Code viewer for World: New World

// Cloned by Dave on 17 Nov 2022 from World "Websockets boxes" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// ==== Starter World =================================================================================================
// This code is designed for use on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may be freely copied and edited by anyone on the Ancient Brain site.
// To include a working run of this program on another site, see the "Embed code" links provided on Ancient Brain.
// ====================================================================================================================

// Demo of Websockets functionality added to a 3D World
// Run with two or more users
// Click button to change a random box's texture on all clients running this World
// Pick a side and compete against an opponent! 

// You can annoy the other player by reloading the page!

const	 	CLOCKTICK 	= 100;					// speed of run - move things every n milliseconds
const		MAXSTEPS 	= 1500;					// length of a run before final score

 const FILE_ARRAY = [
		"/uploads/dg/1663672411.png",  // array 0 to 4 are the earths 
		"/uploads/starter/baby.1.png",  // array 5
		"/uploads/starter/ghost.3.png"  // array 6 
const gridsize = 80;
const squaresize = 100;			

const SKYCOLOR 	= 0xccffcc;				// a number, not a string 


const LIGHTCOLOR = 0xffffff

const ARMYSIZE = 50;       // an "army" of objects 

const show3d = true;

const objectsize = 500 ;

const WALKSTEP = 200;       // bounds of the random move per timestep 
                            // try 50 (vibrating sheet) versus 1000 (cloud)
const MAXPOS                = 4000 ;            // start things within these bounds                    
const startRadiusConst	 	= MAXPOS * 1.5 ;	// distance from centre to start the camera at
const maxRadiusConst 		= MAXPOS * 5 ;		// maximum distance from camera we will render things  

ABHandler.MAXCAMERAPOS 		= MAXPOS * 10 ;			// allow camera go far away 

ABWorld.drawCameraControls 	= false; 

AB.drawRunControls 			= false;

    var THEARMY 	= new Array( ARMYSIZE );	

	var textureArray = new Array ( FILE_ARRAY.length );

function randomfloatAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return ( A + ( Math.random() * (B-A) ) );

function randomintAtoB ( A, B )			 
 return  ( Math.round ( randomfloatAtoB ( A, B ) ) );
function randomBoolean()			 
 if ( Math.random() < 0.5 ) { return false; }
 else { return true; }

function loadResources()		// asynchronous file loads - call initScene() when all finished 
	for ( var i = 0; i < FILE_ARRAY.length; i++ ) 
	  startFileLoad ( i );						// launch n asynchronous file loads

function startFileLoad ( n )				// asynchronous file load of texture n 
	var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader();

	loader.load ( FILE_ARRAY[n], function ( thetexture )  	 
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		textureArray[n] = thetexture;
		if ( asynchFinished() ) initArmy();
function asynchFinished()		// all file loads returned 
	for ( var i = 0; i < FILE_ARRAY.length; i++ ) 
		if ( ! textureArray[i] ) 
			return false;
	  return true;

function initArmy()		 // called when all textures ready 
 var t = 0;
 for ( var c=1 ; c <= ARMYSIZE ; c++ )
    //    var shape = new THREE.SphereGeometry ( objectsize, 30, 30 ); 
   var shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry( objectsize, objectsize, objectsize );
  	var theobject  = new THREE.Mesh( shape );

  	theobject.position.x = AB.randomIntAtoB ( -MAXPOS, MAXPOS );   	
  	theobject.position.z = AB.randomIntAtoB ( -MAXPOS, MAXPOS );   	
  	theobject.position.y =  0;	
// 	var r = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 0, textureArray.length - 1 );    // random texture 
 	var r = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 0, 4 );    			            // random one of the earths
    theobject.material =  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: textureArray[r] } );   

	THEARMY[t] = theobject;	            	// save it for later
  // can start the run loop
  	AB.runReady = true; 
  	AB.msg ( ` <hr> <p> Multi-user game. Pick a side. Click buttons to change boxes on all users' machines. Drag the camera. <p>
  	        <button onclick='baby();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Baby </button>  
            <button onclick='skull();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Skull </button> <p> ` );						

function moveArmy()		    // move all the objects 
 for ( var i = 0; i < THEARMY.length; i++ )
   if ( THEARMY[i] )		// in case initArmy() not called yet 
        THEARMY[i].position.x =  THEARMY[i].position.x + AB.randomIntAtoB(-WALKSTEP,WALKSTEP) ;        
        THEARMY[i].position.z =  THEARMY[i].position.z + AB.randomIntAtoB(-WALKSTEP,WALKSTEP) ;
        THEARMY[i].position.y =  THEARMY[i].position.y + AB.randomIntAtoB(-WALKSTEP,WALKSTEP) ;
        ABWorld.scene.add( THEARMY[i] );
} = function() 

	AB.runReady = false;  

	ABWorld.init3d ( startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR  ); 

	loadResources();		// aynch file loads		
							// calls initArmy() when it returns 
}; = function()

function initSkybox() 


//Used the space skybox as I felt it fit well.

// --- alternative skyboxes: ------------------------------

// space skybox, credit:
// x,y,z labelled differently

   var materialArray = [
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/dg/corona_bk.png" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/starter/sky_neg_z.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/starter/sky_pos_y.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/starter/sky_neg_y.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/starter/sky_pos_x.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/starter/sky_neg_x.jpg" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
 	 var skyGeometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry ( skyboxConst, skyboxConst, skyboxConst );	
  var skyMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ( materialArray );
  var theskybox = new THREE.Mesh ( skyGeometry, skyMaterial );
  threeworld.scene.add( theskybox );						// We are inside a giant cube

//--- Socket functionality -----------------------------------------------------

// start socket


// functions called by buttons
// baby and skull are textures 5 and 6 in the array:

function baby()  {    changeBox(5);    AB.socketOut (5); }
function skull() {    changeBox(6);    AB.socketOut (6); }

function changeBox(n)   // change a random box to texture n (5 or 6) 
    var i = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 0, THEARMY.length - 1 );     // pick a random box to change 
    THEARMY[i].material =  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: textureArray[n] } );   

AB.socketIn = function(n)       // incoming data on socket, i.e. clicks of other player 
    if ( ! AB.runReady ) return;