Code viewer for World: Alien War 2
// Cloned by Sharmistha on 16 Nov 2021 from World "Complex World" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.
//Assignment 1 : World 2 Student No: 21263197

// ==== Starter World =================================================================================================
// This code is designed for use on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may be freely copied and edited by anyone on the Ancient Brain site.
// To include a working run of this program on another site, see the "Embed code" links provided on Ancient Brain.
// ====================================================================================================================

// =============================================================================================
// More complex starter World 
// 3d-effect Maze World (really a 2-D problem)
// Movement is on a semi-visible grid of squares 
// This more complex World shows:
// - Skybox
// - Internal maze (randomly drawn each time)
// - Enemy actively chases agent
// - Music/audio
// - 2D world (clone this and set show3d = false)
// - User keyboard control (clone this and comment out Mind actions to see)
// =============================================================================================

// =============================================================================================
// Scoring:
// Bad steps = steps where enemy is within one step of agent.
// Good steps = steps where enemy is further away. 
// Score = good steps as percentage of all steps.
// There are situations where agent is trapped and cannot move.
// If this happens, you score zero.
// =============================================================================================

// ===================================================================================================================
// === Start of tweaker's box ======================================================================================== 
// ===================================================================================================================

// The easiest things to modify are in this box.
// You should be able to change things in this box without being a JavaScript programmer.
// Go ahead and change some of these. What's the worst that could happen?
AB.clockTick = 100;

// Speed of run: Step every n milliseconds. Default 100.

AB.maxSteps = 1000;

// Length of run: Maximum length of run in steps. Default 1000.

AB.screenshotStep = 50;

// Take screenshot on this step. (All resources should have finished loading.) Default 50.

//---- global constants: -------------------------------------------------------

const show3d = true; // Switch between 3d and 2d view (both using Three.js) 

//SS - Changing the cosmetic style
const TEXTURE_WALL = '/uploads/ssawant/gwall.jpg';
const TEXTURE_MAZE = '/uploads/ssawant/p1.jpg';
const TEXTURE_AGENT = '/uploads/ssawant/alien1.jpg';
const TEXTURE_ENEMY = '/uploads/ssawant/ufo1.jpg';
const TEXTURE_BULLET = '/uploads/ssawant/BULLET.jpg'; //My code for path image

// credits:

//SS - Changed the music 
//	const MUSIC_BACK  = '/uploads/ssawant/gun.wav' ;
const SOUND_ALARM = '/uploads/ssawant/explosion.wav';

// credits:

//SS - changing grid size to 50		
const gridsize = 50; // number of squares along side of world	   

//SS - Changing density to no of squares divide by 3
const NOBOXES = Math.trunc((gridsize * gridsize) / 3);
// density of maze - number of internal boxes
// (bug) use trunc or can get a non-integer 

const squaresize = 100; // size of square in pixels

const MAXPOS = gridsize * squaresize; // length of one side in pixels 

const SKYCOLOR = 0xddffdd; // a number, not a string 

const startRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 0.8; // distance from centre to start the camera at
const maxRadiusConst = MAXPOS * 10; // maximum distance from camera we will render things  

//--- change ABWorld defaults: -------------------------------

ABHandler.MAXCAMERAPOS = maxRadiusConst;

ABHandler.GROUNDZERO = true; // "ground" exists at altitude zero

//--- skybox: -------------------------------
// skybox is a collection of 6 files 
// x,y,z positive and negative faces have to be in certain order in the array 

// mountain skybox, credit:

//SS - Uploading and using different skybox images
const SKYBOX_ARRAY = [

// space skybox, credit:
// x,y,z labelled differently

 const SKYBOX_ARRAY = [										 

// urban photographic skyboxes, credit:

 const SKYBOX_ARRAY = [										 

// ===================================================================================================================
// === End of tweaker's box ==========================================================================================
// ===================================================================================================================

// You will need to be some sort of JavaScript programmer to change things below the tweaker's box.

//--- Mind can pick one of these actions -----------------

const ACTION_LEFT = 0;
const ACTION_RIGHT = 1;
const ACTION_UP = 2;
const ACTION_DOWN = 3;

// in initial view, (smaller-larger) on i axis is aligned with (left-right)
// in initial view, (smaller-larger) on j axis is aligned with (away from you - towards you)

// contents of a grid square

const GRID_BLANK = 0;
const GRID_WALL = 1;
const GRID_MAZE = 2;

var BOXHEIGHT; // 3d or 2d box height 

var GRID = new Array(gridsize); // can query GRID about whether squares are occupied, will in fact be initialised as a 2D array   

var theagent, theenemy;

var wall_texture, agent_texture, enemy_texture, maze_texture, bullet_texture;

// enemy and agent position on squares
var ei, ej, ai, aj;

var badsteps;
var goodsteps;

var start;
var end;

// SS - adding extra variables
var starArray = [];
var openSet = [];
var closedSet = [];
var path = [];
var line;

var cols = gridsize;
var rows = gridsize;

// 2D array
var grid = new Array(cols);

const diagonal = true;

function loadResources() // asynchronous file loads - call initScene() when all finished 
    var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
    var loader2 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
    var loader3 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
    var loader4 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
    var loader5 = new THREE.TextureLoader(); //SS - for Path

    loader1.load(TEXTURE_WALL, function(thetexture) {
        thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        wall_texture = thetexture;
        if (asynchFinished()) initScene(); // if all file loads have returned 

    loader2.load(TEXTURE_AGENT, function(thetexture) {
        thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        agent_texture = thetexture;
        if (asynchFinished()) initScene();

    loader3.load(TEXTURE_ENEMY, function(thetexture) {
        thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        enemy_texture = thetexture;
        if (asynchFinished()) initScene();

    loader4.load(TEXTURE_MAZE, function(thetexture) {
        thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        maze_texture = thetexture;
        if (asynchFinished()) initScene();

    //SS - for Path
    loader5.load(TEXTURE_BULLET, function(thetexture) {
        thetexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        bullet_texture = thetexture;
        if (asynchFinished()) initScene();


function asynchFinished() // all file loads returned 
    if (wall_texture && agent_texture && enemy_texture && maze_texture && bullet_texture) return true;
    else return false;

//--- grid system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// my numbering is 0 to gridsize-1

function occupied(i, j) // is this square occupied
    if ((ei == i) && (ej == j)) return true; // variable objects 
    if ((ai == i) && (aj == j)) return true;

    if (GRID[i][j] == GRID_WALL) return true; // fixed objects	 
    if (GRID[i][j] == GRID_MAZE) return true;

    return false;

// translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
// logically, coordinates are: y=0, x and z all positive (no negative)    
// logically my dimensions are all positive 0 to MAXPOS
// to centre everything on origin, subtract (MAXPOS/2) from all dimensions 

function translate(i, j) {
    var v = new THREE.Vector3();

    v.y = 0;
    v.x = (i * squaresize) - (MAXPOS / 2);
    v.z = (j * squaresize) - (MAXPOS / 2);

    return v;

//=== heuristic ===========================
// this must be always optimistic - real time will be this or longer 
//SS code
function heuristic(a, b) {
    if (diagonal)
        return (distanceVector(a, b));
    // 2D distance
    // dist is a P5 function 
        return (abs(a.i - b.i) + abs(a.j - b.j));
    // else not diagonal, can only go across and down 
    // so this is optimistic
    // note this is not optimistic if we can do diagonal move 

//SS - to calculate distance 
function distanceVector(a, b) {
    var dx = a.i - b.i;
    var dy = a.j - b.j;
    var dist= Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

// Function to delete element from the array
function removeFromArray(arr, elt) {
    // Could use indexOf here instead to be more efficient
    for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (arr[i] == elt)
            arr.splice(i, 1);

//SS code for Spot
// An object to describe a spot in the grid
function Spot(i, j) {

    // Location
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;

    // f, g, and h values for A*
    this.f = 0;
    this.g = 0;
    this.h = 0;

    // Neighbors
    this.neighbors = [];

    // Where did I come from?
    this.previous = undefined;
    // Figure out who my neighbors are
    this.addNeighbors = function(grid) {
        var i = this.i;
        var j = this.j;

        if (i < cols - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[i + 1][j]);
        if (i > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[i - 1][j]);
        if (j < rows - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[i][j + 1]);
        if (j > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[i][j - 1]);

        if (diagonal)
        // diagonals are also neighbours:
            if (i > 0 && j > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[i - 1][j - 1]);
            if (i < cols - 1 && j > 0) this.neighbors.push(grid[i + 1][j - 1]);
            if (i > 0 && j < rows - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[i - 1][j + 1]);
            if (i < cols - 1 && j < rows - 1) this.neighbors.push(grid[i + 1][j + 1]);


} //---- End of function Spot

function initScene() // all file loads have returned 
    var i, j, shape, thecube;

    // set up GRID as 2D array

    for (i = 0; i < gridsize; i++)
        GRID[i] = new Array(gridsize);

    // set up walls

    for (i = 0; i < gridsize; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < gridsize; j++)
            if ((i == 0) || (i == gridsize - 1) || (j == 0) || (j == gridsize - 1)) {
                GRID[i][j] = GRID_WALL;
                shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);
                thecube = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
                thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
                    map: wall_texture

                thecube.position.copy(translate(i, j)); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 
        GRID[i][j] = GRID_BLANK;

    // set up maze 

    for (var c = 1; c <= NOBOXES; c++) {
        i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2); // inner squares are 1 to gridsize-2
        j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);

        GRID[i][j] = GRID_MAZE;

        shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);
        thecube = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
        thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
            map: maze_texture

        thecube.position.copy(translate(i, j)); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 

    // set up enemy 
    // start in random location

    do {
        i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
        j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
    while (occupied(i, j)); // search for empty square 

    ei = i;
    ej = j;

    shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);
    theenemy = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
    theenemy.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
        map: enemy_texture

    // set up agent 
    // start in random location

    do {
        i = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
        j = AB.randomIntAtoB(1, gridsize - 2);
    while (occupied(i, j)); // search for empty square 

    ai = i;
    aj = j;

    shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry(squaresize, BOXHEIGHT, squaresize);
    theagent = new THREE.Mesh(shape);
    theagent.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
        map: agent_texture

    // finally skybox 
    // setting up skybox is simple 
    // just pass it array of 6 URLs and it does the asych load 

    ABWorld.scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader().load(SKYBOX_ARRAY, function() {


        AB.runReady = true; // start the run loop


// --- draw moving objects -----------------------------------

function drawEnemy() // given ei, ej, draw it 
    theenemy.position.copy(translate(ei, ej)); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 

    ABWorld.lookat.copy(theenemy.position); // if camera moving, look back at where the enemy is  

function drawPath() 
    const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
	color: '#00FF00', linewidth: 1000
    var points = []
    console.log("Drawing path");
    for (var i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) 
        points.push(translate(path[i].i, path[i].j));
    const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points );

    line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material );
    //console.log("line: " +line)
    ABWorld.scene.add( line );

function drawAgent() // given ai, aj, draw it 
    theagent.position.copy(translate(ai, aj)); // translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 

    ABWorld.follow.copy(theagent.position); // follow vector = agent position (for camera following agent)

//SS code for A*
function astarsearch() {
    openSet = [];
    closedSet = [];
    path = [];
    start = grid[ei][ej];
    end = grid[ai][aj];

    var flag;
    while (true) {
        // --- begin still searching -----------------------------
        if (openSet.length > 0) {

            // Best next option
            var winner = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < openSet.length; i++)
                if (openSet[i].f < openSet[winner].f)
                    winner = i;

            var current = openSet[winner];

            // Did I finish?
            //change in condition
            if (heuristic(current, end) == 1) {
                flag = current;
                console.log("success - found path");

            // Best option moves from openSet to closedSet
            removeFromArray(openSet, current);

            // Check all the neighbors
            var neighbors = current.neighbors;
            //--- start of for loop -----------
            for (i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
                var neighbor = neighbors[i];

                // Valid next spot?
                //SS change in if condition for occupied neighbors
                if (!closedSet.includes(neighbor) && !occupied(neighbor.i, neighbor.j)) {
                    var tempG = current.g + heuristic(neighbor, current);

                    // Is this a better path than before?
                    var newPath = false;
                    if (openSet.includes(neighbor)) {
                        if (tempG < neighbor.g) {
                            neighbor.g = tempG;
                            newPath = true;
                    } else {
                        neighbor.g = tempG;
                        newPath = true;

                    // Yes, it's a better path
                    if (newPath) {
                        neighbor.h = heuristic(neighbor, end);
                        neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
                        neighbor.previous = current;
            //--- end of for loop -----------

        // --- end still searching -----------------------------
        else {
            console.log('fail - no path exists');

    } //--- End of while loop
    var temp = flag;
    while (temp.previous) {
        temp = temp.previous;

//SS code to remove path
function removePath() {
    console.log("Removing path");
    console.log("starArray " + starArray);
    for (i = 0; i < starArray.length; i++) {
        var t = starArray[i];
        const u = ABWorld.scene.getObjectByProperty("uuid", t);

// --- take actions -----------------------------------

function moveLogicalEnemy() {
    // move towards agent 
    // put some randomness in so it won't get stuck with barriers 
    //SS - calling astarsearch for its path
    if (path) 
        var x = path.length;
        var y = path[x - 2];
        if (!occupied(y.i, y.j)) {
            ei = y.i;
            ej = y.j;
        var i, j;
        if (ei < ai) i = AB.randomIntAtoB(ei, ei + 1);
        if (ei == ai) i = ei;
        if (ei > ai) i = AB.randomIntAtoB(ei - 1, ei);

        if (ej < aj) j = AB.randomIntAtoB(ej, ej + 1);
        if (ej == aj) j = ej;
        if (ej > aj) j = AB.randomIntAtoB(ej - 1, ej);

        if (!occupied(i, j)) // if no obstacle then move, else just miss a turn
            ei = i;
            ej = j;

function moveLogicalAgent(a) // this is called by the infrastructure that gets action a from the Mind 
    var i = ai;
    var j = aj;

    if (a == ACTION_LEFT) i--;
    else if (a == ACTION_RIGHT) i++;
    else if (a == ACTION_UP) j++;
    else if (a == ACTION_DOWN) j--;

    if (!occupied(i, j)) {
        ai = i;
        aj = j;

// --- key handling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is hard to see while the Mind is also moving the agent:
// AB.mind.getAction() and are constantly running in a loop at the same time 
// have to turn off Mind actions to really see user key control 

// we will handle these keys: 

var OURKEYS = [37, 38, 39, 40];

function ourKeys(event) {
    return (OURKEYS.includes(event.keyCode));

function keyHandler(event) {
    if (!AB.runReady) return true; // not ready yet 

    // if not one of our special keys, send it to default key handling:

    if (!ourKeys(event)) return true;

    // else handle key and prevent default handling:

    if (event.keyCode == 37) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_LEFT);
    if (event.keyCode == 38) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_DOWN);
    if (event.keyCode == 39) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_RIGHT);
    if (event.keyCode == 40) moveLogicalAgent(ACTION_UP);

    // when the World is embedded in an iframe in a page, we want arrow key events handled by World and not passed up to parent 

    return false;

// --- score: -----------------------------------

function badstep() // is the enemy within one square of the agent
    if ((Math.abs(ei - ai) < 2) && (Math.abs(ej - aj) < 2)) return true;
    else return false;

function agentBlocked() // agent is blocked on all sides, run over
    return (occupied(ai - 1, aj) &&
        occupied(ai + 1, aj) &&
        occupied(ai, aj + 1) &&
        occupied(ai, aj - 1));

function updateStatusBefore(a)
// this is called before anyone has moved on this step, agent has just proposed an action
// update status to show old state and proposed move 
    var x =;
    AB.msg(" Step: " + AB.step + " &nbsp; x = (" + x.toString() + ") &nbsp; a = (" + a + ") ");

function updateStatusAfter() // agent and enemy have moved, can calculate score
    // new state after both have moved

    var y =;
    var score = (goodsteps / AB.step) * 100;

    AB.msg(" &nbsp; y = (" + y.toString() + ") <br>" +
        " Bad steps: " + badsteps +
        " &nbsp; Good steps: " + goodsteps +
        " &nbsp; Score: " + score.toFixed(2) + "% ", 2);
} = function() {

    AB.runReady = false;

    badsteps = 0;
    goodsteps = 0;

    if (show3d) {
        BOXHEIGHT = squaresize;
        ABWorld.init3d(startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR);
    } else {
        BOXHEIGHT = 1;
        ABWorld.init2d(startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR);

    loadResources(); // aynch file loads		
    // calls initScene() when it returns 

    document.onkeydown = keyHandler;

}; = function() {
    var x = [ai, aj, ei, ej];
    return (x);
}; = function(a) {
    //SS code for grid, spot,neighbour
    // Making a 2D array
    for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
        grid[i] = new Array(rows);

    for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < rows; j++)
            grid[i][j] = new Spot(i, j);

    // All the neighbors
    for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < rows; j++)

    updateStatusBefore(a); // show status line before moves 


    if ((AB.step % 2) == 0) // slow the enemy down to every nth step

    if (badstep()) badsteps++;
    else goodsteps++;

    updateStatusAfter(); // show status line after moves  

    if (agentBlocked()) // if agent blocked in, run over 
        AB.abortRun = true;
        goodsteps = 0; // you score zero as far as database is concerned 			 

}; = function() {
    if (AB.abortRun) AB.msg(" <br> <font color=red> <B> Agent trapped. Final score zero. </B> </font>   ", 3);
    else AB.msg(" <br> <font color=green> <B> Run over. </B> </font>   ", 3);
}; = function() {
    // only called at end - do not use AB.step because it may have just incremented past AB.maxSteps

    var s = (goodsteps / AB.maxSteps) * 100; // float like 93.4372778 
    var x = Math.round(s * 100); // 9344
    return (x / 100); // 93.44

// --- music and sound effects ----------------------------------------
var backmusic = AB.backgroundMusic ( MUSIC_BACK );

function musicPlay()   {;  }
function musicPause()  { backmusic.pause(); }

function soundAlarm() {
    var alarm = new Audio(SOUND_ALARM);; // play once, no loop 