Code viewer for World: Brownian Motion
 * @name Brownian Motion
 * @description Recording random movement as a continuous line.
 * Port of original example from the Processing examples page.

let num = 2000;
let range = 6;

let ax = [];
let ay = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(710, 400);
  for ( let i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
    ax[i] = width / 2;
    ay[i] = height / 2;

function draw() {

  // Shift all elements 1 place to the left
  for ( let i = 1; i < num; i++ ) {
    ax[i - 1] = ax[i];
    ay[i - 1] = ay[i];

  // Put a new value at the end of the array
  ax[num - 1] += random(-range, range);
  ay[num - 1] += random(-range, range);

  // Constrain all points to the screen
  ax[num - 1] = constrain(ax[num - 1], 0, width);
  ay[num - 1] = constrain(ay[num - 1], 0, height);

  // Draw a line connecting the points
  for ( let j = 1; j < num; j++ ) {
    let val = j / num * 204.0 + 51;
    line(ax[j - 1], ay[j - 1], ax[j], ay[j]);