// Cloned by anish kumar on 17 Oct 2020 from World "P5 Particle System" by Starter user
// Please leave this clone trail here.
// Starter World for P5 plain API
// This demonstrates taking an existing P5 World and porting it to Ancient Brain
// --- The P5 code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is identical to P5 example "Particle System"
// https://p5js.org/examples/simulate-particle-system.html
// except changed canvas width, height
function preload()
img = loadImage ( '/uploads/anish85/IMG_4037.jpg' );
const MUSICFILE = '/uploads/anish85/PremJoshuaremixedbyManeeshdeMoor-DarbariNYCDiamondTurbanremix.mp3';
AB.backgroundMusic ( MUSICFILE );
const anglechange = 0.01; // how much the rotate angle changes each step
var angle = 0; // rotate angle starts at 0
var system;
function setup() {
// --- This is the only change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// createCanvas(720, 400);
createCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight(), WEBGL );
// optional - help the AB system find and position the canvas - probably not needed
// var c = createCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight() );
// ABWorld.setCanvas ( c );
// --- End of the only change -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
system = new ParticleSystem(createVector(50, 50));
function draw() {
rotateX(angle); // set each dimension rotation angle to "angle"
angle = angle + anglechange ; // change angle each step to get rotate movement
translate(-150, 0, 100);
translate(100, 0, 100);
// A simple Particle class
var Particle = function(position) {
this.acceleration = createVector(0, -0.1);
this.velocity = createVector(random(-1, 1), random(0, 1));
this.position = position.copy();
this.lifespan = 300;
Particle.prototype.run = function() {
// Method to update position
Particle.prototype.update = function(){
this.lifespan -= 2;
// Method to display
Particle.prototype.display = function() {
stroke(100, this.lifespan);
fill(300, this.lifespan);
ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, 12, 12);
// Is the particle still useful?
Particle.prototype.isDead = function(){
return this.lifespan < 0;
var ParticleSystem = function(position) {
this.origin = position.copy();
this.particles = [];
ParticleSystem.prototype.addParticle = function() {
this.particles.push(new Particle(this.origin));
ParticleSystem.prototype.run = function() {
for (var i = this.particles.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var p = this.particles[i];
if (p.isDead()) {
this.particles.splice(i, 1);
// --- Optional addition: How to resize canvas on page resize -------------------------------------------------------------
// In P5 AB API this is built-in.
// In P5 plain API this is not built-in, in case it interferes with some P5 Worlds.
// If you want it, you have to add it yourself. Something like the following:
function reSize()
resizeCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight() );
if ( AB.onDesktop() ) window.addEventListener ( "resize", function() { reSize(); });
else window.addEventListener ( "orientationchange", function() { reSize(); });
// --- End of optional addition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------