Code viewer for World: Binary tree -for editing

// Cloned by Paul Geoghegan on 26 Oct 2020 from World "Binary tree" by "Coding Train" project 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Modified port of "01_binary_tree_viz" from AI course by Daniel Shiffman

// Daniel Shiffman
// Nature of Code: Intelligence and Learning

// canvas size 
const cw = 900;
const ch = 600;
const root_x = cw / 2;
const root_y = ch / 10;
const ellipse_size = cw / 25;

// range of numbers
const MAX = 1500;
const MIN = 200;

// how many nodes 
const NONODES = MIN *5;

// console log how we build the tree or not 
const SHOWBUILD = true;

// Binary tree
var tree;

function setup() 
 // createCanvas(cw,ch);

$.getScript ( "/uploads/paul8420/node.js", function() {
   // console.log ("Got node");
$.getScript ( "/uploads/paul8420/tree.js", function() {
      //  console.log ("Got tree");
  // New tree
  tree = new Tree();

  console.log ("=== build tree =================");
  // Add random values
  for (var i = 0; i < NONODES; i++) 
      var n = floor(random(MIN, MAX));
      // console.log ("adding node: " + n);

 // background("lightgreen");

  // Traverse the tree

  // Search the tree for random number 
  var searchstart =;
  var x = floor(random(MIN, MAX));
  AB.msg( "Number of Nodes is fixed at " +NONODES + "<br>", 1);
  AB.msg( "Random search value ranges from: " + MIN +" to " + MAX + "<br>", 2);
  AB.msg( "console log shows how we search a sorted tree quickly <br> Search tree for: " + x + "<br>",3);
  console.log ( "=== search tree for " + x  + " ===================");
  var result =;
  if (result == null)   AB.msg('Not Found'+ "<br>", 4);
  else                  AB.msg('Found'+ "<br>", 4);
  var searchstop =;  
  var searchtime = searchstop -searchstart;
  AB.msg('Time needed to search tree: '+searchtime +"miliseconds",5);
} );
} );
