Code viewer for World: astar for part 2
function translateBox(e, t) {
    var n = new THREE.Vector3;
    console.log("nnnnnnnnnnnnn " + e*squaresize);
    return n.y = -50, n.x = e * squaresize - MAXPOS / 2, n.z = t * squaresize - MAXPOS / 2, n
//var t, n, o, a = [];
function showDistance(e) {
    var t, n, o, a = [];
    if (e) {
        for (let t = 0; t < e.length - 1; t++) a.push(translateBox(e[t].x, e[t].y));
        console.log("a" + a);
        t = (new THREE.BufferGeometry).setFromPoints(a), o = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
            color: 255255255
        }), n = new THREE.Line(t, o), ABWorld.scene.add(n), setTimeout(() => {
            t.dispose(), o.dispose(), ABWorld.scene.remove(n)
        }, AB.clockTick)
// check if its wall
function isWall(e) {
  return GRID[e.x][e.y] === GRID_WALL || GRID[e.x][e.y] === GRID_MAZE;

// calculate the heuristic (direct) distance between agent and enemy
function manhattan(ei, ej, ai, aj) {
  return Math.max(Math.abs(ei - ai) + Math.abs(ej - aj), 1)

function chebyshev(ei, ej, ai, aj) {
     return Math.max(Math.abs(ei - ai), Math.abs(ej - aj));

function heuristic(e, n) {
  return chebyshev(e.x, e.y, n.x, n.y)

// creates the point objects
function Point(ei, ej) {
  this.x = ei, this.y = ej, this.f = 0, this.g = 0, this.h = 0, this.previous = null;
  var t = this;
  this.toString = function() {
      return "(" + t.x + ", " + t.y + ")"

// check if agent and enemy are on same block
function pointsAreEqual(e, n) {
  return e.x == n.x && e.y == n.y

// removes the visited points
function removePointFromArray(e, n) {
  for (var t = -1, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) pointsAreEqual(e[o], n) && (t = o);
  t >= 0 && (e.splice(t, 1), console.log("Removed " + n.toString() + "from array"))

function arrayContainsPoint(e, n) {
  for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
      if (pointsAreEqual(e[t], n)) return !0;
  return !1

function getNeighborsOfPoint(e) {
  var n = new Point(e.x, e.y + 1),
      t = new Point(e.x, e.y - 1),
      o = new Point(e.x - 1, e.y),
      r = new Point(e.x + 1, e.y),
      a = [];
  return isWall(n) || a.push(n), isWall(t) || a.push(t), isWall(o) || a.push(o), isWall(r) || a.push(r), a

function getNextPosition(e, n) {
  console.log("hahaha Enemy position: ", e); 
  console.log("RUN Agent position: ", n);
  for (var t = [e], o = [], r = []; t.length > 0;) {
      for (var a = 0, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i].f < t[a].f && (a = i);
      var s = t[a];
      if (console.log("Current", s), console.log("Removing " + s.toString() + "from open."), removePointFromArray(t, s), pointsAreEqual(s, n)) {
          console.log("Shortest path found to agent found.");
          var u = s;
          for (r.push(u); u.previous;) r.unshift(u.previous), u = u.previous;
          console.log("Path", r);
      var d = getNeighborsOfPoint(s);
      console.log("Neighbors", d);
      for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
          var l = d[i];
          if (!arrayContainsPoint(o, l) && !isWall(l)) {
              var c = s.g + heuristic(l, s),
                  A = !1;
              arrayContainsPoint(t, l) ? c < l.g && (l.g = c, A = !0) : (l.g = c, A = !0, t.push(l)), A && (l.h = heuristic(l, n), l.f = l.g + l.h, l.previous = s)
      console.log("Adding current to closed.");
      console.log("o: " + o);
         console.log("r: " + r);
         console.log("r1: " + r[1]);
         console.log("r0: " + r[0]);
   console.log("r: " + r);
  return r.length > 1 ? r[1] : r[0]
  //return r;