; // Tile used to show missed hit
const LIGHTCOLOR = 0xffffff ;
const SKYCOLOR = 0x009933;
const red = SKYCOLOR;
const gridsize = 8; // Number of squares per grid side
const squaresize = 400; // Size of square in pixels
var positioning1 = []; // Players board
var positioning2 = []; // Attack board
const MAXPOS = gridsize * squaresize; // Length of one side in pixels
const skyboxConst = MAXPOS * 3 ;
ABHandler.GROUNDZERO = true;
const maxRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 10 ;
const startRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 0.8 ;
const startRadius = 5500; // Distance from centre we start the camera at
const maxRadius = startRadius * 500; // Maximum distance from camera we render things
var GRID1 = new Array(gridsize); // Horizontal grid (Used for boats)
var GRID2 = new Array(gridsize); // Vertical grid (Used as the attack board)
var tile_texture; // Default tile texture
var b1z, b1x;
var keep = [0, 7]; // Used to keep the attack grid co-ordinates
// Keeping score of both players
var p1score = 0;
var p2score = 0;
var alreadyHit = []; // Co-ordiantes of already hit enemy boats
var alreadyMissed = []; // Co-ordinates of already missed attack board positions
var myturn; // Know if p1 or p2 turn
// the object is a cube (each dimension equal):
AB.newSplash ( splashScreenStartMenu() ); // Shows the menu page, first thing that loads into the world
function initSkybox()
// This function was taken from https://ancientbrain.com/viewjs.php?world=6044718909
// Creates the cube around the user
var materialArray = [
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0001.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0004.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0003.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0006.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0005.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0002.bmp"), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// Used for the background cube
var skyGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( skyboxConst, skyboxConst, skyboxConst );
var skyMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ( materialArray );
var theskybox = new THREE.Mesh ( skyGeometry, skyMaterial );
threeworld.scene.add( theskybox ); // Adding the cube (so we are in the cube)
// New run of the world
AB.world.newRun = function() {
AB.socketStart(); // Starts web sockets
BOXHEIGHT = squaresize;
threeworld.init3d ( startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR );
var thelight = new THREE.DirectionalLight ( LIGHTCOLOR, 3 );
initSkybox(); // Calls function to add cube around us
initScene(); // Calls function to add scene
AB.runReady = false;
function initScene()
var color = new THREE.Color();
ABWorld.init3d ( startRadius, maxRadius, skycolor );
var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader( manager );
// Build boats
// We got the boat models from https://clara.io/view/565a3914-446c-4c26-accc-b0a3dc099a0f
loader.load( "/uploads/aaroncrawford/fishing-boat.obj", buildboat1 );
loader.load( "/uploads/aaroncrawford/fishing-boat.obj", buildboat2 );
loader.load( "/uploads/aaroncrawford/fishing-boat.obj", buildboat3 );
loader.load( "/uploads/aaroncrawford/fishing-boat.obj", buildboat4 );
// Load default boxes
var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader1.load ( boxcolor, function ( boxcolor )
boxcolor.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
tile_texture = boxcolor;
if ( asynchFinished() ) GridMaker();
// Load target boxes
var loader2 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader2.load ( targetbox, function ( targetbox )
targetbox.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
target_texture = targetbox;
if ( asynchFinished() ) TargetMaker(0, 7);
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight();
// This functions runs as a loop
AB.world.nextStep = function()
// Text displaying whos turn it is
whosTurn = '<span style="color:green"> It is your turn!</span>';
whosTurn = '<span style="color:red">It is the other players turn!</span>';
// Text showing in controls window
AB.msg (
'<h3> Please wait until the other player has selected start before choosing your team!</h3>' +
'<p>You may have to double/spam click when selcting your team</p>' +
'<button onclick=Team1(); class=ab-largenormbutton > Team1 </button> ' +
'<button onclick=Team2(); class=ab-largenormbutton > Team2 </button> <h2>' +
'<h2>You have ' + '<span style="color:green">' + p1score + ' hit(s) </span>' + ' on their boat(s)'
+ '<br>' +
'They have ' + '<span style="color:red">' + p2score + ' hit(s) </span>' + ' on your boat(s)' + '</h2>'
+ '<h3><u>' + whosTurn + '</u></h3>' +
<li>Use arrow keys to move around the attack board (when it is your go)</li>
<li>Press enter to hit the current position</li>
<li>Use mouse 1 (left click) to move the camera angle</li>
// Data to share with other player
var data = [positioning1, p1score, myturn];
// Game ends if one of the players has hit all loctions of the boats
if (p1score == 12 || p2score == 12)
{ // If you win the game will end
AB.abortRun = true;
// Used to check what key the user has pressed & used
document.onkeydown = checkKey;
function checkKey(e)
e = e || window.event;
// If its is the current players turn
if(myturn) {
// Each key will check that it is still on the board & will update the box colour to show the user exactly where they are situated with their positioning
// Will replace the current box with a normal box, & change the next box to the target box. Depending on up, down, right, left
if (e.keyCode == '38')
// up arrow
if (keep[1] < 7)
ReplaceTarget(keep[0], keep[1]);
keep = TargetMaker(keep[0], keep[1] + 1);
else if (e.keyCode == '40')
// down arrow
if (keep[1] > 0)
ReplaceTarget(keep[0], keep[1]);
keep = TargetMaker(keep[0], keep[1] - 1);
else if (e.keyCode == '37')
// left arrow
if (keep[0] > 0)
ReplaceTarget(keep[0], keep[1]);
keep = TargetMaker(keep[0] - 1, keep[1]);
else if (e.keyCode == '39')
// right arrow
if (keep[0] < 7)
ReplaceTarget(keep[0], keep[1]);
keep = TargetMaker(keep[0] + 1, keep[1]);
else if (e.keyCode == '13')
// Enter key
temp = myturn;
CheckHit(keep, positioning2); // Checks if the current entered position is a hit or not
if (!myturn)
{ // Updating data to send to other player
var data = [positioning1, p1score, temp];
if(AB.socket) // If the socket has loaded & connected
AB.socketOut(data); // Sends players boats positioning, current players score & turn
function Team1()
// Sending data to other player
var data = [positioning1, p1score, false]; // The false is being sent to palayer 2 to indicate it is not their turn
AB.socketOut(data); // Sends players boats positioning & current players score & turn
function Team2()
// Sending data to other player
var data = [positioning1, p1score, true]; // The true is being sent to player 1 to indicate it is their turn
AB.socketOut(data); // Sends players boats positioning & current players score
function CheckHit(keep, pos)
// Checks if the current box is a hit on the opponents board
testIfAlreadyHit = false;
testIfBoatHit = false;
for (let i = 0; i < alreadyHit.length; i++)
{ // For loop to check if box on board has already been fired at and was a hit
if(keep[0] == alreadyHit[i][0] && keep[1] == alreadyHit[i][1])
testIfAlreadyHit = true;
if (!testIfAlreadyHit)
// If statements to check if we have hit a boat position (hitting part of a boat)
if (keep[0] == pos[0][0])
{ // boat 1 (vertical boat)
if (keep[1] == (pos[0][1] - 1) || keep[1] == (pos[0][1] + 1) || keep[1] == (pos[0][1]))
HitConfirm(keep[0], keep[1]);
testIfBoatHit = true;
console.log("HIT boat 1");
p1score += 1;
myturn = false; // Next players turn
if (keep[0] == pos[1][0])
{ // boat 2 (vertical boat)
if (keep[1] == (pos[1][1] - 1) || keep[1] == (pos[1][1] + 1) || keep[1] == (pos[1][1]))
HitConfirm(keep[0], keep[1]);
testIfBoatHit = true;
console.log("HIT boat 2");
p1score += 1;
myturn = false;
if (keep[1] == pos[2][1])
{ // boat 3 (horizontal boat)
if (keep[0] == (pos[2][0] - 1) || keep[0] == (pos[2][0] + 1) || keep[0] == (pos[2][0]))
HitConfirm(keep[0], keep[1]);
testIfBoatHit = true;
console.log("HIT boat 3");
p1score += 1;
myturn = false;
if (keep[1] == pos[3][1])
{ // boat 3 (horizontal boat)
if (keep[0] == (pos[3][0] - 1) || keep[0] == (pos[3][0] + 1) || keep[0] == (pos[3][0]))
HitConfirm(keep[0], keep[1]);
testIfBoatHit = true;
console.log("HIT boat 4");
p1score += 1;
myturn = false;
if (!testIfBoatHit)
{ // Enters this statement if user fires and misses
MissedTarget(keep[0], keep[1]);
myturn = false;
function MissedTarget(x, y)
{ // Adding a texture to show we have missed the target
var loader4 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader4.load ( missbox, function ( missbox )
missbox.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
miss_texture = missbox;
if ( asynchFinished() )
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: miss_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) );
function ReplaceTarget(x, y)
{ // Function to replace target when user moves with arrow keys, except if they have already fired
testIfAlreadyMissed = false;
for (let i = 0; i < alreadyMissed.length; i++)
if(x == alreadyMissed[i][0] && y == alreadyMissed[i][1])
testIfAlreadyMissed = true;
testIfAlreadyHit = false;
for (let i = 0; i < alreadyHit.length; i++)
if(x == alreadyHit[i][0] && y == alreadyHit[i][1])
testIfAlreadyHit = true;
if(!testIfAlreadyHit && !testIfAlreadyMissed) // Recovering the original cube
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: tile_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
else if (testIfAlreadyHit && !testIfAlreadyMissed) // Adding hit target cube
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: hit_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
else // Adding miss target cube
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: miss_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
function TargetMaker(x, y)
{ // Created the target cube used to know what position you want to attack on the attack board
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: target_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
return [x, y];
function HitConfirm(x, y)
{ // Adding the hit confirm cube to show that postition is hit
var loader3 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
loader3.load ( hitbox, function ( hitbox )
hitbox.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
hit_texture = hitbox;
if ( asynchFinished() )
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: hit_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(x, y) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
function GridMaker()
{ // Created the two grids
// set up boats grid
for ( i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < gridsize ; j++ )
if ( ( i<=gridsize-1 ) || ( j<=gridsize-1 ) )
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: tile_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate1(i,j) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
// set up attack grid
for ( i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < gridsize ; j++ )
if ( ( i<=gridsize-1 ) || ( j<=gridsize-1 ) )
shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );
thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: tile_texture } );
thecube.position.copy ( translate2(i,j) ); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
function buildboat1( object )
{ // Building boat 1
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 100 ); // make 3d object n times bigger
object.traverse( paintBoat );
boat1 = object;
threeworld.scene.add( boat1);
positioning1.push(drawBoat1(boat1)); // Adding the position of boat to list of positions
function buildboat2( object )
{ // Building boat 2
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 100 ); // make 3d object n times bigger
object.traverse( paintBoat );
boat2 = object;
threeworld.scene.add( boat2);
positioning1.push(drawBoat2(boat2)); // Adding the position of boat to list of positions
function buildboat3( object )
{ // Building boat 3
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 100 ); // make 3d object n times bigger
object.traverse( paintBoat );
boat3 = object;
threeworld.scene.add( boat3);
positioning1.push(drawBoat3(boat3)); // Adding the position of boat to list of positions
function buildboat4( object )
{ // Building boat 4
object.scale.multiplyScalar ( 100 ); // make 3d object n times bigger
object.traverse( paintBoat );
boat4 = object;
threeworld.scene.add( boat4);
positioning1.push(drawBoat4(boat4)); // Adding the position of boat to list of positions
function paintBoat ( child )
{ // Used to add a texture to boats
if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh )
child.material.map = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/aaroncrawford/wood.jpg" );
function drawBoat1()
{ // Choosing the position of boat
b1j = getRandomPositionVerticleZ();
b1i = getRandomPositionVerticleX();
var b1x = translateBoats ( b1i * squaresize ); // left to right
var b1z = translateBoats ( b1j * squaresize ); // z looking flat away from cam
var b1y = ( 1.2 * squaresize );
boat1.position.x = b1x;
boat1.position.y = b1y;
boat1.position.z = b1z;
b1j = 5 - b1j; // Ensuring boat is spawning on board
return [b1i, b1j]; // Returning boat pos
function drawBoat2()
{// Choosing the position of boat (cannot spawn on boat 1)
b1i = getRandomPositionVerticleX();
b1j = getRandomPositionVerticleZ();
if (b1i == positioning1[0][0])
{ // Checking that position is not already taken
while (5 - b1j >= positioning1[0][1] - 2 && 5 - b1j <= positioning1[0][1] + 2)
b1j = getRandomPositionVerticleZ();
var b2x = translateBoats ( b1i * squaresize ); // left to right
var b2z = translateBoats ( b1j * squaresize ); // z looking flat away from cam
var b2y = ( 1.2 * squaresize );
boat2.position.x = b2x;
boat2.position.y = b2y;
boat2.position.z = b2z;
b1j = 5 - b1j;
return [b1i, b1j];
function drawBoat3()
{ // Choosing the position of boat (cannot spawn on boat 1 & 2)
b1j = getRandomPositionHorizontalZ();
b1i = getRandomPositionHorizontalX();
if (b1i >= positioning1[0][0] - 1 && b1i <= positioning1[0][0] + 1 || b1i >= positioning1[1][0] - 1 && b1i <= positioning1[1][0] + 1)
{ // Checking that positioning is not already taken
while(5 - b1j >= positioning1[0][1] - 1 && 5 - b1j <= positioning1[0][1] + 1 || 5- b1j >= positioning1[1][1] - 1 && 5 - b1j <= positioning1[1][1] + 1) {
b1j = getRandomPositionHorizontalZ();
var b3x = translateBoats ( b1i * squaresize ); // left to right
var b3z = translateBoats ( b1j * squaresize ); // z looking flat away from cam
var b3y = ( 1.2 * squaresize );
boat3.position.x = b3x;
boat3.position.y = b3y;
boat3.position.z = b3z;
b1j = 5 - b1j;
return [b1i, b1j];
function drawBoat4()
{ // Choosing the position of boat (cannot spawn on boat 1 & 2 & 3)
b1j = getRandomPositionHorizontalZ();
b1i = getRandomPositionHorizontalX();
if (b1i >= positioning1[0][0] - 1 && b1i <= positioning1[0][0] + 1 || b1i >= positioning1[1][0] - 1 && b1i <= positioning1[1][0] + 1 || b1i >= positioning1[2][0] - 2 && b1i <= positioning1[2][0] + 2)
{ // Checking that position is not already taken
while(5 - b1j >= positioning1[0][1] - 1 && 5 - b1j <= positioning1[0][1] + 1 || 5- b1j >= positioning1[1][1] - 1 && 5 - b1j <= positioning1[1][1] + 1 || 5 - b1j == positioning1[2][1]) {
b1j = getRandomPositionHorizontalZ();
var b4x = translateBoats ( b1i * squaresize ); // left to right
var b4z = translateBoats ( b1j * squaresize ); // z looking flat away from cam
var b4y = ( 1.2 * squaresize );
boat4.position.x = b4x;
boat4.position.y = b4y;
boat4.position.z = b4z;
b1j = 5 - b1j;
return [b1i, b1j];
function getRandomPositionVerticleZ()
{ // Get random pos on Z on vertical
min = Math.ceil(-1);
max = Math.floor(4);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function getRandomPositionVerticleX()
{ // Get random pos on X on vertical
min = Math.ceil(0);
max = Math.floor(7);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function getRandomPositionHorizontalZ()
{ // Get random pos on Z horizontal
min = Math.ceil(-2);
max = Math.floor(5);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function getRandomPositionHorizontalX()
{ // Get random pos on X horizontal
min = Math.ceil(1);
max = Math.floor(6);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function asynchFinished()
{ // Function to check if the textures have loaded
if ( tile_texture ) return true;
else return false;
function translate1 ( i, j )
{ // translate1 function will convert our i and j co-ordinates to the x & z co-ordinates needed
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
j -= 2;
v.y = 0;
v.x = ( i * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 );
v.z = ( j * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 );
return v;
function translate2 ( i, j )
{ // translate1 function will convert our i and j co-ordinates to the x & y co-ordinates needed
var v = new THREE.Vector3();
v.y = ( j * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 ) + 2000;
v.x = ( i * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 );
v.z = -4000;
return v;
function translateBoats ( x )
{ // Changes x to return the correct co-ordinate needed
return ( x - (MAXPOS/2));
AB.world.endRun = function()
{ // Occurs when we want to end the users turn
AB.newSplash ( splashScreenEndMenu() ); // Calling end screen pop
const time = 10000; // time in milliseconds when the page reload occurs
// Timer to refresh page after time ms
setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
function splashScreenStartMenu()
{ // Rules on the start screen
var description =
<li>Both players must select a team before they can begin the game</li>
<li>Players will take turns</li>
<li>First player to get 12 hits wins the game</li>
NOTE: Both players need to select start before choosing a team!<br>`;
return description;
function splashScreenEndMenu()
// End screen text for winner and loser
var end_message;
if(p1score == 12)
end_message = "<h1 style='text-align: center'>WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!</h1> <h3 style='text-align: center'>The game is over</h3>";
end_message = "<h1 style='text-align: center'>Mission Failed We'll Get'em Next Time!</h1> <h3 style='text-align: center'>The game is over</h3>";
return ( end_message );
AB.splashClick ( function ()
{ // Occurs when we click start on start pop up
AB.runReady = true;
AB.removeSplash(); // remove splash screen
AB.socketIn = function (data){
positioning2 = data[0]; // Socket functionality (p2 score)
p2score = data[1];
myturn = data[2];
// console.log(myturn + '4');
AB.socketUserlist = function ( array )
{ // Used to get number of users to check if the match is full
if (array.length > 2) {
function fullMatch()
{ // Screen for when the match is full
var text;
text = '<h1>The game is currently full, please try again later</h1>';
text = text + '<button onclick=\'refreshButton();\' class=ab-largenormbutton > Try again </button>';
return text;
function refreshButton()
{ // Used to refresh end screen page