Code viewer for World: Snakes and Ladders (clone ...

// Cloned by Cbum on 29 Nov 2022 from World "Snakes and Ladders" by Cian sullivan 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Cloned by Cian sullivan on 26 Nov 2022 from World "Simple  World" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// ==== Starter World =================================================================================================
// This code is designed for use on the Ancient Brain site.
// This code may be freely copied and edited by anyone on the Ancient Brain site.
// To include a working run of this program on another site, see the "Embed code" links provided on Ancient Brain.
// ====================================================================================================================

// ==========================================================================
// Simple starter World 
// 3d-effect World (really a 2-D problem)
// Hero = agent = pacman. 
// Enemy moves randomly.
// Movement is on an invisible grid of squares 
// This simple World shows:
// - Texture load from files (asynchronous file reads)
// - Write status to <span> in run window
// It also shows functionality that is built-in to every World:
// - Camera control buttons  
// - Pause/step run
// ==========================================================================

// =============================================================================================
// Scoring:
// Bad steps = steps where enemy is within one step of agent.
// Good steps = steps where enemy is further away. 
// Score = good steps.
// =============================================================================================

// ===================================================================================================================
// === Start of tweaker's box ======================================================================================== 
// ===================================================================================================================

// The easiest things to modify are in this box.
// You should be able to change things in this box without being a JavaScript programmer.
// Go ahead and change some of these. What's the worst that could happen?

AB.clockTick       = 5;    

	// Speed of run: Step every n milliseconds. Default 100.
AB.maxSteps        = 1000;    

	// Length of run: Maximum length of run in steps. Default 1000.

AB.screenshotStep  = 50;   
	// Take screenshot on this step. (All resources should have finished loading.) Default 50.

//---- global constants: -------------------------------------------------------

 const TEXTURE_WALL 	= '/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_001.jpg' ;
 const TEXTURE_WALL2 	= '/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_002.jpg' ;
 const TEXTURE_AGENT 	= '/uploads/starter/pacman.jpg' ;


/* Set up array with all of our photos of the board */

var i = 1;
var arr = [];

while(i < 101){
  arr.push('/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_00' + i + '.jpg');

// while(i < 101)
// {
// 	var 'TEXTURE_WALL3' = '/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_00' + i + '.jpg'
// }

// credits:

const gridsize 		= 10;							// number of squares along side of world	   
const squaresize 	= 100;							// size of square in pixels
const SKYCOLOR 		= 0xffffcc;						// a number, not a string 

const MAXPOS 		= gridsize * squaresize;		// length of one side in pixels 

const startRadiusConst	 	= MAXPOS * 0.8 ;		// distance from centre to start the camera at
const maxRadiusConst 		= MAXPOS * 3 ;			// maximum distance from camera we will render things  

//--- change ABWorld defaults: ----------------------------------------------

ABHandler.GROUNDZERO		= true;						// "ground" exists at altitude zero

// ===================================================================================================================
// === End of tweaker's box ==========================================================================================
// ===================================================================================================================

// You will need to be some sort of JavaScript programmer to change things below the tweaker's box.

// in initial view, (smaller-larger) on i axis is aligned with (left-right)
// in initial view, (smaller-larger) on j axis is aligned with (away from you - towards you)


var GRID 	= new Array(gridsize);			// can query GRID about whether squares are occupied, will in fact be initialised as a 2D array   

var theagent;	  

//var wall_texture = [];
var wall_texture;
var agent_texture;

// enemy and agent position on squares
var ax, ay;

var badsteps;
var goodsteps;

var randomNum;
var testVar;

// var materialArray = [
// 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_005.jpg'" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_006.jpg'" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	// ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0003.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	// ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0006.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	// ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0005.bmp" ), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	// ( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("/uploads/seanhutchinson/skyrender0002.bmp"), side: THREE.BackSide } ) ),
// 	];

// 	var skyMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ( materialArray );

function loadResources()		// asynchronous file loads - call initScene() when all finished 
    var i = 0;
	var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loaderAgent = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var wall_textures;

    // for (var i = 0; i <= 20; ++i) {
    //   accounts[i] = "whatever";
    // }

	loader1.load ( arr[1], function ( thetexture )  	 
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		wall_texture = thetexture;
		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 		loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[3], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});

// 		loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[4], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[5], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[6], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[7], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[8], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[9], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[10], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[11], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[12], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[13], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[14], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[15], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[16], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 		loader2.load ( arr[17], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});

// 		loader2.load ( arr[18], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[19], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[20], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[21], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[22], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[23], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[24], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[25], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[26], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[27], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[28], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[29], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[30], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[31], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[32], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[33], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[34], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[35], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 		loader2.load ( arr[36], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[37], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[38], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[39], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[40], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[41], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[42], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[43], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[44], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
// 			loader2.load ( arr[2], function ( thetexture )  	 
// 	{
// 		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
// 		wall_texture2 = thetexture;
// 		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 
// 	});
	loaderAgent.load ( TEXTURE_AGENT, function ( thetexture )  	 
		thetexture.minFilter  = THREE.LinearFilter;
		agent_texture = thetexture;
		if ( asynchFinished() )	initScene();		 


function asynchFinished()		 
	if ( wall_texture && agent_texture )   return true;
	///if ( agent_texture )   return true; 
	else return false;

//--- grid system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// my numbering is 0 to gridsize-1

function snakeSquare ()		// is this square occupied
  var hit = 0;

  if ( (ax === 6) && (ay === 9) ) 
    hit = 1;

  if ( hit == 1 )
    AB.msg(` <hr> <p> Oh No! You rolled ` + randomNum + `, and landed on a Snake Square! <p>
    ` + `Ax is ` + ax + ` Ay is ` + ay + ` <p>
    Click roll to roll dice. <p>
  	<button onclick='roll();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Roll </button> <p>` );

    AB.msg(` <hr> <p> You rolled ` + randomNum + `! <p>` +
    `Ax is ` + ax + ` Ay is ` + ay + `<p>` +
    ` Click roll to roll dice. <p> 
  	<button onclick='roll();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Roll </button> <p>` );


// translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates
// logically, coordinates are: y=0, x and z all positive (no negative)    
// logically my dimensions are all positive 0 to MAXPOS
// to centre everything on origin, subtract (MAXPOS/2) from all dimensions 

function translate ( i, j )			
	var v = new THREE.Vector3();
	v.y = 0;	
	v.x = ( i * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 );   		 
	v.z = ( j * squaresize ) - ( MAXPOS/2 ); 

	return v;

function initScene()		// all file loads have returned 
	 var i,j, shape, thecube;
	// set up GRID as 2D array
	// GRID = new Array(gridsize);
	// now make each element an array 
	 for ( i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++ ) 
		GRID[i] = new Array(gridsize);		 

	// set up board
	 for ( i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++ ) 
	  for ( j = 0; j < gridsize ; j++ ) 
			GRID[i][j] = true;		 
			shape    = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );			 
			thecube  = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
			// /uploads/ciansullivan1/image_part_00' + i + '.jpg'

			thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: wall_texture } );

			thecube.position.copy ( translate(i,j) ); 		  	// translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 
			// theCube.position.x = 1 + (1 * j);
            // theCube.position.z = -175 +(50 * i);

   // set up agent 
   // start at same place every time:
	 ax = 0;		// this square will be free 
	 ay = 9;

	 shape    = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );			 
	 theagent = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
	 theagent.material =  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: agent_texture } );

  // can start the run loop
  	AB.runReady = true;
  	  	AB.msg ( ` <hr> <p> Multi-user game. Click roll to roll dice. Drag the camera. <p>
  	        <button onclick='roll();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Roll </button> <p> ` );	

function roll()

// --- draw moving objects -----------------------------------

function drawAgent()		// given ai, aj, draw it 
    // AB.msg(' getting in ');
    // AB.msg(ax + ' ' + ay);
	theagent.position.copy ( translate(ax,ay) ); 		  	// translate my (i,j) grid coordinates to three.js (x,y,z) coordinates 

	ABWorld.follow.copy ( theagent.position );			// follow vector = agent position (for camera following agent)

// --- take actions -----------------------------------

function moveLogicalAgent()			// this is called by the infrastructure that gets action a from the Mind 
  var min = Math.ceil(0);
  var max = Math.floor(7);
  randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
  //randomNum = 6
  AB.msg ( ` <hr> <p> Multi-user game. Click roll to roll dice. Drag the camera. <p>
  	        <button onclick='roll();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Roll </button> <p> 
  	        You rolled ` + randomNum + `!` + ax + ' ' + ay);

    if (ay == 8 || ay == 6 || ay == 8 || ay == 2 || ay === 0)
        if ( (ax - randomNum) < 0)
                ay = ay - 1;
                ax = ax - randomNum;
                if (ax < 0)
                    ax = ax * -1;
                ax = ax - 1;


        ax = ax - randomNum;

        if ( (ax + randomNum) >= 10)
            ay = ay - 1;
            testVar = (10 - ax);
            ax = (randomNum - testVar);
            ax = ((10 - ax) - 1);
            ax = ax + randomNum;




// --- score: -----------------------------------

function   updateStatus()		 
 var score =;
 AB.msg ( " Step: " + AB.step + " out of " + AB.maxSteps + ". Score: " + score );
 AB.msg ( ` <hr> <p> Multi-user game. Pick a side. Click buttons to change boxes on all users' machines. Drag the camera. <p>
  	        <button onclick='baby();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Baby </button>  
            <button onclick='skull();'  class=ab-largenormbutton > Skull </button> <p> ` );	
} = function() 
	AB.runReady = false;  

	badsteps = 0;		
	goodsteps = 0;

	ABWorld.init3d ( startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR  ); 

	loadResources();		// aynch file loads		
							// calls initScene() when it returns 	 
}; = function()
	var x = [ ax, ay, ei, ej ];
	return ( x );  

// = function ( a )
// {
//   moveLogicalAgent(a);

//   if ( badstep() )  badsteps++;
//   else   			goodsteps++;

//   drawAgent();
//   updateStatus();
// }; = function()
 return goodsteps;